The glory from Ray Field… What is that glory from Ray Field? This will be an experience that will take me deeper into the heart of reality and make me to take my focus off trusting men in order to be able to depend completely on God, because it is like carrying a weight that I cannot bear but still have to bear it to learn the lesson that God wants to teach me, for the sake of love to understand deeper His thoughts for me, but reveals the evidence of light and darkness in strict opposition, even with the grossness of the darkness, still the light in me will not be shut down. Life is truly full of ups and downs and the ordeals we experience would sometimes prepares our hearts for the ideal life and these has been my case in my journey to fulfilling the course of destiny in God. It was clearly revealed to me that it is not all calls that will end the way we anticipate it to end well, but how you take the ended call will determine your life after. Do not give the devil the opportunity to ruin your peace; the devil does not worth your peace and rest of mind, therefore, you must not give him a single chance to leave you in pieces and hopeless.

The light that would always call my attention to recurring time and since it has already been revealed to me the person who is calling me and I already had the knowledge of Him who often crosses the current of my thoughts to interrupt thoughts that creates fears in me, to be able to overcome those memories that torments me, is the person of the cross that connects me to light (God's life manifested in me), when He often call with the light of His life that manifest to me as recurring time (reflection of God's life), I will have to answer Him, "HERE I AM" and since the calls often comes from eternity to time, I had to obey the spiritual order by righting the left to return back to do the conversion in the real time and when the conversion is done, I will have "MA I EREH", but it will interest you to know that what I heard in my spirit was "marry her". Ah! Who am I to marry? And why is this call telling me to marry her? Hmmm! Wow! I just caught the light like a flash in my imagination and this is my thought, the name is in the instruction and the instruction is the caller's thought and the instruction is to marry her and the name gotten from the instruction is simply MARIAH. You will not believe this, it just dawns on me right now that my fiancée's name is Mariah and she literally lives in Ray Field with her friend Margaret whom I got to know through her when I visited her for the first time after we had a phone call and I told her I would want to discuss my intention with her even as I have already informed her pastor, Apostle Paul Ujoh, but what I don't know for sure, is her connection to the physical ray field. Mariah's connection to the physical ray field is what I don't know and cannot tell the depth of her connections. This cannot be a coincidence as some would want to think; this can only be a perfect divine program, but I don't know the "why?" This is what I don't know and cannot tell exactly what God is getting me into, though, I literally saw signs that warned me to stay off, but I could not just help, but go in and it seem as if my peace would always leave me when I start thinking of letting go the relationship as a result of the chord I sensed between her and Margaret that become a major concern to me, the way Mariah is so protective of her. I felt deep down, that there is something fundamentally wrong, but I could not place to know what that is, I just know her connection to her friend was not ordinary, but I still went in after going through several trying times that she was never there for me, rather hurting me much more with her attitude, especially when I lost my immediate elder sister. There were questions ringing in my head like bell and deep down in my heart, I could not answer them, but I sure know, whatever it is, it will definitely be for my good and even if this good could be a lesson that I don't have a single clue how it will leave me, but I am ready to have this experience. It also became just dawn on me, what my ex would always tell me jokingly, but now I have come to know it was not a joke at all. She would always say to me "You will marry an Igede girl." I have always resisted her, but I think I was only ignorant, because what she saw when she kept telling me this then, I could not see at that time. She was more into the spirit than I was because of the contact of the devil's current eye on her against my purpose, even without her awareness, she could see into my future, but could not explain what she was seeing even as she would carelessly say things and all these were designed from the pit of hell to blur my vision and truncate my destiny, but God has a better plan for me that would after all I have gone through, align me back to my path of destiny. Now today even as I write this, my fiancée is an Igede girl, but I have in my heart so many unanswered questions about her attitude as regarding some certain things and this is between me and God.

This is amazing! Wonders shall never end, when reality dawned on me, I got to discover God was actually jealously preserving my life, until I got to find out why He was doing that. Because He had ordained me before the foundation of the earth to fulfill His divine program to shipwreck the kingdom of darkness to finish the work of wisdom that Solomon started and I know even with what He is taking me into, it will not be easy, because signs has already warned me, even my friend Chris would indirectly ask me, "hope you are sure of what you are about entering into?" but I tell you the truth, God alone knows the reason why.

