EGAH: Divine Opportunity: simply interpreted as the condition of Grace or available chance to get the best, even when what you deserve is the worse, this implies it connects us to the unconditional love of God.

IGOCHE: Human fence connected to Divinity, interpreted as symbolic Divine Security for Humanity or mankind.

PATRICK: Noble, humble, gentle, prudent, caring etc.…

IKWUE: death is once (Hebrews 9: 27) and it is appointed for man to die once and after that judgment… the name "Ikwue" reveals a call (mandate) to death that was ordained to bring about true victory! To live the true life (Galatians 2: 20) and not afraid even unto death…

My spiritual profile will be coded in a letter to my Spiritual mum (Revelation 12: 1-12) and it is going to carry symbolic codes explaining, my progress thus far in the journey of fulfilling God's purpose even as written in His Word before the foundation of time. This letter is going to be written in red, because that is where my life is, brimming from the dimension of glorious light, in the Ray Field of my Father's Love.

Code 1 (Divine Origin: VINE)

Dear Mum,

I write in red to give you a clear pointer from where my life brim in the very heart of eternal light where the life of God is reflected as Divine to journey from eternity to time to birth Divine who will function fully in the capacity of Divinity as Divine the three eyes witness in the symbol of a vow (vessel of worship) who will stand as a two lamp stand in the temple of God to illuminate the church who will be fed in the wilderness for 1260 days at the fullness of the time when the mystery of God will be finished as spoken of by the prophet (Revelation 10: 7). I write to you with the consciousness of my identity in I AM. I don't exist in me, I only exist in I AM. I write to you, so that you will from the strength of the character of your true person truly know who your son is since you did not literally give birth to him. Yes you gave birth to me (symbolic), and could not feed me to grow in your custody, because he came after you to snatch me (separation as a result of trying time), but HE caught me up to Himself and nurtured me (teach me by experience and Divine revelation insights) and without a Father (mentor) even when I desired and tried all things possible to submit to be mentored, but they wouldn't ever want to accept me, but He kept me waiting for the fullness of the time to manifest His glory and finish the mystery that connects the understanding of the time to finish the mystery of God even as He will enable me by His grace (Revelation 10: 7).

Mums I just want to tell you few things you may not have known about your son who did not come from your womb and did not grow up in your custody. My late biological Mum loved me so much, but could hardly understand me till she was called to glory. But for the first time in my life, I heard someone spoke to me and I literally felt a jerk that calls my attention deeper to find out why. I have come to know that anything that calls my attention deeper, is very connected to the chord of my Divine program pointing me some where to learn some particular thing to enrich me with knowledge to guide me through the adverse time which is to come, which we are already feeling the heat. Mums when you kept on talking to me, I discovered for the first time you spoke to me on this terrestrial plane, which I dwell in as an alien because of the value that drives my mindset that has to do with absolute selflessness, but for the very first instance, you understand where I am coming from, despite I chose to hide almost everything about my real person as connected to my mandate. If you can understand this, it then implies, you have a connection to where I am coming from and this I cannot really tell until I have heard from you your encounters with God, then I will be able to perfectly link it. This was the reason that made me to know that you are just but a symbolic pointer to the woman who typifies the church of the latter rain and this was why I saw you as my spiritual mums. I know that you will find it very difficult to understand and accept this Divine truth because it has nothing to do with you, but you are only but a pointer to activate my consciousness to detect the direction of the spiritual wind in the time we are in, to preparer the people's mind to understand that the days are actually very evil. It will also interest you that even the symbolic woman who gave birth to a male child in the book of Revelation, did not even recognized her son who fed her in the wilderness after she had fled for the fear of the dragon that spilled out the flood, chasing her. Wilderness is the wandering paths called the ways, it implies the church got into the broad path, but like Joseph, there is someone ordained to go feed the church, and it will still stand that the church may end up selling him out to a strange land wherein he is ordained to fulfill destiny to field nations and his entire family which includes his brethren that sold him out of envy for the sake of his dreams, even in the heart of unbearable trying time, with all things turning against Him, his focus in the unfailing love of God will never make him to lose direction.

