Chapter 2 / the boy

Ace's POV

Finally I have found that bastard.

Don't worry Tach. I will make that traitor pay!


The sun had just begun to rise when the coffee kicked in. I was lying on the deck of the la luz letting the fresh breeze clear my mind.

Lou and I had been pondering on how to begin our search and come to the conclusion that I should try finding the people that had appeared in the vision. In order to hide that I am an elf Lou and I had not left Ukuthula island in the past twenty or so years other than on a few disguised spying trips (I don't want to die of boredom).

I smiled as the first rays of sunlight graced my face spreading a warm feeling in my body.

"It's good to be out again. Please continue to be a good companion on this journey babe." I said tracing the Luz's railing.

"Are you talking with the ship again?"

"Good morning Lou, did you sleep well?"

"After I kicked you out I did." She replied making a face. I laughed and again the well-known excitement spread through my stomach.

Finally were going back on a journey. I can't wait.

"That grin doesn't suit those eyebags you know."

"Yeah, rub it in." I rolled my eyes grinning even wider if that was possible.

"How do you still act like a kid when your turning 365 this year?" Lou teased making me role my eyes.

Though my age might seem old for most races I was barely considered a young adult amongst the elves. Well if they ever considered me as one of them that is. I made a grimace at the memories I had with my prudish, snobby and rude fellow elves.

Ever since the massacre of our ancestors following the 100 year void my race had gone into hiding and cut contact with all outsiders. Who interacted with them was seen as a traitor endangering the tribes and pretty much kicked out. Now you can imagine what happend when my grandmother fell for a fishman and decided to marry him. Yeah, my "impure"  bloodline and connection to the big bad world was not welcome. So I commit to adventures fitting human lifespans and practice self isolation in between. If I hadn't picked up Lou along the way I would have probably gone crazy by now.

"Hey, look, the seagull droped by the morning paper."

I turned to Lou who was studying the front-page intensely.

"Um y/N... You might want to see this."

"What is it?" I took the paper out of her hands my eyes widening as I read.

"Eddie is going to war?" I had met Whitebeard back when he was still a young, blond newcomer and we had irregular contact ever since. We were friends but hanging out to much would definitely cast unwanted attention on me and Lou and although we both have had unusually long lifespans and time to learn and grow stronger, I did not want to fight the world government as a duo.

I continued to devour the article cursing a few times to many as my eyes halted at the picture of a young man who seemingly had caused this entire mess.

"Portgas D Ace, he looks really familiar have we ever met him Lou?"

"No way. He is way to young. You haven't properly left the island in years."

"Hm Strange... wait a second." My eyes widend in shock of the realization of whom I had before me. I dropped the paper and raced to my cabin, ripped open my desk drawer and exhumed my diary. Flipping through the pages I halted at my last entry. I had tried to sketch out the vision in an attempt to find a clue as to what I was supposed to do.

There in the arms of another boy lay the dying figure of the young man in the paper.

"Lou, Lou! I have found the boy from my vision. It's him. It's Portgas D Ace!"

"You are joking right?"

I blinked confused as I saw Lou's terrified expression.

"He is the second commander of the white beard pirates, the reason why one of the biggest wars in the past century is going to take place. We will have to run right into that chaos!"

Lou was scared, I could see it. She hated being anywhere near marines due to the abuse she had endured as one of their test subjects. She had eaten the Kako Kako no mi (time time fruit) an extremely rare devil fruit that had transformed her into time itself, making her practically immortal. The government and their scientists where therefore very keen on getting their hands on her.

"You're right it's scary. Therefore we need an absolutely perfect plan."