Duck, Duck, Goose

"Uhm, is your friend okay? Should I bring her food?" Wrath offered.

"Oh, no. It's okay. She's just a little tired. I'll pop her food in the microwave when she wakes up," he continued to fork his fettucine and slurped it.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Wrath covered her mouth and whispered to Pride as to avoid the subject of the matter from hearing their conversation.

"I honestly have no idea either. But at least she's alive right?" he mirrored her gesture.

Suddenly they a heard a low grumble of snore from within Lust's bedroom.

"Sorry, I guess the door was ajar," he stood up and closed the door before proceeding to enjoy his meal. "Oh yeah, how did you get your hands free? What have you guys been doing while I was gone?"

The informality of the speech was even concerning to Wrath. She could only response by looking at Pride as if to ask for his help.