Chapter 16 – I Need A New Best Friend!

It's the morning of graduation and my nerves are really starting to kick in. Yesterday we moved half of our stuff into Bianca's new apartment and I finished making my dress. I stare at the dress on my dress form, proud of what I made.

Aaron will be picking us up but I chose not to tell Bianca. She might decide to go on her own if I did. I do my make up and curl my wig. When I put on my dress, I call Bianca to help me zip it up. She walks in and smiles like a mother watching her daughter who is about to get married. With tears at the brim of her eyes she finally speaks.

"You look stunning."

"Thank you." I smile.

She zips up the dress and I smoothen it out to fit me. "Come to the living room, I want to take a picture. I shake my head and laugh but still go with her. Bianca and I have a mini photoshoot. "Ouu take a look at this one B." Bianca rushes to my side to show me the picture. "Wow it's actually nice." I look good in that one.

Bianca and I are oogling over my pictures when someone knocks on the door. {It must be Aaron.}

"I'll get it." Bianca says and drops the camera. I move to an angle where I can see who is at the door and hear any conversation that happens. Bianca opens the door and shock is written all over her face. "Why are you here?"

"You know I only have one mission here."

"Which is?"

"To be the man of your dreams." Aaron smiles with teeth and all. Bianca's expression changes but she covers it up with a scowl.

"Haha real funny. Why are you actually here?"

"Actually, I have two missions here, the first, to be the man of your dreams and the second is to take some pretty ladies to a graduation."

Bianca looks at me and I smile and shrug. "Let's go or we are going to be late" I hold in my laughter and take my purse from the centre table then go outside? leaving the two of them alone.

I sit at back and wait for them to come out. Bianca is probably giving him hell. It takes about five minutes before they do come out and I see that they are both...smiling? What?!

Aaron holds the front door open for Bianca but she rolls her eyes and tries to enter the back with me so I do the only thing that can get her to sit in front, I lock the door.

"Are you serious? " She yelled through the glass.

{Why is she acting like I didn't just see them both smiling at each other?}

I see Aaron smirk and give me a look that says 'thank you'. I wind down the back seat window and give her a big smile with teeth and all.

"Ughh remind me to get a new best friend!!" She yells as she gets into the front seat, not before sticking her finger in Aaron's face. "This doesn't mean you have won." He holds up his hand like saying he surrenders.

When Aaron start the car the air-conditioning blows the fresh smell of strawberries in my nostrils.

"By the way Bella, you look absolutely beautiful." I smile.

"Thank you, you clean up nicely too."

He does a little show and bows "Thanks B."

"What are your plans after we graduate?"

"Well, I may have never spoken about it and all but my dad kind of owns a software development company and I'm going to help him run it. I'll be like what he calls, the vice president of his company until he steps down and I take over." Aaron smiles nervously.

"Ohh my God Aaron!! that is so nice. Isn't it Bianca?"

"Yeah sure it is." She barely acknowledges us as she looks out the window. What could she possibly be thinking about?

"Don't be such a sour puss."


"Anyways...Aaron you didn't tell me you are some kind of 'rich kid', I thought we were tight?"

"We are B, it's just...when I tell people, they seem to get intimidated by me or want something from me." He shrugs.

"Oh I get. Don't worry, I and Bianca don't give two shits about that." I smile at him then replay what I just said in my head. "Not in a bad way or anything like that, I just..."

"It's alright B, I get what your saying." He chuckles and I let out a breath of relief.

The rest of the drive is filled with I and Aaron's voices, Bianca's occasionally. We arrive at our college when the ceremony had already started so we quietly take our seats. Person after person, Aaron finally gets called on stage.

He runs up stage and gets handed his degree then everyone cheers him on. I stand up and cheer for him and so does Bianca. Shocker.

A girl screams 'You go sweet cheeks!!' and Aaron winks at her. On seeing that, Bianca immediately stops clapping and takes a sit. Not long after, my name gets called.

I feel the pressure build up in the pit of my stomach but I slowly make my way to the podium. I get handed my degree and smile at the crowd while they hoot and holler then Bianca screams my name.

When the ceremony is over, Aaron walks away to say hi to some friends and I do the same. I come back and see Bianca talking to Cole Evans. He is a pretty nice guy and all but kinda boring. He is a cousin to one of the jocks and by the looks of him, he looks like one too. He comes around quite often actually.

"So am I getting your number or what?" He smirks and Bianca laughs.

"Give me your phone." She demands.

"Yes ma'am." I hear their conversation as I get closer and closer to them. "Hey Bella, you look great. Congratulations on the graduation!!" He gives me a side hug.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." I joke with him and he lets out a hearty laugh while Bianca giggles as she gives him his phone, right when Aaron appears behind I and Bianca.

"Can I get in on the joke!" He said more like a command than a question as he positions himself possessively behind us. He looks at me then Bianca and finally at Cole.

"Sup Mike." Cole says but Aaron only acknowledges him with a nod. I don't think they get along well.

I turn around and touch both boys on their shoulders "Cole here was just asking Bianca for her number then I cracked a joke..." Well I think it was a joke. "...about the way he looks, all dressed up."

"Oh okay." Aaron fakes a smile. I can tell because I take recognition of a lot of people's facial expressions, mostly when they smile. It allows me to tell whether they are faking it or not.

Cole whistles. "Well I'll be going now...I'll call you." He gives Bianca a wink and walks away with his hands in his pockets.



"I said quick."

"Quick what?"

"We have to get to the restaurant I made dinner reservations at, quickly." He holds out his hand for I and Bianca and I take it but Bianca seems a little hesitant. "Come on, I don't bite. Well if you want me to, I can reconsider?" He smirks.

"Perv." She sighs but takes his hand.

"Perv for you." He smiles.

"Get a room already...but after dinner!!!" I yell and walk ahead of them before they could give me a response but I hear a series of 'ewws' and 'that would be amazing'.