Since bug has been defined as self, which is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program (thought design) or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways, in this chapter, I will paint clearly how this bug manifest. The thought design of God's program (purpose) in man is the Spirit, while the bug is simply self which now alternate the spirit to serpent as I was able to reach the revelation from the divine pointer MIDST even as evident in the original thought sequence of God's program TREE, while the contrary thought sequence that distorted the original TREES which carries an introduction of an alien S , even as you can see clearly and this alien is what I define as bug, because it alternates the character of the original as intended in the design or created system called man and this alien bug is what is called self-coded as the person of the serpent.

I was led to make some posts on Facebook about the deep things God is revealing to me to show to the world to help those who will be ready to accept the truth, the first resistance I received was from my very brother and he came up in the form advice. My very elder blood brother, this was his messages to me on Facebook;


Igoche, can't you stay off Facebook? I don't want to be cynical; I think it is too much. You are not the only born again.


I appreciate your observation… I don't always be on Facebook, I use the mobile app, and so once my phone is on you see me online, because I don't turn it off.

If it was the post I am making, am I posting anything bad? Everyone has their own mandate. People have their blogs of which they post the ideas of their thought. Not in a way of trying to defend myself, but do you think it is right to ask or say, "Are you the only born again?" What does that got to do with my post? Is it because I made posts pertaining the Word of God?

I am not flaunting that I am the only born again, I am only led to do what I am doing, but what if what I was doing is the contrary, what would have been your reaction?

I feel it is right you encourage someone for doing the right thing and discourage such a person, from doing the wrong….

I am not the only one administering the Word of God on Facebook, I am a pastor by election of grace and I know you know that, the first residence pastor of the Living Word Revival Assembly Inc. Ikorodu branch, Lagos State, but I don't flaunt it, because if I do, it will be pride. So I feel your observation should be much more aligning if what I was doing is wrong. Mean while, I still appreciate and have taking your counsel, but you need to know that Acts 17: 30

says, "Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead."

, but I don't know what your reaction will be when I go into doing fully my heaven's mandate.......

There are some certain things too deep for us to understand if we will hinge on the knowledge of knowing someone, you think you know or have known, you will end up be grieving the Holy Spirit unknowingly. Do not be irritated by the messages of God through someone who is functioning in his purpose aright in God, thanks......…


Am not in any way against your belief but I tell you, those code stuff is absurd. People will not even understand your message, so you see your target of meeting your audience will be defeated. Again it is too much!

These was the conversation that took place between my elder brother and I. What he actually did was to attack my identity in Christ, but if I had presented the contrary, he wouldn't have attacked me. Is it too much to say the mind of God, even as you are been led by God? Once your mind is made up not to accept the truth, it becomes absurd to you and you will end up resisting truth all with the excuse that truth should be present in a simple way, because it will never make sense to you. God can choose whatever way He dimmed right to present His truth. I prayed a silent prayer for my brother that God should open the eyes of his understanding. Right from childhood, I had had this issue with him not encouraging me when it comes to my faith in God, and I tend to grow up with anger withdrawing from him because his attitude proves that he does not align with the path I have chosen and I did not choose myself to go that path, it is ordained as my purpose.

When we embrace the world, we can never despise evil and this is the major reason why wickedness is growing like wild fire with a passion that cannot be quenched by any fire extinguisher apart from the love of God.

Ephesians 2: 1- 3

And you were dead in your trespasses and sin, in which you formerly walked according to the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest.

Proverbs 6: 16- 19

There are six things which the LORD hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him. Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.

The heart of men is exceedingly and extremely wicked with God's love. The drive for those who are good is kindness and truth.

Psalm 64: 5-6

They hold fast to themselves an evil purpose; they talk of laying snares secretly, they say, "Who can see them?" they devise injustices, saying, "We are ready with a well-conceived plot " for the inward thought and the heart of a man are deep.

I want to humbly admonish you to read this book with your mind opened to accept the truth of God's Word, it has nothing to do with the world's philosophy or one strange idea, it is an idea, but Divine insight, revealing the truth of God's Word. Today been 15 November, 2016, my birth day, I do not receive any gift, but I am giving, because it is my nature to give, I give for living and what I will be giving you today having written this down, every day you read this becomes my birth day and my gift to you is Divine knowledge--------------------------------------------------

I was eating today in a restaurant after been warned severally by my fiancée to, since it is not in my habit to eat food often. She said, "She wants me to eat and add little flesh so that my wedding suits will feat me…." Smiles! But while I was eating, there were some people also seated in the restaurant, a guy and a girl, while God was speaking to me and I was actually far from my writing pad and pen, so I could rush to pick it to write down what God was speaking into my thought. I had to pick up my phone and start recording what was spoken into my thought by God and this was what I heard:

When you have true knowledge of the Word of God, you will discover a lot of things. The eyes of the spirit are light, and the devil has been stripped of his light, he is blind. He only uses the sensor that acts like an antenna to pick network signals in order to access your mind current. The sensor into your mind is lusts which causes you to sin, and sin acts as a signal of which his demons which does the transfer receives as mind current which is the spiritual eye contact, coded as ic which receives the light of the spirit as signal (S) and his since the demon acts in the place a receiver, they also deceives by making an impression of negating good. Demons codes and decodes signals which is received and transferred to the pyramid which process and transfer back the converted signal to the images the heart of man is desiring to capture the spiritual eye called the mind to the peak of where he hides his evil intention, evident as the one eye close to the peak of the pyramid called SUMMIT.

SUMMIT in this case is only but a code explaining the sum of mind (m) current (i) transfer (t) which explains all the medias and information technologies, which involves broadcasting and IT (ICT comprising of all the social networks such as Whatsapp, Facebook, instagram, 2go etc. and electronics and their various platforms of which android and iOS (eye operating system controls the mind current of man). Android will run with a DUOS (Devil's Universal Operating System) which is now been defiled in JOS (Jesus' Operating System) to completely expose the devil's UC browser (Universal Control Browser)

Do not say you weren't told...!

I Patrick Egah, Igoche Ikwue (Patrick Divine against Da Vinci's Codes), the three eyes of Divinity in the face of humanity in the symbol of the two lampstands has made known to you this secret. Do not reject knowledge because rejecting knowledge is deliberate ignorance, more dangerous than when you don't know at all.

Acts 17: 30

Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead."

From Genesis to Revelation, what the Word of God is doing is simply exposing the tiny bug S and this bug is the only cause of sins which lead to lawlessness that is making the love of many to wax cold.