I had a perfect relationship with my biological mum who is now late. I don't keep to myself any secrets from her, and she would always want know what is in my heart (what I am thinking), because I am ever experiencing mood swing when the atmosphere changes with the abnormal been promoted as the normal, I just cannot stand such atmosphere, so I will end up fighting in my mind. You need to know that my biological mum would always want me to do the right thing and I would absolutely obey her. She respects me so much, such that I was beginning to wonder if she was my younger sister. I was very selective when it comes to the kind of food I eat, but she would always give me what I desire because she became so used to me. I was not particularly eating onions at all, so when she cooks, she would always have to prepare mine separately without onions. But it is no longer so with me like then when I don't eat onions at all, because I had to learn to start eating onions for the sake of my ex-fiancée now without. The reason for this was because, I couldn't stand the pains and hurt to see her cry, when she cooks and I noticed onions in the portion of the food she serves me, I will end up selecting the onions from the food. This made her (ex-fiancée} feel very bad and most often time cry for my attitude of selecting onions from the food she serve me to eat. So I had to deliberately decide to start eating onions even against my will, and now I could hardly cook without onions.

Mums I am telling you some symbolic things about myself, so that you can see into the depth of my heart and know me well for real.

Code 2 (Divine Call: 2 Lamp stands)

THE REALITY OF MY CALL IN I AM (calling my attention deeper: recurring time. Knowledge of the caller reached: flash of light)

Mums since you have my heart, I feel you need to know some certain things about me and as we relate as mother and sons, the rest, you will get to find out on your own and you will also get to discover who your son truly is. Let me start on this ground (MY FAITH)!

God chose David because he was a man after His own heart not based on David's faithfulness, but because of His contriteness that will always arrest God's faithfulness when he displays his humble heart in repentance, and through his very lineage because of his the state of his heart, God released the key to His kingdoms I am in I AM enjoying today. I in I AM is the very spiritual fruit of the seed of David to summarize the work of DIVINE WISDOM. So the dimension we are in is also called the Dimension of Divine Wisdom with a shift, which made the order changed, so that what we now have is at the present which defines "Now" (John 4: 23) is called THE DIMENSION OF THE FULL MANIFESTATION OF DIVINE WISDOM, evident in the mystery of God that would be finished as explained in Revelation 10: 7 and to prove my (IN HIM) identity scripturally and present to the world afore time my biography. The world in this context is the church where my Divine mandate will be fulfilled to feed the brethren with what seem alien, but the very Divine truth as spoken of through prophesies that calls the attention of all that knowledge will increase, and even as I fulfilled this mandate, I am meant to take back report to my Father, but like Joseph, I will be sold out for the course of truth by my very brethren.

The woman is symbolically revealed as the persecuted church in our time and the church seem not to even understand the time, with most of them playing harlotry, allowing the serpent to plunder them with the subtly cunning concepts, enjoying the romance of the beast who is already lavishing her with what she desires and taking her off the ordained track into the broad way and that is why she will end up in the wilderness. If the church will not wake up, the devil will end up using her as cheap public toilet where any thing can come in and dump whatever and go.

I symbolically state that you are truly my mum to give a pointer to what the symbolic revelation of a woman is in the Word of God, but you need to catch the revelation. It will not be right for me to prove who I am to you, so what I will do is to give you a clue in codes, but it will actually blow off your mind, and you will be left alone with only one option and that option is DIVINE, to accept the reality. My sure name is EGAH which means, "The more they are been oppressed, the more they increase and wax stronger (that is the direct translation in my dialect): if you are familiar with those red soldier ants seen on queues when you are going to the farm, they are actually called soldier ants because of their organize precision of doing things orderly. So what will happen when you scatter them knowingly or unknowing while walking on the pathway to the farm, because they are usually on the pathway? The more you scatter them, the more they will come out and take over that area such that, if you are not careful while passing the direction of their path, they will enter and stick to your clothes and bite a hell out of you! This is simply a pointer to the remnant of the sons of God called, the true Soldiers of Christ (Exodus 1: 12)! The name almost went to extinction because none of the family members took up the name to bear, but my Dad alone did. The name is my ground Dad's name that lived all of his life helping people selflessly; despite most of the people he helped, ended up turning against him with conspiracies from the pit of hell that tends to become a trend amongst the family. Others were bearing Ikwue (Great Grand Dad's name), but my immediately family took up EGAH. I was...............

