The access point is the spiritual tap from where the life of the programmer flows in the program and it runs with a code called the ancient path (tap) as revealed in Jeremiah 6:16..

The gateway into a man's heart is his eyes and once a man is not engaged, he will become distracted with the things he is seeing. The ancient path is God's access point and it also serves as the tap from where His life flows from the stream that never dry and anyone who drinks from this stream will never ever thirst again.

Genesis 2: 15

Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.

The war began in the mind because of the pronouncement of God's thought for man which placed him above the one who asked, "Who is man that you are mindful of him?" such that his greatest concern now become a fight to steal the knowledge from man to know that he has authority of God and that knowledge is simply the understanding of God's love for us. The devil having considered in his heart in the imagination of his thought, God had to create a resistance dynamic thought program to keep man away from the devil's thought and that resistance program is what became the first commandment of God to man, not the woman because the devil can only steal from us through the access point, he will hack into our mind and sometimes he can never ever do that except he goes through our weaker spot and this was why he never went to Adam, but went to Eve.

The knowledge of our true identity in God became soiled through Eve, not Adam and if not for the love Adam has for Eve as the bone of his bone and the flesh of his flesh, I guess he knew that the fruit which was brought to him to eat by Eve was forbidden, but he still took it and ate even without trying to find out. Adam could have chosen not to partake in the forbidden fruit, but if he had not, he would have been completely separated from his half, which implies; his very flesh will become his greatest enemy, as the devil will use her against him. You cannot be apart from yourself; couples must know this and try not to give room to third party. Some couple may be together as husband and wife, but in their heart are married to third party, and this could be as a result of some certain covenant made in the past with the third party who now has a strong hold on the family influencing the spouse in relationship. It is a terrible situation if that is what you condition is, I have been there and I know how it hurts, but I tell you the truth, the moment you deliberately decide to re-channel your energy back to loving God, you will be at peace with yourself and the Lord will fight for you, because such people who are into that act will never ever feel remorse until God Himself have broken them to a point of repentance and a way of feeling secure, they will hurt you and never accept they are, living in denial and pretense.

Genesis 2: 16, 17

And the LORD God commanded the man, saying "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.

The reality of the orb is all in the eyes and this eyes has nothing to do with the organ for physical sight, but that of spiritual sight and that is why the Bible says, "The just shall live by faith, not by sight…" and this has to do with the eyes of our understanding being enlightened. Our physical eye is only but the base of senses, but the spiritual eye is based on faith, pointing to the fact that the reality of the missing orb in man's life is all in the mind and the orb is what evolves the character of God in us and that is simply EVOL which when reflected from its incidence as the spoken Word of God from eternity to time, we will now have LOVE that defines the eternal nature of God brought down to intimately relate with humanity as the Word made flesh which is full of grace AND truth (John 1: 14).

It is likely ordained that we end up slipping off from the ordained when we fall into deep sleep in the time we are supposed to be awake and this is the time the enemy could come in and sow tares and went his way, allowing them to grow. God will not uproot the tares; He will allow them to grow together with the wheat and what till the time of the harvest when the wheat will be separated from the tares and the tares will be bundled together and casted into fire to burn. The enemy here is the devil whose intention to deceive by ever presenting a form that looks like good and then instills a mindset to resist good as evil and seem evil as good.

Woman is so delicate because they are taking out of man and this made man not to be complete without the perfect fit of a woman. That which was missing is the rib from man to cover against man's weakness, which implies if woman will not feel that vacuum in man, the portal will be open to access the heart of man to control his thought. This is the reason why if the devil would want to attack, he will first start by giving the woman a mixed feeling, may be through someone who is a third party leaving an impression that will make the woman wish. I am speaking from experience and it took the grace of God for me to be able to endure the pains in my heart, but it was all for my good because this book you are reading now would not have been birthed if I had not gone through and in life the earlier you know that we will not stop going through, the better you will start handling some certain things without worries. The devil wants you to worry and break down so that you won't be able to truly worship God when the thoughts of what you are going through hits your mind, bile of bitterness is secreted and this leaves you hurt and pained and could eventually lead to depression. From my personal experiences in marriage within a very short period of time after I got married, it took the grace of God for me to be able to endure the pains in my heart, all kind of thoughts flooding into my heart, even thought of suicide, but I was only being foolish because I did not really understand truly the love of God for my life. From this experience, I have truly come to discover, nothing else can satisfy our deep emotional feelings except God and I have also come to discover that you can never satisfy a woman because their longing is insatiable lusts and there is nothing spiritual when it comes to this expect of their lives, but a virtuous woman who can find? The reason why women are weaker vessel is because of their insatiable lusts, which began with Eve. Women's mind is full of secret that you can never ever reach, thank God if you have a wife that can tell you all of her secrets, treasure her and treat her with sincere love, because it is rare to have such women in our dispensation when the devil is increasing the appetite of their lusts to frustrate men and push them to the point of becoming violent, close your ears to the talk of a woman, else you will soon become a bully. Core could be deep down into the earth, but a woman's mind is deeper, so there is no way you can fill their longing, only God can, so don't try to judge them to appreciate you by the sacrifices you made to them. God took woman out of man and brought her back to man as a model of the church with the LORD and expects that man should love his wife the same way Christ loves the church, despite the woman will constantly keep hurting the man with their complex dynamics of, if you do what she wants is a problem and if you don't do, it is also a problem and you will be left in a state of uncertainty, but this is when you have not completely yielded your heart to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. You need to first get married to Jesus Christ to have your marriage work, and I am telling you this truth from my personal experiences, it has nothing to do with you been good to your wife. Your good nature is a threat to make him or her feel very vulnerable if he or she is not ready to be broken to change from that lifestyle birthed from the devil's influence. It will surprise you that the root of all evil will make woman start coordinating themselves as being loyal, this is because those of them who have not truly been broken have a mindset that money answers all thing, which implies, if you don't have money, you can never earn respect from them, but this is not true with a virtuous woman and the Bible have the full attribute of a virtuous woman in Proverbs 31: 10 – 31. The root of problem of woman is money, if you want woman to give you her love and time, give her money. The truth is, woman doesn't see life the way man sees and it is so pathetic that you cannot love money and truly love of God.