I will keep reiterating this point consistently, this has nothing to do with my knowledge, I am just fulfilling my divine program, and if I make or don't make gain from this, I don't care, but still what I care about is letting this divine truth reach the uttermost part of the earth and this may be a deeper call to knowledge for the generation of youths to come, aimed at provoking the beast to come face to face with the very elects of the Lord who are sold out for the course of truth and will never ever compromise no matter the pressure from the Antichrists, and by their translation to glory there will be a divine intrusion into the affairs of humanity that would always side evil and fight good.

Humanity has been brainwashed to now side evil and fight good and it is only divine truth that can reset the mind of those who are already being influence with this bug.

The devil thought he killed God and in his thinking, thought he had overcome life, not knowing that it is in his thinking that God's wisdom is made manifest to reveal His grace on which the wages of sin was cancelled and the life of God which is His gift of love to humanity was now transferred as it is now unto men who were under the consequence of sin and these men would now resume to carry on with the mandate of installing the life of God to every system that lacks it, even with much oppositions, still the life of God cannot be stopped. It is the mandate of the remnant sons of God to provoke the beast out of hiding, to come out face to face as the light that will expose all of lies and antics in religions and secularism, will be activated and the death of the faithful in Christ Jesus will defeat the fool even as he has been defeated by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Satan is so foolish and myopic, brainlessly brainless in his foolishness as a riff rat that is thrown into oil, now looking sheepishly helpless; having his days numbered to get doomed, but acting in rage as if he is a roaring lion to create fears in the heart of people, but he will receive the initial doom that will be done by the true knowledge of the Word of God, through the remnant who will manifest the glory of God. Satan does not have sense, so he possesses people to live their lives without conscience and these are the kind of people he will use to cause serious havoc in most of our churches and this is where there will function in strategic units of the church, but yet still involved in unimaginably abominable immoral acts that is not even good to be mentioned and he does this in order to steal by capturing the will power of men and controlling their thoughts to doing the dictate of his evil intents with principle that is called OPEN EYES, while ignorantly, men don't even know that, it simply mean die, which defines thoughts without conscience, or eye without the heart, where eye defines thought and heart defines good conscience, therefore if it is without, it then explains why the Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" and it is so pathetic that, it is very difficult to know the intents of a man, it is only God that knows a man's deepest intent. Do not fall cheap to the devil's scheme, because the reality you will experience will leave you battered and shattered without a hope to move on.

The reality of my mandate to fulfilling destiny is an act in the art of genuineness that paints the true nature of things that have been concealed as deep dark secrets, even in some of our churches who now practices the act of sodomy, but hide in the cover of religion and that is why the Bible says in Ephesians 5: 12, "For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret." From my personal experiences in life, I have being able to reach the revelation knowledge of God's thought for me beyond the dimension I have thought of, because most of the problems I have experienced were actually from the direct product of my thought, but because of the mind of God for my life and also for you and those who are called according to His purpose, whom nothing can work against (Romans 8: 28), even when the devil has orchestrations of evil spread all over with his schemes (Ephesians 6: 11) to steal, kill and destroy (John 10: 10), God will still turn it and over turn, until it turns out for your good. Don't give up because you failed the test, the process does not end in test, and don't you know there is also what is called the makeup tests? There is no experience in life that a man goes through that is not design to teach him and by extension, others, vital lessons about life and the unfailing love of God in this ever changing and failing world, that you will have people (especially couples) professes love with claims that they will never ever leave each other, but evidence of divorce has painted a different picture of such claims, but the good never change, because from God's love, nothing can separate those who will hold unto Him (Romans 8: 35), because those who hold on and never give up, are those who are called according to His purpose. Even when loved ones tends to hurt and separate from us, God will never ever leave nor forsake us provided you remain in His perfect design and to go outside His will for your life, adversaries will come, but you will not be moved, but be promoted to the next level of greatness and this is because God does not divorce, man does and leave each other emotionally shattered and battered.

