I see! I am still seeing His glory, even as I am in His glory and His glory is in me, in Him I have become His glory!!

His glory is evident in everything we do, and also everything that exists, from the visible things and the invisible ones, all in all reflects His glory. When we wake up every morning, the first thing that calls our consciousness to life is the evident of His glory (Breathe of life). We became a living being because He breath into us the breath of life (Genesis 2: 7), and because we are alive, we can see His light and we know it is morning, bringing us a sense of relieve and joy, having endured the night of dormancy to see the reality of God displayed all over the horizon of the firmaments. So because of the breath of life, powered to function as spirit being, we now see the light which is a true picture of the reflection of the minute microcosm of the reality of His glory and He wants us to come fully in, so we could dwell with Him where we seize to exist in self, but hold our existence in Him alone, drinking from the very life of eternal span.

This was the reason why God first spoke light in Genesis chapter one verse three, to illuminate our understanding to bring us alive to the consciousness to know who we are in Him, that there is light and the consciousness of the light is what births KNOWLEDGE of things, pointing that if we must dwell in His glory, we must know Him who breath into us the breath of life, because He had made us for His glory to reflect His magnificent weight. So He spoke LIGHT (the reality of His glory) as the key to accessing His glory and create in us the consciousness which exist in His thought. So in reality, man was created first in His mind, but since He wants man to function in His dimension, He did not release man first into the space (platform) called Earth, and decided to create all things reflecting His glory, so that when He releases man in the light of His thought, man will now be released into the knowledge of His glory to function in His capacity as programmed in His thought. So man was God's most special treasure in the heart of His heart. So when you read with the consciousness of God's thought, you will discover, everything God made, was made to reflect glory back to Him and that is the food He eats.

As I write, I am seeing through my window, and I can see clearly from my window the light rays from the sun which without, I wouldn't have been able to see to write, because there wasn't light and my half dead torchlight is now completely dead, and I was just managing the light from my phone that just went off because of flat battery. I cannot just focus on the brilliancy of the sun ray, it is living me brain dead, because my mind is not programmed to receive such intensity of light, but when I stayed focus on the light rays from the sun for sometime, my mind started readjusting and my understanding started becoming illuminated, and I only discovered that the intensity of the sun rays started reducing and I stored instantly that mindset, and immediately, I could focus on the sun without even blinking, and I saw that the light I couldn't focus on because of its brilliancy was what looks like a tiny shiny burning ball, which drags its intensity into a deeper sight beyond the literal ball I have seen, deeper and deeper in a depth as if an eternal Source is calling it into an endless depth I cannot find a word to express, revealing the glory of the SOURCE. Hmmm! Father help me!!

I know I am sounding strangr, yes! Because in this world I am a stranger! I humbly admonish you to just read on!!