The devil can never track us in the light; this is where he will end his miserable career. The devil is so stupid and uselessly useless, using useful people in their ignorance and some even in their deliberate ignorance, not accepting the very truth of the Word of God because they cannot literally find it written, they end up calling it another gospel, even when the revelation is there for them to access, but just couldn't access it because they are leaning on their own understanding, so end up thinking the very truth is erroneous. If you are provoked with how I am insulting the devil, check your life, because there could be the seed of the devil sprouting in you, and this must have been there in you as a potential from your beliefs that look like the ordained, but actually far from the very truth and this is what most Christian believers are suffering today, thinking they are on the track and most of these believers, think Jesus is the way to God, not even knowing that Jesus is God. There is a vast distinction between the way to and the way, therefore it is very paramount not to think Jesus is the way to God. Sometimes evil thought could be resting in our heart as an existing potential waiting for the water that flows from the world's stream (the things of this world that we see which provokes our thought to desire) ready to soften the soil of our heart which mostly exist as a fallow ground where evil grows and blossom into full fledge wickedness. You are either for God or the devil; therefore, you must choose where you belong.

Where do you belong? God or the devil because there is no neutral ground and there can never be any neutral ground.

The date 16-06-16 ushers me into the dimension of light to start calculating spiritual realities in codes. Some might think I am absurd and self-delusive when I often talk about codes or calculating spiritual realities, I wonder if they have not read Revelation 13: 18. If we are not to calculate spiritual realities, why did the Bible talked about understand the times because the days are evil? And why also did the Bible talked about "Let him who has wisdom calculate"? I just discovered that we are too swift to think we know even when we know nothing. I in I AM by election of grace can calculate the reality of the time we in and from my calculation, I have deduced that the time is evil.

Ephesians 5: 15, 16

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

15 and 16 typifies the year 2015 and 2016 and in the year 2017, God is telling us in His symbolic call code Ephesians 5: 17 that "Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. While in 2018 He is clearly saying "And do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation (not being controlled by the flesh, but the Spirit of God) but be filled with the Spirit. "Filling" here is beyond the sealing of the Holy Spirit as explained in the symbolic code Ephesians 1: 13. Sealing is an action God took at the point of the new birth; but in this case, it indicates a moment-by-moment, repeated action which is revealed in the symbolic call 1 John 3; 3 which states "And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as he is pure." You can see that the standard is not our purity, but His purity, this is the reality that could sustain us in the glory of the Father's love and that is the dimension He wants us to op