The position of my stand is the path that they said they will not walk in it and that path is called the ancient path (TAP) which connects us to the place of rest (Jeremiah 6: 16). Unbelief limits God's ability (grace) and when that happens, God backs out, and we end up struggling without result, because by strength shall no man prevail. Unbelief employs your strength and sap out your energy, instead of resting on God's grace by trusting Him in faith which without, we cannot worship Him in spirit and truth.

Unbeliever in an act of pride, because you choose not believe, even when you know the truth, you just want to stick to your opinion. Repent!

We can never access to reach God in unbelief and unbelief limits the might power of God (Matthew 13: 58). Now that you have the reality of God's Word before you, "Blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for assuredly; I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it." (Matthew 13: 11, 120. But because of our unbelief which is an act of disobedience to the Word of God, we cannot access God's blessings that makes rich and adds no sorrow to it (Proverbs 10: 22), so we end up sorrowing. Things becomes impossible for us because of unbelief (Matthew 17: 20). We want to see things before believing and that was Jesus admonishes us in my position Matthew 17: 11 and the program executed code Matthew 17: 12 which states "Jesus answered and said to them, "Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will restore all things. But I say to say that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him but did to him whatever they wished. Likewise, the Son of man is also about to suffer at their hands." Yes! Sometimes situation could affect our belief in God, since it is not by strength, nor by power, nor by might, we need to cry to God like the father of the boy who was healed ion Mark 9: 14- 29. Following carefully the account of that story, you will discover a lot of important points that will help enhance your belief in God. The world would always embarrass us when we are unbelieving believers, because we are not better than them. The world sees us as the solution to their problems, but when we become unbelieving, we become much more problems to them instead of solution. I can't imagine someone experiencing spiritual problem, and you as a believer advising that such person should be taking to the hospital, maximum error! Such believer does not know God and he or she needs to repent and be converted because the unbeliever with those predicaments is even better than the unbelieving believer. If Christ Jesus is in us and we cannot function in His dimension, the problem is UNBELIEF. If only you can believe in the Word of God, you have all of your needs supplied in Him, even as you delight yourself in Him. Sometimes, even when we belief, it is an act of humility to rest our belief in Him (Mark 9: 24).


After that, He appeared in another form to two of them as they walked and went into the country.

This happens to kill every form of unbelief, so that those who believed will be saved and those who does not believe will be condemned except they repent from their unbelief, no matter whatever big title they possess; Bishop or Arc Bishop, Pope or Arc pope, even if you are god on earth, if you don't believe, you will be condemned just like the devil who is the prince of darkness is already been condemned and will be completely doomed in the moment of complete light from the ray field of the Father's love, when evil will no longer exist.

Like Jesus, I am rebuking every form of unbelief in your heart in Jesus name (Mark 16: 14). You can never minister to the world when you are unbelief. Signs can only follow those who truly believe God; I don't mean fabricated and fake signs as a result of spiritual diabolism, when you believe in God.

Mark 16: 17- 18

And these signs will follow those who believe, in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues. They will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

We must learn the true lesson of believing God in patience, awaiting the promise like Sarah and Abraham (Romans 4: 13- 25).

CAUTION! Hebrews 3: 12- 15

Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart unbelief in departing from the living God; but exhort one another daily, while it is called "Today", lest any of you be hardened through deceitfulness of sin for we become partakers of Christ. If we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said, "Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your heart as in the rebellion."

Your unbelief cannot make the faithfulness of God without effect (Romans 3: 3) and because of unbelief, there is none who understands; none who seeks aft and because of unbelief, there is none who understands; none who seeks after God because they have become unprofitable, none who does good, no, not one (Romans 3: 11, 12).

Unbelief is an act of rebellion and you know rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft (1 Samuel 15: 23).

This implies unbelief is synonymous to an act of witchcraft, which invariably states, "If you are unbelieving, you are much more like witchcraft". You can never enter into rest in unbelief. God's promises are yea and Amen, but your belief is the determinant of the promise coming through. Let's go one more based on the Divine Call Code 16: 16, proceeding to the Book of Luke.