I was sitting on my desk and giggling.

"Amy, are you okay?"Emma asked me from behind.

"When did you came to my room?"

"When you were giggling like an idiot"


"Amy are you okay? I know you are hurt, but you have to control yourself. You will get over this pain, he doesn't deserve you" she said.

"Ems, I'm okay, you think he can hurt me then go without explaining things"

"Amy don't you dare do anything stupid, now I'm getting why you giggled. He is the Cold-hearted alpha, Amy. In the end, you will be the one to get hurt again"

Her words only made me seek revenge. But I don't wanna play games with him. I just want to make him regret that he rejected me.

"Ems, I'm not gonna do anything stupid. You go downstairs, I have some work to do."

I replied.

I pushed her out of my room and locked it. You big bad ALPHA, you are gonna regret rejecting me. I smirked at what I'm going to do.

I pulled a white sheet and started writing.



I hate you, what do you think of yourself. You are a son of

"Amy opened the door. I brought you some chocolates."Zander shouted through my door.

WTF he needs this time.

"I'm coming"I yelled at him

I opened the door and grabbed the chocolates from his hands. Before he gets to say anything slammed the door in his face.

"Amy" he whined

"Zander, I don't have time for your stupid talk"

"I HATE YOU" He yelled at me.

" I know you love me Zandy"

"In your dreams" then i heard the footstep going away. I smiled at those chocolates he brought me. I ate few chocolates started writing.

Your muscles are nothing ...

Chocolates dripped from my lips, I licked them. Hmm, yummy. Oh, I have to write.

You know nothing about me. You can't break me, I'm strong and independent. Boys wanted to date me, girls envy me because of my body. And you lost me, you nothing but a cold headed.

"Amy, are you going with Emma and Zander? They are going outside"

My mom asked me through the mind link.

The little vixen and jerk have to go outside when I'm busy.

"Mom, tell them, I will be down in 10 minutes.

After few minutes...


I didn't bother to read the letter again. I folded the letter and stepped out of my room.

I checked the hallway and went to the guest room. Hmm, this is his room.

I quickly found his bag on the top of the table and put that letter in it.

AHH, done, I looked around his room and spotted his shirt laying in bed. It looks comfortable. I sniffed the shirt. It's fucking Intoxicating. Fuck this mate bond.

"What are you doing here?"

I jumped, my heart skipped a beat. The shirt slipped out of my hand.

I looked behind me.

"You scared the shit out of me."

He stared at me.

"Still you didn't answer my question. what are you doing in my room?"

"Oh..me? ah ...Zander, Emma and me going outside.do you wanna come with us? it's okay if you don't wanna come with us. I'm going. "

 I blabbered.

"Did I say no?" he asked me looking at my eyes.

I shake my head at him. I gulped, I'm scared as hell.

"OK, then lemme ask Christian. "

"OK, I will be downstairs.

I told him.

Hurriedly I tried to get out of his room. Tried.

He grabbed my hand, his grip was strong, sparks flooded through my body from his touch.

"Amy, I'm sorry, but this is good for both of us"

I want to ask the meaning behind his words. But I couldn't say anything or pull my hand out of his grip. I was staring at his eyes, it held too much emotion I couldn't put on my mind. It's like he wanted to say so many things but he can't and he doesn't want to leave to me. He quickly masked his emotion and unfolded his grip.

I wanted to ask him more but I controlled myself for wanting to continue this topic. I nodded at him then I quickly stepped out of my room. My mind went back to his eyes. It held too much emotion, why can't he let me in. I didn't see any cold heartless alpha, the man in front of mine was Vulnerable.

There stood Emma and Zander looking at me while holding their hand to the chest at the same time. I gulped how the hell I'm gonna explain to them that I invited the person whom I supposed to hate right now.

******TIME SKIPS*****

The silence was captured in the car. I was sitting in the middle of Emma and Christian.

We stopped at a nearby restaurant. We went to the table in the corner. It was mine, Emma and Zander's usual table. The waiter came to us. Hmm, he doesn't look bad. I think he is new here. As I'm seeing him for the first time in this restaurant, he is a werewolf I can tell that by his smell.

Someone nudged at me.

"What are you thinking, he asks ---

Before Alex can continue what he was saying. The waiter cut his words.

"I asked you what would you like to have? "

He grinned at me. I blushed hard. A slow growl escaped from Alex's mouth it was like a whisper but I heard it.

"Steak and Orange juice, that would be enough."I smiled at him.

The rest of them were already ordered when I was talking to myself. The same waiter brought our orders. Then he pushed a paper inside my hand. I opened it. I was shocked.




I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked to my right. Alex was looking at me like he wanted to scream at me. He grabbed the note from my hand and throw the paper at Jason.

"If you want to keep your job, stay the hell outta here" he shouted at Jason.

Veins were popping out from his neck and hand. I touched his arm, he flinched then relaxed.

I felt guilty for flirting with another person in front of his eyes.

He pulled away from my hand and stood up.

"I'm going. "

Then he left without saying anything further.

"I'm going with him, "I said.

Christian stopped me.

"Don't, stay here. You shouldn't talk to him now, I'll go now"

Then he left.

WHY THE HELL HE GOT ANGRY. It might be probably his wolf.

Why did I want to comfort him, when he was the one who rejected me. Now I'm feeling restless.DAMN.

"He will be alright. "Scar told me.

"Scar, I missed you"

I missed her. It was just a day still she is my wolf.No one can know me better than her.

"It's okay"

The rest of the night went in the blink of an eye. I wondered if he's is feeling okay. I didn't saw him after the incident.


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