When you have in your heart lots of unanswered questions, it is like embarking on an unknown quest, and it is so pathetic you cannot find what you don't know, what you find is what you must have known, else you will end up seeing that thing and still not receive it.

Receiving from God is the function of true knowledge and that is why He wants us to know exactly what we are looking for by first answering the question, "What are you seeking?" Genesis 37: 15

The quest for truth will take you through the ups and downs of life's experiences and until you choose to move on with your purpose, when that which you are trying to hold unto and would not want to let go of, even when that have let go of you and had already moved on, you may end up hurting yourself so badly and out of anxiety, you may be reduced to a state of hopelessness. Anyone in the state of hopelessness will have his/her dreams and visions blurred up and at the end, that which is for real, will now appear only to you as a mere mirage. Until the quest of truth brings you to that point of giving up, with the propellant (determination to stay through) of your will disconnected from the steering, and the lifter of your hope (the grace of God that acts as crane) to revitalize you and carry you through situations that you cannot go through on your own, as your only strength is in enduring the storms and anchoring on God's grace by allowing His will to be done and in that, you will be pulled through by faith. If you don't hold your peace and rest your all in God even as you are cumbered with burdens and the cares of this life, even when you can no longer literally go through, you will only remain but in misery, lost completely in thoughts of disappointments, which will now become the movie that plays in your mental faculty where your perception toward life is built, and this will not give room for good memories that is supposed to enhance your peace and relieve that will bring you to a point of true rest even amidst the turbulent storms and even right in, you will have the unstoppable drive to pursue and fulfill your God given purpose, because God is involved in your affair, you need to know that God can and He can turn your curse into blessing.

The experiences of the quest for truth bring us nearer the true nature of things, particularly of human character and conduct, because people are full of secrets that hunts them and when you are ignorantly connected to them, they may use you as the punch bag and trash can where they will always vent the accumulated anger of their emotions and feelings and this is a design from the pit of hell to affect the progress of the building of the Giant Divine Love System that God is trying to build through the selected few. Christian marriages will be the major target of the devil and most particularly, the marriages of true believers in Christ Jesus. There will be a lot of mix up in marriages, as some believers will ignorantly subscribe to marriage with people who are demon coated but have their camp in churches and such kind of people will wear you up with their attitude of lies and deceit, being committed to relationship that is outside their marriage and make you appear to the world as the one who is the problem, while they present themselves as being good and use the opportunity to separate from you after pushing you beyond your fore bearing level. A lot of believers have failed in this regard and many much more are still failing, but it is not an excuse to stay down when you fall, because nothing can keep you down, except you choose to be down. Therefore, when you fall, it is expected that you pick up yourself and every broken piece and drop them down before the mercy seat of God and He alone can remold you, just the way Job was remolded and fashioned anew with his latter days now become greater than the former. God is still molding you into His perfect image; do not allow your failure to keep you in your past, because your best is yet to come.

Your purpose in life is designed by God to resist the devil's opposition of God's will, and you can only resist the devil when you draw near to God, but for those who will not draw near to God, the devil will seize every single opportunity to attacked them through their relationship with people, even their marriage. Therefore, until you are first and foremost married to God completely, the devil will use your marriage to torment and mar your dreams and visions and this will be when unexpected separation happens in what is supposed to be of God, despite your never giving up fight to have things fixed, until you hold your peace and deliberately decide to move on, you will remain in your past and be hurting yourself with memories.

Starting all over again with God is not like starting all over again that explain wasted years, it is simply a transition that connects you to the joy of the Lord, which will become your strength and true happiness that instills peace that passes understanding and as you experience this sweet relieves amidst the storm, memories of hurts will be deleted as you let go by truly forgiving those who had hurt you badly and when this happens, instead of memories that grieves your heart, what will replay is sweet memories of your past, with the bad memories completely burnt to naught.

God is working out something marvelously great in your life; don't give up your dream!