Tip of the Iceberg

It was clear that Wrath was holding back a grunt as she clenched her fist and bit Lust's hand. He jerked and bit his lips to avoid letting out a yelp. Suddenly the two were quietly quarreling with each other.

"Wrath?" Pride called out.

"Hmm?" she was in the midst of taking another bite of Lust's finger.

"I was just wondering how you get to know this place. This could be our new meeting location."

"What?! Don't you get that suffocating feeling just by standing outside of the gate? This place has a bad vibe to it from the get-go!" Gluttony interrupted.

"Yeah, I don't know man. I guess it's pretty close to my place, but I would rather have meetings at Lust's apartment than here," Sloth agreed.

"We don't have to come here at midnight. We can always visit during the day. Then it wouldn't be a problem, right?" Pride turned to Wrath for a backup.