Code 3 (Spiritual attacks)

Named after my uncle Bongos (Nike name) whose name is Igoche, but he took the name Ikwue as his sure name, likewise others in the family of seven, three steps sisters and one step brother, and three brothers from same mother, of which two became late from the step mother of my Dad, and one late from my Dad's immediate siblings, now remaining four in number, two step sisters, with my Dad and his younger brother who has his name in the hallmark of fame as Bongos Ikwue who is a renown and popular music legend in Nigeria, and abroad for his unique brand of music. So the name "Egah" became the remnant of the Ikwue's where I was born. Since the name "Egah" almost got extinct, but my Dad took the cross to bear the name (nature) and planted a seed that grew up into a tree, which bore 12 fruits (children) (symbolic Israel) wherein I (in I AM) occupied the eleventh symbolic position. So I became the fruit of the seed of the remnant of Egah which was ordained to bear fruit above by taking root below (Isaiah 37: 31) with my Dad's name JACK. Even when I was growing as a child, I made up my mind that I will give up my all to stand for my family and the world at large, which is my bigger family and bring its heritage to stability from the perpetual ruin that the enemy has done through conspiracies. So my mandate is to protect humanity with the knowledge of the truth of the Word of God, by resisting falsehood. I was not born into a family that knows God; it was just only my late mum and my late eldest sister who died before my mum that were involved in the things of God. My mum suffered so much, by praying herself to death because of the negative happening in my immediate family. She was always lost in thoughts, often crying, running from one prayer house to the other, seeking for solution for the family, until she left this cruel and evil world. I love my mum so much, she was my Millicent (one in a million) and I have never stopped painting my heart for her, immortalizing her with artistically painting out her portrait. My position in the family is 11th, I suffered convulsion that almost ruined my life to death without the knowledge of who I am in I AM for eleven years. I got delivered when I was 11, with a voice speaking into my heart in an accent loud and clear word I could hardly place or know where it came from then, but the voice says to me, "I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, love and of sound mind." So it was later when I was advancing in life and had become mature to study the Word of God for myself that I got to discover what I heard (Voice) was written in the Bible which is the Word of God (voice) in 2 Timothy 1: 7. So if the Word is God, then God was the one that spoke to me. And I could remember still very fresh in my memory, I cannot forget it. The last experience of convulsion I had when I was 11, I saw my Dad...…..

Code 4 (Realization of Self)

Struggling with my lifeless body, while I was standing watching the drama! I cannot explain right now, but I know I died and the Word I heard entered my body to quicken my mortal body and I came back to life, messing up my Dad. Since then, I became strange to everybody especially my siblings who could hardly predict me because I was no longer living the conventional life and could not explain why, because my total focus became for the things of God always finding out what the perfect will of the Lord is concerning any particular issue. I became concerned with the number 11, trying to find out why things just kept happening calling my attention to the number eleven (recurring numbers). My Dad was glad I came back to life, but he did not know that it was no longer the person he knew, but a different me with a new life from the Word of God which became my major drive to doing anything, so I am now living my life in Him. When I was growing, I just hate seeing people doing the wrong things and making it seem as if it is the right thing. I could still vividly remember always resisting and fighting anything evil by presenting the truth I sure know against the contrary that people tends to promote as truth. My late mum would always say, "If it is Igoche, he cannot do anything evil, I can vow for him with my blood." I never understood the depth of her conviction till now. Was it that she knew who I am in I AM?

I grew up to know nothing could satisfy me except giving my all to serving God. Even when I struggled with not wanting to, something would just keep compelling me to constantly serve God and if I don't I will completely loose my peace. Then during Christmas period, when other children will be going out to do their strolling and catch fun as is the norm in my time when I was growing as a child that is when I will be sleeping like never before. I can't explain why, until now that I am much more mature to discern the direction of the spirit. My spirit will never accept to go with the mindset that accompanies Christmas, especially the manner in which children goes about begging money from house to house. My siblings will be complaining that other children are going out, but me, I will never go out. I remember my response then to them used to be, "I don't feel like". This happened when I was 5- 9 years.

I decided after my secondary school, 2003 to give my life to Christ with nobody really preached to me after been preached to severally. I only asked a question because of what my family was going through then and got the answer to my question instantly. I thought it was someone literally answering me, but when I looked around and could not...…..

Code 5 (Knowledge of HIM: I saw the Light!)

Find anybody; I immediately realized that the voice came from the inside of me, because I was still conscious of myself. The question I asked was "What will I do to solve all these problems in my family?" I instantly started writing a song based on the inspiration of the impulse of the response I heard then and the song was titled "Na wettin I go? Na to the praise you baba…" I still have with me the recorded audio of that song in my phone. So I started the journey into the reality of who I am in HIM from that moment forward. I noticed I started experiencing recurring time, which flashes me always when I want to check my time consciously, or unconscious. It is a time of this pattern 01: 01, 02: 02, 03: 03… 11: 11, or 12: 12!

