Here in this chapter of this book, God will be talking to the faithful sons of God using my position (11=Divine) as a pointer to those who are ordained to do the Father's mind in the symbolic revelation code as Jacob talking to Joseph as pertains my mandate, He called me (sons of God) "Come, I will send you to them". Who are these them? There are people who are serving as the ordained, but have actually gone their own way and as a result bringing up unrighteous fruit, from the seed of fear they have sown, instead of seed of faith. Some have even left the faith, but acting as if they are still in faith by making the franchise of the faith a business venture. The truth is, most of our churches are business venture and if you venture resist this mindset, if you become the major target their fans will pull down and would even literally attack you. What is happening in Christendom today is as a result of selfishness. Our leaders have become so selfish to the point of marrying the kingdom agenda with the agenda of the world, such that the kingdom agenda is now giving way for the agenda of the world. The church is going worldly, while the world is going churchly. What a pathetic situation. Where have we gone wrong? In the place of the first love, which we must return back to.........

To whom is the Lord sending me (sons of God)? I in I AM is sent to the ministers of the gospel in the field of this world which is more like a wild wilderness with their flocks. And my response to my Father whose call came from the ray field of His love in the dimension of His glory of eternal light with a call, "Divine, where are you?" and I answered my call even from the cradle without an excuse with the mind to stand from my family 2003, "" HERE I AM" and my response now revealed His position as the way, whereby W typifies the woman which implies I in I AM is in the woman who typifies the symbolic church with clear evidence that I am in the church, not in the world. A typifies amid, which explains in the heart R where R is in the spiritual eyes, lost in the light of His glory which is the knowledge of Divinity (The manifestation of the true life of Jesus Christ) in the face of humanity. This simply defined grace and truth which is the reality of our identity, the glory we saw because of His appearance (John 1: 14) to ignite my passion (E) which typifies Eternal love of God for mankind to rekindle His original intent that was distorted with an opposing thought of the devil. Y typifies the heart of the physical eye in which we used to see into the world, which is spherical in nature, pointing to the fact that the devil gets the heart of the physical eye to get into the eyes of the spirit through the love of the world. O typifies Earth, which typifies man, which is symbolic as the secular world, while U typifies Universal. So the question, "Where are you?" is simply revealing that the church have left where they were supposed to be (Revelation 2: 4, 5), but in the time we are in, the Lord is raising sons who will realize that we have gone astray and this sons will start the journey back to where we use to be (Great awakening) which begins with a call to repentance which connects us back to call to worship, which will take down deep into the heart of worship where all we are meant to do, is only but the Father's will. The remnants are rising and taking root below to bear fruit above (Isaiah 37:31) amidst the congregation of multitude who are truly called, but not chosen in the heart Divinity (God) as pertains the end time mandate of propagating the gospel, because they are not lost in the light of His glory, so they are covered by the world, but naked in God's sight, so they had to hide amongst the trees, instead of the tree. The foundation of idea is the trees, while the foundation of insight is the tree. What God is set to do in the time we are in, there is nothing the devil can do to stop it. Most of our ministers of the gospel end up hiding under the secret of the serpent code, intimating its reality and ended up becoming selfishly selfish and lawless, making love with the devil and causing the love of many to wax cold because their will is without the knowledge of the truth, not hinging on the perfect will of God, ended up lusting after the things of this world (2 John 2: 15- 17) which will certainly divert their attention from the mind of the Father, such that they are walking with God and God does not even know them (Matthew 7: 21- 23) because they are not walking in the perfect will of God. Men who works for God is like a laborer that has no right into God's treasure because they are heirs, which implies they cannot partake in God's inheritance. God does not just want us to walk with Him; He wants us to go beyond the relationship of been His friend to become true sons who will have access into His mind when we are truly mature and due for our inheritance in Him. Most of our ministers are working for their own belly, even when they claim walking with God. God does not just want us to walk with Him, because this concept was actually the dynamics of the formal rain, but in the time we are in, called the latter rain period, God wants us to walk in Him because Jesus has come and He lives in us, for us to exist in Him. But they would not want to walk in God because their attention is focused on the world and on the things they see and would not want to miss having them and this kind of mindset has become a global mindset and it is driving the wheel with a concept of globalization under the One World Order (OWO), piloted by the New Age Movement (NAM = MAN = 666) which is simply an IDEA hiding the identity of the Anti-Christ, but the church is ignorant of this reality, even when they tend to preach about the Anti-Christ to their flock, not knowing that the Anti-Christ has taken most of the system we operate on, from electronic platforms, to financial institutions and educational establishment, both secular and much more the religious aspect of the system. Our entire government runs on the operating system of idea which is satanic and that is why the more the fight for corruption, the more the corruptions. May we did not understand that well... read it again, "Fight for Corruption" simply means agitation for the independency of corruption. This is the reality of the change we crave for when our mind is not focused on the way. For a country to be economically sound, that country must have rightly answered the question, "Where are you?" Any country that don't know the extent of her progress, is a declining country and what the devil is doing is to hide the reality of proper record, such that the future generation, will be left without history and even if there will be any form of history, it will be falsified and embellished to suite the agenda of the Anti-Christ and the church is not just understanding this reality. The system is seriously in chaos in the heart of the spirit and the moment the signal is been sent to the mind, the world is in trouble, such that hell will be let loose on earth.

By election of grace, God has called me to make known these secrets by defiling coded thoughts to prepare the church, but it will be so pathetic that the church will even be the major resistance to this Divine truth.