My life has been a course program from the cradle…!

As the eleventh born in my family of twelve, I have had a lot of encounters that almost left me hopeless. From birth till the very time of my advancement and while in school and even after school, but in all I see the finger of God pointing me into the very heart of His intent for my life.

Life is sweeter when you get to find out who you are in God and in this book, by election of grace, I will be leading you into answering some deep mysterious questions about your purpose in life and you will also get to know that some certain things that happens in your life is only a pointer directing you and leading you into the experiences that will prepare to launch you into the reality of your identity in God, to mature you in order for you to be able to take up the responsibilities of your Divine mandate as intended by God for you from eternity to time.

Time does not regulate your affair when you are in the dynamics of your Divine purpose, life does and this life is a person.

In the course of my advancement in life from the cradle, I suffered convulsion that almost ruined my life. This convulsion lasted for eleven tormenting years before God in His infinite mercy stepped in to give my life a meaning by delivering me. I will not go into discussing my experience in the course of my advancement from the cradle, because that I have done in some of my books. My deliverance came with a very crystal clear voice I heard after I had had the attack from this tormenting evil spirit. The voice spoke into my mind, "I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of sound mind" when I saw myself standing and at the same time lying down lifeless in my father's hand, with him (my father) struggling to revive me back to life. I saw my lifeless body, I couldn't just understand the reality of what I experienced that moment long time ago, not too long before my deliverance, but I could remember clearly that I recognize my lifeless body and I knew I was the one even when I was standing watching the drama that was taking place between my Dad and my body. What an experience! This experience is still a mystery to me that I have not been able to reach the depth till date. At that time, I did not know exactly what spoke to me, but I knew for sure that it entered into me and I came back alive, with a different sense of life. Years later when I had graduated from secondary school and had received the life of God from Jesus Christ, I started studying the Bible and discover, as I found out that the very word I heard that spoke to me was written in 2 Timothy 2: 7 and I realized that it was actually Jesus Christ that spoke to me and came in to become my life, because literally I died and I could see everybody crying, but my Dad (Jacob) will not give up on me, dipping his hand and spoon into my mouth to prevent my teeth from chopping off my tongue, doing everything for me to come back to alive while I was gasping for air struggling to give up the last breathe, but he would not let me go, my super hero Dad. I came back alive messing him up with feces. It was a terrible experience that can never leave my memory because my life was actually replaced, instead of death; I was given a second chance to live. This was where it all started with me in I AM and since then, the very voice that spoke to me would never stop speaking to me, even when I am sleeping I hear it speaks to me much more. People sleep, but my own kind of sleep is staying much more awake even when I am asleep. I had to deliberately discipline myself to keep writing whatever the voice in the heart of my heart (ear) speaks to me and had never stopped writing, since then. Even what you are reading right now is also a product of that voice and you will attest to the fact with the depth of knowledge that what you are reading cannot be me even as you advance into the chapters, unfolding deep thoughts reached from my experiences with God, and as I dive deeper, the reality of my mandate will be divulged and you will have a clue to my identity, coming to the realization that all is written concerning me in the Word of God. I am called to fulfill scriptures, but who would believe this, since they did not even believe Jesus Christ. Since then till now, I have been able to write over 300 gospel songs and over 40 books and I am still writing. I started writing on the title "The Mystery of True Inspiration" even when I was very inexperience considering my age then, but I could hardly believe what I wrote then now, when I am reading through my manuscripts, it can only be God. The knowledge of what have been written are actually beyond the confines of my understanding. What I have never been taught in my life, far beyond what I have been taught, even in the university was what this voice in the heart of my heart is teaching me. The only word to qualify this kind of knowledge in the content of what I am been inspired is absolutely Divine. This is the only word that can define the kind of knowledge that creeps into my mind as inspiration and the amazing aspect of it all is that, it flows freely, even without me thinking it, very free, absolutely free of engaging my thoughts. At a point in my life, I started asking myself to know where the thoughts were coming from and whatever mysterious questions I asked, instantly I will receive the answer in my mind like a flash in flash of light ticking to align with the rhythm of my heartbeats and as I lifts my eyes to look at the time, what I will see is recurring time. Answers to mysterious question reaches my mind so instant beyond the speed of light. I was actually functioning as a dual being with a voice dictating every of my actions, even when I want to drink water, eat, take my bath or go out. I was so complex to myself, and was wondering how complex I will be to people around me. I just keep asking the question, "Why am I different?" Then my spirit will never agree with the spirit that drives the celebration of Christmas and I could not understand why. Other children of my age grade and even my siblings will be well dressed, going out for Christmas, but for me, that is when I will have a good time to sleep. Then my elder sister Mary (now late) will do every thing to make me become lively to join other children, but I will not. She will dress me well and apply on my eye-lashes eye pencil, to the point that I started looking much attractive like a girl, but she could not just bring me out of myself. I love listening to music and can listen to music over and over again and that was one of the things I cannot do without. So my love for music made me start singing and creating my own kind of music. So I will gather children in the evening into the night, playing drums, very melodious drum that anyone hearing the sound, will have only an option, stop and listen and we will be singing and dancing. My childhood days were fun full during the day, but terrifically terror full during the night, because of fear of the unknown. I cannot just place where the fear was coming from, so nothing will separate me from my father, if I must have to sleep. If I am sleeping and discovered he is not close to me, that is when I will start confusing. This situation got me impressed with false images that do not exist and the consciousness of these images kept tormenting me. Images like lion trying to devour me and most at time very thick cloud of darkness coming to cover me up such that I will not be able to breathe or shake any part of my body. I saw all these for real, but all in my mind. The last convulsion that took my life and allow the very life I am right now living to enter into me, came like a thick cloud of darkness through the window when I was lying down sleeping in the parlor, it came into the parlor and all of a sudden, the condition of the parlor changed, and everywhere to me became gloomy, even as it tends toward me and covered me. I could not shake, I could not talk or move any part of my body, I was just not responding at all. My only struggle was my mind, saying move your hand or any part of your body, and you will be free. Sometimes, I will be able to do that and it will free me, but this time, it was not just easy for me. The devil fought, but he missed his target, because he was actually fighting someone who is ordained to live the life of God and fulfill His mandate and never knew that his act of killing the me is to birth the real me in I Am, so I died to me and became alive in I AM. I sincerely blessed God that I am alive today in I AM; else you wouldn't have been reading what you are reading now.