This became a big burden to me since 2007, even as tried figuring out what that mean and the implication. I later got to find out with the help of God that my life is programmed with recurring numbers, but could not place what that recurring number is communicating to me. So I had to start the journey of trying to break the spiritual codes, which constitute the reality of who I am in, I AM. I started from............ from then, there is no day that will pass without me experiencing this pattern of time up to 3 to 4 times and I don't need to be conscious of it before it occurs. Once I pick up my device that has time running, it will just flash right before my eyes, the pattern of time I just talked about, Hmmmmmmm! I actually got tired of it. After I had giving my life to Christ Jesus, I deliberately decided to sell my soul to God with a mind that is made up that I am no longer myself, I belong to Him, so I became sold out for course of truth by vowing a vow to serve the LORD all the days of my life. The same voice that spoke to me from the inside while I was growing still came echoing in my spirit, telling me to "Read 1 Samuel 1: 11" and while open my Bible to read it, to my greatest surprise, it was the same decision that Hannah made that I made........

Code 6 (Journey into the heart of reality: discovering who I am in I AM)

Prophet Samuel's mum made a vow and gave birth to a vessel of worship as the implication of the vow she vowed. As if I was Hannah, I mean we vowed the same vow and our words were perfectly in alignment. This also gave me a lot of concern, getting to know there is a spiritual Samuel I am pregnant with. What could this be? I have not an idea of it at that time, but do now..........

1 Samuel 1: 11 points to my symbolic spiritual code and as a mathematics/computer science graduate, it calls my attention deeper; because the number 11 is now flashing me again. Who is flashing me with this light? I was provoked in the spirit, because I was desperately desperate to know who is flashing me with recurring numbers and time! I must find out!! I must find out!!! 1 Samuel 1: 11 still brought to my consciousness the experience of that last convulsion I had when I died at 11. Could this be pointing me somewhere? The thought of the chapter became much more impressed in me, immediately; I heard this question from the inside of me "Who is your number one?" I answered myself, "God is" it now dawn on me that God is the number 1 in my program code, while the reflection of His life here on earth is 11 which typifies light that gives knowledge and Jesus is that light which will birth me into the reality of my Divine identity. From this knowledge, I was able to know that I am the verse that men must read to understand what it takes to worship HIM in spirit and truth to manifest His true life. This got blowing my mind because I became thoughtful, so I had to just wave it off and stop thinking, because it was going beyond my thought grasp, so I had to start trusting God for deeper revelation insight to understand where He is taking me to.

The chapter represents VINE (1), while the verse represent DIVINE (11) my spiritual code evident in my position in my family and through the sequence of my experiences which would always flash me with the number 11 that comes often recurring, it then implies I have a Divine Call (Direct Call from God). Convulsion tormented me for 11 years, the voice I heard directed me to first Samuel chapter one verse 11 and several others I can't relate here. What is it about all the number 11 in my life? I am pregnant and my delivery will give birth to the reality of the number 11.

Code 7 (true Knowledge of my mission on Earth standing at the junction of the ways to get direction in the way)

The number 11… Let's see what it will gives birth to and how the Spiritual baby will look. Who will give birth to the spiritual baby? Which implies the spiritual baby will have a spiritual mother but this mother is only but a symbolic pointer to the true reality that must be revealed with time. Who could this be? Hmmmmmmm! Let's see, the verse typifies my position of purpose (calling) and my position in my family explaining recurring number. Since it is the spiritual that controls the physical, let the physical be the left and the spiritual be the right. So when we align the proportion, it means for me to have the right knowledge of who I am in I AM and whoever is connected to who I am in I AM. I must have to lean on the right which defines revelation eyes that flashes the light into the eyes of my spirit to ignite my thought to trust and obey the Word of God instead of thinking and reasoning it out i.e. (11: 11), so I had an encounter with God and my right wrist became literally affected recently as if I dislocated it, with an obvious black scar (Divine seal) caused as a result of my left hand never letting it be, always massaging it in an attempt to reduce the severe pain, but it is still paining me terribly till this moment and the seal came before we experience the date 06-06-16.

From 1 Samuel1: 11, I got to know that I am a vow (vessel of worship) unto God and if you add the chapter and read the verse; you will have my first Divine call as a vow. While in my family, I am always dreaming, seeing my future and when I share my dreams with them (then), especially my elder brother Paul who would always casually tell me, it is just a mere dream. But I knew it wasn't just a dream and I wouldn't give up or allow those words to keep me back from thinking about them and trusting God for a perfect time to express what I see that is real of which no body tends to see or understands when I explain to them even as I have seen. As the 11th in the family of 12, with the knowledge of how terribly we were been oppressed, with three sown as seed to glory (died). I mean my three siblings with my mum, they came, they saw, they fought, sow their lives and conquered death in the grave to His glory. So by election of grace, I in I AM became

Code 8 (The Birth of who I am in I AM: made me to discover my spiritual mother. We are spirit).

