There is a new release from the tap of God and it comes from the heart of His paradise and flows from the mountain top where deliverance is sure and until you understand this reality, it will never make sense to you, no matter how much someone takes his or her time to explain to you. I just discovered that until the Lord open the eyes of your understanding to see spiritual realities, there is no way you can understand, no matter how hard someone tends to explain to you and this is what is happening to most people in our churches today. There is a new birth in the realm of the spirit and the church of God is emerging for real out of few that are chosen from the many that are called into denomination and this reality will span beyond have a particular denominational name, but with a Divine name (nature) called THE TRUE SONS OF GOD, which will defile the protocol of big titles, and lay to rest the deceptive code called men of God, because in God, we are all sons. If God Himself on a mission to this world to save mankind would have referred Himself as Son of God, then who are we? God does not want man to become god of men, but Brethren to each other. He in His infinite love sees us as His co-partner and also calls us the beloved. We must learn the act of humility from the person of God in man called Jesus Christ. Instead of allowing man to serve Him, He ended up serving mankind to teach men the true act of service, but today the reverse is the case. But time has come and now is the time, when all these deceptions from the pit of hell designed to cage man will be completely buried in the grave of the bottomless pit. When the Scripture records that "They that are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God" (Romans 8:14) it explains the date 16-06-16, that these men who are set apart to manifest now and in the future to come which began now are led by God i.e. 1 represents the life of God in humanity (Vine) in the front leading the code 6 which is the code of man, supporting maximally the stand of Romans 8: 14.

The devil has no hiding place!

Therefore, our freedom is in the knowledge of the truth. To dig deeper into the symbolic call code Daniel 11: 32 pointing to my position in the realm of the spirit which states as paraphrased "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free". So the knowledge of the truth is the key to freedom and if this is true, then our greatest task is to know who the truth is.

John 14: 6

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

John 17: 17

Sanctify them by Your truth, Your Word is truth.

We have the mandate to correct those in opposition, but this is how it should be done

2 Timothy 2: 25

In humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth

And when they know the truth, then the truth will lead them into greater truth and teach them the things of the spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3: 17) and where there is liberty, people cannot be in bondage of ignorance (John 8: 32). In this battle of faith, we need to fight a good fight a faith and that fight is to rest in the love of God by holding our peace for the Lord to fight for us. We are fighting with the Father's glory and our only weapon is the Father's love which keeps us in a state of perpetual rest, such that the only sense of struggle we have is to strive for absolute peace, never allowing us to stray out of rest even when we desire to step out, His will keeps us still focus on our course in Him.

Romans 8: 32

He who did not spare His own son, but delivered Him up for all, how shall He not with Him also freely gives us all things?

We have everything we need pertaining life and godliness in Him and He is more than enough for us, because He is all we need to have all of our needs met.