The chapter of this book connects a reality "Where it all began" and in order to continue the sequence of the Divine Revelation Thought Program, I will be discussing further some important subject which will align perfectly with the previous chapter of this book.

What the devil knows that you seem not to know is actually your Divine Right and with the understanding of your Divine right, the devil has no single power over you. The power that the devil uses against you is simply the current of your negative thought even as you have thought, so you are, which is as a result of you deliberately not connecting God's light and this will as a result end you up without the knowledge of the truth. Your ignorance of the knowledge of the truth which reveals the true place of your authority in God is what the devil uses against you and makes it appear as if he has power over you when you deliberately choose not to acknowledge the truth. The devil is powerlessly powerless when you operate in the true knowledge of your identity in God and this is what God wants, but we have become so carnal minded. The devil was and he is not the light bearer and he can never again be the light bearer and he knows this too well. Because the devil knows that he is no longer the light bearer, he will do everything within the power of his deceptive wiles and lies to keep you away from knowing the truth, having functioned as the custodian of knowledge before he was being stripped of his light which made him seized being the custodian of knowledge. The devil was stripped of his light because of his contrary character from the ordained after his rebellion and he started operating in the alternate character that alternates the right character to the contrary and make it appear as if it is the right as ordained. The devil has the knowledge of our identity even before we were called forth into existence by God because he was also part of the heaven's company that God summoned into contract to make man in His very image and likeness, but because of his contrary thought, he ended up resisting the will of God in his mind and ever fighting to keep us far away from the knowledge of our true identity, so that he will keep living a false impression to make us feel carnal when we are spiritual being. The moment we start thinking the devil's impression, no matter how God it is, it will oppose faith and anything that opposes faith, makes us carnal. When we accept the devil's impression, he will allow us to reduce ourselves with our mindset of our ignorance to accept the carnal nature, which is only but the function of our thought. In the mind of God, before the devil, man already exist, so by Divine configuration, man is older than the devil in the mind of God. By this I mean, man is as old as God's thought and that is why the devil was created as the angel of light to reflect God's thought, I mean announce and make known the glory of man who is the manifestation of God's thought to serve the purpose of his emergence on the platform where the glory is reflected as light and that is why we are called light of the world. This implies in the agenda of God, the devil is to carry out the ordained function of illumination, such that as man serves God in His true identity, even the glory that will radiate from the devil who was the light bearer will be the glory that is reflected from man even as the devil carry out the ordained instruction of man in God, not man of God. I know this will be a very hard nut for you to chew, because it is not meant for the multitude, but the few remnants who are taking root below to bear fruit above in order to manifest the glory of the Father's love in the face of light. But I want you to know that God would not have made man in His image and likeness if man was not created as the devil's superior. Until we understand the truth that we are not carnal beings, we will never access the key to functioning in our Divine right of honor and glory. We carry the Divine mark of God and for this singular reason the devil could not resist God directly, so he ended up carrying out a thought protest which ends him up opposing God's thought in his imagination. I have been able to drive down deep into the heart of reality in God's mind in my previous book connecting this one, from where; we were able to see the cause of Satan's rebellion. Here in this book, I will by the grace of God be taking you into another depth of Divine realities to understand some basic spiritual principles, we seem not to understand because of the fall of man that made man to become reduced to the extent of his thought, instead of functioning God's thought.

Fear is simply define as the current of a man's thought driving a man's will, while faith is the current of God's thought driving a man's will, and you can never overcome the world except with faith, which implies, the things you see must not determine the reality you want to see as spoken by God.

Genesis 1: 26, 27

And God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness and let them have dominion over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them.

When we are emphasizing the image and likeness of God in reality, we must know that it is not the material part of man, but the immaterial part which has is the content of God in man as his spirit and mind. Satan's power is not a power for real; we end up making him powerful with our thought. With our ignorance, Satan's power is simply the ability to deceive with his cunning and subtle nature, and once we accept his impressions; we will be lost in his current lies which will present the unreal as the real. He knows he is sure powerlessly powerless when we know the truth, so his major task is to flood our thoughts with more lies such that the moment we accept these lies, the more we are lost in fear to fear him as what he is not, and the more you fear him, the more he appears so powerful to you, and the more you see him as powerful, the more you become ignorant of your Divine right which is your only authority to resist him, not your eloquences or big grammar.

Ignorance creates fear and fear involves torment that places us to function outside our identity in God.

Luke 10: 18- 20

And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven." Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.

The devil does not equal to God in any way, and since we are made in the very image and likeness of God, the devil is not also equal to us in any way, but it is so pathetically pathetic that our mindset has reduced us to thinking what God has not thought about us for ourselves and this is what is ending us at becoming the devil's slave, activating a spiritual error manifestation with servants riding on horses and princes trekking on foots (Ecclesiastes 10: 7). The devil is not what he is actually presenting himself to be, he is only but an actor acting what he is not, pretending to be, giving birth to hypocritical people who would not walk in the light, but hiding the reality of their intent, even in the church. He is like a roaring lion, but not. Why does he always present himself like what he is not? He does present himself like what he is not in order to create fear in us, and have access to be able to manipulate and deceive us, especially the gullible many who falls to his deceptive wiles.