A Vow and Remnant...….. A Vow because I vowed a vow and heaven sealed it based on my deep conviction of faith. But the person (the fruit of the seed) of the Vow in the Word was Prophet Samuel and I in I AM (Patrick) was differentiated from the person of the Vow (Samuel) with the seal of my second Divine Call as Remnant. So in the realm of the spirit, Samuel possess one dimension more, and got the double portion of Elijah's anointing, which I in AM desired even more from birth (I had an experience, when I asked my late mum about it, she screamed and asked me, "Who told you about it?" Because I was only 3 months old, but I was able to know exactly what happened then) and now possess two dimensions of DIVINE ANOINTING.

Prophet Samuel and I in I AM is a witnesses to God, just like John the Baptist and also you are, and we must witness in the direction of His will, even as He has mandated us to. As a vessel of worship, by election of grace He has given me the double portion of His anointing to function in the office of a Vow and a Remnant, I in I Am became two witness in the realm of the spirit and as Samuel was one witness in the ancient time in this journey into the reality of God's mind.

• Hannah got pregnant of Samuel.

• I in I AM got pregnant of Prophet Samuel's anointing with the Vow I vowed to serve God all the days of my life, ready to die for TRUTH.

In the ancient time, a lamp stands raises up the light and brightens the temple to give it light so that the priest who are coming in to offer sacrifice will be able to see and find their way into the inner sanctum (symbolic in our time as the manifested Word (life of God) in the heart of man). Vows' assignment is to witness for the Most High God.

Lamp stands in the ancient time is used as a vessel of worship (Vow). "Give light in the temple" is symbolically symbolic as

Code 9 (The fullness of the time: finishing the mystery of God, exposing the Anti-Christ)

Bringing the world to the knowledge of that which are Divinely concealed, to be revealed in the fullness of time, reserved to defile protocol of human wisdom and understanding in the form of theological created doctrines which resulted to religions (The devil's greatest weapon for the fullness of time) to finish the MYSTERY OF GOD in the dimension of time, but life counting time such that the time never stop counting, because the TIME is been given ETERNAL LIFE. The mystery of God will be finished in this LIGHT, so that His mind will be made known to all men. So if Prophet Samuel was one Lamp stand, to break the code, my position in the realm of the spirit and in my physical family connecting me to my purpose in His Word, Scripture becomes my spiritual position to read my spiritual profile. Let's check it out mums!

REVELATION 11: 1- 4 (Please read it Mums!!)

14 which is the code revealing our total number in my family with my parent inclusive. 12 siblings plus my Dad and my late mum makes up the total of 14, while 11 is my chapter in my immediate family if my family is a Book with chapters.

Mums I love you so much, so I in I AM would need you to know your sons.

Mum if you want to read about me in I AM, if my biological family connects me to life, to meet with my spiritual family having been in the agenda of God (Word), Mums you need

Code 10 (Manifestation of Heaven's Mandate: fulfilling my Divine Calling in I AM in His Power and Glory)

To check the end of the Book where the biography of everyone in my spiritual family is written as the 12 tribes of ISRAEL, symbolic as the number of my sibling, so mine I will speak about and allow the rest who will discover the reality, to speak for them. But Mums I will give you a clue to yours while you break your code yourself depending on I AM because without Him, you are nothing, and it is only in Him you can find that satisfaction you so crave for. Yes! I in I Am mean "THE SATISFACTION YOU ARE DESPERATELY DESPERATE ABOUT" He said, "It is in I AM"

Revelation chapter 11 verses 1 to 14 became our verses. I mean in the pages that represents our positions of our spiritual biography written, even in the Word.

Mums just to give you, but a clue to your pages, so you could read yours too; you are a symbol of a woman (church) and are called to fulfill your destiny in a symbolic wilderness, which implies you are sent to the churches and the adversary will become full of rage and he will spill out flood from his mouth (great deceptions) and come after you, but the earth will open its mouth and swallow the flood, because all things will work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8: 28).