When I was 7, I could do vehemently any art work no matter how sophisticated it appears provided I could think it, especially painting of portraits. I could remember some remarkable painting I did, of which among them was my grand mum and dad's portrait. My uncle Bongos Ikwue had to carry it, because it was unimaginably beautiful for a child of my age to do such painting. This period was my period of creativity, doing things to express my emotions and feelings since, words could not do that for me and people would not or could hardly understand me, so through my paintings and work of art, people started understanding the content of my heart because they would always come around to watch and while watching, they will be talking to me and I will be responding from the depth of inspiration that is the foundation of my emotions and feelings, but I just have to grow beyond my emotions and feelings into the heart of decision and choice, because with my emotions and feelings, I always end up been hurt when people tend to misunderstand or misinterprets me and this made me very hot tempered and few in words.

Right from time, I know that my heart is full of endless beauty and the world seem to appear contrary of what is in my mind and I was wondering why and any attempt to do what is in my mind makes me very odd amongst people. I don't mean, a way that seems right, when I'm talking about doing what is in mind, I mean, the impulse of God's thought now my drive. I am glad today, I did not compromise my identity even from childhood, you cannot just impose yourself on me, I will out rightly resist you, but if what you are imposing aligns with the reality in my mind even as it seem as if I am been programmed with what I should blend with and what I should not blend with. I got to discover my nature tends to resist what is against good and accept what is good. Even when I was growing, I hate people's right been trampled upon and I can take up someone's fight provided the person is been unduly maltreated. Then I would also ask this question, "Who am I?" my quest was just to know who I am, but it was not an easy journey at all, because it took me a longer time to discover my true identity and that was when I encountered Jesus Christ, but, i was not the one that found Him, He did found me.

This book will guide you into discovering yourself in God, not in self, else you will remain an alien to yourself and it could lead to psychic disorder if you cannot handle the flood of thoughts that will be creeping into your mind. The reason why people become psychologically distorted is because they would not want to step out of themselves, so as a result will not be able to accommodate the reality that floods into their mind. Life is full of endless mysteries and these mysteries cannot just exist in the blue, it comes to perch in your heart in order to find expressions and become revealed through you. That is why people invents and discover things and become great when their inventions are been used and sought after, creating a giant market to sell what started as an insight, because they have done something which nobody has done. The bedrock of creativity is the expression of mysteries that is been revealed through you, even as you get to understand the dynamics of your heartbeats. Why am I going into all these? Because I will be revealing to you the reality of my mandate as pertains what God has called me into and what I am programmed to do to fulfill the mind of God here on earth and it could also ignite your passion to start searching to know yours if you have not already. A lot of things has happened and there are still happening in my life and these things are clear pointer to my Divine endowment that has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with me, but with Him. So through the lens of the Word of God, I discovered I have a Divine mandate to fulfill scriptures and everything about my life was predestined and written in His Word by election of grace.

Jesus planted a seed of His life in me when I was 11 and I could see a recurrence. 11th born of the family of 12 and I encountered Divinity when I was 11, got delivered from the oppressions and torment of the evil spirit of convulsion from the pit of hell when I was eleven.

Enjoy your journey to discovering your mandate in God through the revelation of my mandate!