So Mums, you need to know who you are, your assignments here on earth and know that you also have a Divine SEAL. Just but a clue! Search to find out the TRUTH yourself in prayers. Revelation 11: 1- 14, my life is written in red Ink (symbolic) and the ink is the blood of Christ which is my very seal and He has opened the Scroll and we have passed the first seven seal, we are in the period called the perilous time that will usher in the great tribulation after which we will be ushered into The Seventh Seal Judgment. This seventh seal will come with the sound of trumpets (symbolic). Read Revelation 8: 1-13 and 9:1-21. Then the Book John was stopped from writing in Revelation 10: 4 is what I am elected by grace to write, with the General title "The Mystery of True Inspiration" (Divine Revelation), with "The Reality of the Forbidden Fruit" ready for editing.

Code 11

Revelation 10: 4

Check code 4, to get the revelation of how I started writing.

Code: my family (12), my position in my family (11)...….. My power in Him is in my testimony and the blood.


Realization of Self in I AM.

FULFILMENT OF DIVINE MANDATE: dying for the TRUTH to prove God's glory (symbolic) because in truth death is life.

The CROSS, was the connecting bridge that crossed me over to glory in my revelation that led me into writing the recent books you saw me writing. The CROSS was actually the WAY that separates darkness from LIGHT and my journey was actually a journey in the speed of LIGHT from darkness until I got completely lost in light, then caught up in glory and when I was in that glory, I asked, "Where is the LIGHT coming from?" and the same voice that spoke to me when I was 11, when I had that convulsion that almost snatched my life, spoke to me again. The voice said, "The LIGHT is in me "Hmmmmmmm!

So Mums you can see that the number 11 is my spiritual code that implies my code cannot run beyond 11, which simply explain program executed. So I went to the University to study B.Sc. (ed) Mathematics/ computer science to have an idea on how to break the program God wrote to reveal some deep spiritual things in the face of light, but in order to do so, I need to go beyond idea, because the secret I got to find out behind idea is SATAN, so I had to key into the REVELATION INSIGHT to function beyond idea. Immediately man fell, things started moving the contrary and we are in the fullness of time when God is RUNNING THE PROGRAM. The program will be EXECUTED when I in I AM has fulfilled my destiny in Him, then Heaven will declare; PROGRAM EXECUTED SUCCESSFUL and Mums, it will interest you to know that you are also part of the Divine program.

I pray God gives you a deeper revelation of this!

You want to know how I am (in I AM) your spiritual son?

READ ON! You saw the LIGHT, in the realm of the spirit it means you got into relationship with the light, because what you are not relating with you cannot see, and what you saw was what impregnate you spiritually and your conception is simply the expectation of your dreams brought to reality, even as you have seen in the light that always calls your attention deeper into the heart of the deep, beyond deep into deeper depth.

Let's continue from where I (in I AM) stopped! (Revelation 11: 1-14), it emphasizes everything about my life, my destiny and how it will be fulfilled, but before I will be transformed to glory, I (in I AM) will have to bear fruit, which implies, the program code to that will be my (in HIM) dimension of second anointing (Remnant) which in the BOOK OF LIFE it is recorded in ISAIAH 37: 31 which states "And the remnant who have escaped of the house of Judah (Egah) shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward." In the BOOK OF LIFE, Isaiah was

Code 12^A (The Release of the Anti-Christ (Revelation 12: 11) chapter close)

A prophet and in life time PATRICK IGOCHE EGAH IKWUE, the three eyes of Divinity will also function as a prophet by election of grace. Isaiah was sent to the children of Israelites to rebuke and reprove them of their sins and call them to repentance as led by I AM, I (in I AM) am also ordained as a prophet operating with the dimension of the double portion of Samuel's anointing, as sent by I AM and mandated to finish His mystery and witness (prophesy) to the unrepentant world especially the NEW AGERS with the NEW AGE MOVEMENT AGENDA (MAGA) to establish the One World Government, so that the entire world system will be under One Order called the OWO CODE.

Isaiah wore sackcloth and mourns for the sin laden Israelites and I (in I AM) will also wear sackcloth (symbolic), even as I am already wearing, to mourn for the unrepentant world and derailing churches. Mourning here simply means the sackcloth which is my spiritual symbolic code of witnessing to the world, and they will hate and hate me even more, because the truth of my witnesses in I AM as mandated by God will torment them, and expose all of their evil wiles. The compromising and unfaithful church will be the greatest rivals of God's revealed truth, because my position of witnessing will be a serious threat to the progress of their compromising mandates that does not align into the current flow of God's release, even in the time we are I, majority of them will sell their heritage to the unbelievers and sign treaties with them. The system will become a very terrible system to dwell in and that is why there will be much more persecutions and immense trials amongst churches, who will not be able to key into the New Dimension of the move of God, because of greed, they will tend to abide in lawlessness and because of that, the love of many will wax cold. So you can see that all is crystal clear and I AM will break the revelation of Isaiah 37: 31. He gave the power to break 1 Samuel 1: 11, and Revelation 11: 1-14.

The three and half days I was separated before my encounter that led to this deep revelation is also symbolic, explaining dying to self symbolically, and then coming up alive in the spirit which is also symbolically pointing toward RESURRECTION (symbolic) from death to LIFE in the LIGHT of His glory (Revelation 11: 11) explaining the program code of my life in HIM and death to life, then life in death. Thank you Jesus for this revelation!

Since 2007, I have been trying to understand why I kept experiencing recurring time and even when I was still yet inexperience, I wrote about recurring time that was always calling my ATTTENTION. 11:11 simply explains that everything about my life is absolutely divine. So you can never understand me except you are divinely enabled. So this brought you into the PICTURE of the spiritual program because you are divinely connected. Because of my Divine seal in Him, anyone who tries hurting me incurs divine wrath for him/herself (Revelation 11: 5), but anyone who blesses me get divine Blessings and the revelation of the blessing is code 5 (in the sequence of this letter), which states, "I saw the Light". Did you see the LIGHT? And because of my origin, I (in I AM) have a power I don't even know I have, and would not want to know I have, allowing Him to power through me, not me powering His power through myself. This is the secret: I am like a BULB, asking where the light I am seeing is coming from? Remember the voice told me "It is in me"!


If the power is in me, it also implies my spiritual Mum has a seed (pregnancy) of power. What does this mean? It explains her relationship was with LIGHT (encounter), so she got pregnant with the LIGHT and she did not even know what she would

Code 12^B (reveals the Battle of the Beast with the symbolic Woman (Please, read Revelation 12: 1- 17) chapter close

Deliver (confused about what she saw and could not understand). In the realm of the spirit this woman was like one of the five wise virgin, which took extra-oil. So while the Bride Groom tarried to come, the rest foolish virgin had no oil. So they all went out of oil (loose anointing), but when they discover their oil was out and their lamp off, the foolish ones started begging for oil from the wise ones and the wise ones having understood the time, gave the foolish ones a wise counsel. They said to the foolish ones, "Go into the street, you could have your lamp refilled and come back." But while they make haste to get the oil, the Bride Groom came when they had left and the five wise virgin entered in with the Bride Groom into the Marriage Supper. The wise virgin got in because they had their oil in their lamp, which gave them light. The life of God is the oil and without the oil, there cannot be light in the lamp and this implies without the light of God's life, you cannot enter into the marriage supper with the Bride Groom. Do you have the light of life? You sow a seed into a VOW's life! What a vessel of worship contains is oil, so what you actually sow was your oil to preserve it for the TIME that the Bride Groom will come, so you could enter in with light. So the light is what illuminates your path to see your WAY into purpose. So your spiritual son is the Vow, the vessel you sow the seed into........

You will understand if I give you clearly your purpose from now hence in Jesus name!

Let's continue! (Join your reading with the italics)

So she carried the pregnancy for long in expectation for safe delivery, waiting in earnest anticipation, to see what she will deliver and when she was due, she now sow a seed into a VOW and that moment the lamp was turned on immediately, she went into prolong labor (wrestling with God), with her whole strength, she PUSH (prayed until something happens) and delivered a bouncing baby man that will bring her Divine Relieve with his manifestation to finish the work of wisdom in the face of light, as mandated as witness of Y, resting in peace on X (grace and truth).

The seed she sow was what actually provoke Divine attention, that led to her spiritually delivery, she did not even know she had delivered a male child, but the child who was spiritually birthed knew and call her attention, which implies, the child has the responsibility to call her attention to the reality of the time, which will be evident as the church, who will be taught in the wilderness. The child she gave birth to now became a Divine Fruit with POWER while the seed she sow became a symbolic code for the Divine Program pointing to what has been kept sealed since 2000 years ago now unsealed in her Divine Delivery in the face of LIGHT and now discovered the light she saw is like the appearance of the star of Bethlehem that led the three wise men to give her Divine baby gifts that will announce his identity as a Divine Fruit to make known the praises of God in the face of the earth, to defend the course of humanity against falsehood in the time we are in and expose lies in what looks like and sound like truth.

So Mums your spiritual assignment is to connect the three wise men that had come to the knowledge of the fullness of the time and want to key into the Divine release and these gifts are what will announce you and you will become most honorable amongst all women and this will open you to the reality of your Divine purpose you have long waited for.

Mums you were married to LIGHT (God) and got spiritually impregnated by the light you saw, that was why "You still have the memory of the experience and thought of it, alters your mindset and make you want to know the revelation you encounter.

Mums the fruit of your conception, now became DIVINE WISDOM (knowledge and understanding of Mysteries) and as your fruit grows into maturity, he will finish the mystery of God and in that, finish the work of wisdom to close time, and hand it reign to life.

I am (in I AM) your spiritual fruit, and I need you to key into the reality of something! You know, I love you so much, if you don't know, I want you to know today, that since the very day you gave birth to me spiritually, you became my first love in I AM.

The 2000 Naira you gave is also symbolic and divine as I earlier emphasized. I mean what was kept sealed since 2000 years ago was unsealed with a seed of David (Revelation 3: 7) who has the double portion of anointing, and the person who sow the seed (you) now have a Divine son as a tree that will bear fruit above (future, and she (Continue from the italics)

Code 12^C

Means everything is closing up in Christ and Christ is above everything that is closing up, to usher the NEW BEGINNING.

LIGHT..............The Divine Truth

Code to close our chapter: REVELATION 11: 12, 11 imply Divine Assignment, while 12 imply a shift that results to Divine Program Execution: GLORY TO GOD!

Will be glad she have a sons whom God gave her when she had almost gave up her dreams and that will be the beginning of her fulfillment she craved for and waited with deep groaning that words cannot utter, but can only be understood by DIVINE. This will bring about a drastic turn around in her entire family, even ancient doors that has refused to open will open up, because the presence of Divinity has come to rest in the family which is resident in Jesus' Operating System where the power plant that will generate the Ray Field will be installed even as the installation work is already in progress, but far beyond the job of Power Holding Companies, this one is divinely ordained. She will have the true sense of TRUE FULFILMENT as she starts intimating with her Divine Fruit which is her sons and the peace that she had long for, she will have it with every thing fixing itself orderly as supposed and joy will return back to her family, because all that she has gone through, even the family challenges are all for the glory of God. There will be shouts of joy again! Healing will break forth and health will be restored!!

Mums please I am your sons, but you don't have me in HIM, but me, God has me (in I AM). So sometimes when you cannot understand me (in I AM) talk to God, He will give you the code, because my (in I AM) life is programmed from LIGHT, vehemently everything about me. You have the key!

Back to the above (ISAIAH 37: 31)

37: 31 is a pointer revealing the ages of the two prophets. I can speak for myself (in I AM) but would not speak for the other. But the first is the senior, who is 37 years with respect to when this was written, while the second is 31, of which I am, but will be (15th November, 2016).

So the two Divine ordained prophets who are 37 and 31 years will both summarize the globe to finish the mystery of God. The date 15-11-16 which is my birth day anniversary, reveals that there is a shift in the realm of the spirit, meaning I (in I AM) am in the middle of the fullness of time that moves from human senses (5 senses: code 5) to the strongest of human senses (6 senses: code 6 typifying the period of Anti-Christ reign) while code 11 typifies DIVINE: meaning God is in the middle of it all and everything about my life is Divine. So in the realm of the spirit, 15 is year 2015 which was my year of Divine release, while code 11 is simply my Divine position (Divine wisdom in the middle of 15 and 16 meaning in between the knowledge of the physical senses and the shift in knowledge evident as 16, while 6 typifies the number of man. 11 is my position to know the change that occur in the realm of the spirit in the date 16- 06- 16 (Code 0 mean darkness) to prepare the church in the real sense (symbolic as you) to sensitize her members (the audience) about the revealing of 666 and I have calculated and prove the reality of the beast who will come in the form of the strongest man on earth with the highest human senses. Normal man will operate with the first order of power, but this unique man will operate with the third order of power.

I will explain this to you with the revelation of my dreams, if you permit me to…

Concentrate on Revelation 12: 6, 13- 17, when you are reading my code 11: 11 and I know you will understand why the woman's (Symbolic) son was caught up to heaven. This mean, he was taking to be nurtured by heaven, mentored and trained by God Himself, without the connection of any mentor, so that all the glory belong to God, not attached to any man of God.

Love you Mums, find out 12 might be your divine code (REVELATION 12: 1- 12, 13- 17), I cannot really say anything more.

Yours Lovely Sons


PATRICK IGOCHE, EGAH IKWUE (The Witness to the Three Eyes of Divinity)