[11] AARON

Amy pov

"Eh Park? "

"Yeah park, It's my favourite place" He was smiling at me.

"I want ice cream" I whined when I saw an ice cream parlour near the entrance of the park.

"Ok, come on, stop whining" He pinched my nose and went to the ice cream parlour.

"What flavour do you want? "

He asked me while picking up his vanilla flavoured ice cream.

"Of course chocolate" I grinned.

"So you are a chocolate girl" He arched his dark eyebrows at me.

"Yup, so what" I shrugged.

We walked through the park and sat on a nearby bench. The weather is so calm. Then there was a couple walking together holding their hands, my mind slips into the green eyes man who crushed my hope. If at least he gave us a chance. Why do I thinking about him even I'm not with him?

"You are zoning out, what's playing on your little head? " He whispered, by eating his ice cream.

"Nothing" I stated back.

"You are thinking about him, right? "

"How do you know? "I asked him confused. Am I open a book?

" He's your mate, your other half. Of course, you would think about him"He explained, scrolling through his phone.

"Why did he rejected me? "

"I will tell you later, Don't stress out. I bought you here to feel comfortable. "

"I'm comfortable. Thank you" I smiled. I did need someone to talk to and share my feelings. I'm glad I got to meet someone like him.

We both spend together few hours, playing and talking. I didn't have this much fun for a long time.

"It's getting late. I will drop you. "

We both walked back and got on the bike.

Did Alex found out I sneak around? I hope he won't freak out.

Aaron left me near the pack territory. I walked back to his house. Too many people were surrounding his house. And I can hear him shouting from here.

I walked into the house. There he was sitting tensed. What happened to him. I slowly walked to him.


The whole living room slipped into silence.

I desperately want to know what happened to him. What made him so worried.

"WHERE WERE YOU" he shouted at me. Anger was clearly in his voice.

I gulped, how can I say to my mate that I was hanging out with a man I just met today.

"I was hanging out with my friend. "

"How can you act this childish. Don't you know enemies are waiting to capture you? And you are going around without any protection. How can you be so careless? "

"I just want to have some fresh air. It's suffocating here" A tear escaped from my eyes.

I know I should inform him. He must be so worried.

I looked around, everyone already left. It's just us here.

He pulled me closer to him. His eyes were piercing through my soul. His eyes flickered to my lips and eyes. His face comes closer to me. His breath fanned my neck. Tingles floated in my body. If he comes an inch closer to me, his lips would brush my lips.

A growl escaped from my stomach.

The room shifted to a hot atmosphere. His smell hits my nostrils and I'm feeling hot throughout my body. How can he make me like this just by pulling me close to him? I just want to feel his lips on me.

"Are you hungry? " His eyes were staring at my lips.

A gasp escaped from my lips.

"Yes," this time it was him who gulped.

"Don't ever leave without informing me" He whispered and left without giving me a single glance.

Eh, what was that? He made me feel so horny and left like that. Aaah

I went to the kitchen and there were some leftovers. I ate them hurriedly and made my way to my room. Ahem, I'm exhausted. It was a long day.


who could be that?

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. My phone hadn't any locks. Since Aaron might text me, I put my phone locked since there's a chance Alex could know about my new friend. Oh it's him

Aaron- Good night beautiful.

I blushed hard.

Amy- Good night

After texting back, I put my phone down and closed my eyes.

He comes closer to me and pulled my face forward and slammed his lips on me.

"You are mine, don't forget that"

Then he slammed his body against me and kissed me hard

"I'm yours"

I looked at him. There stood my mate with a smile on his face holding me against him.


Who's disturbing us, when we are having a moment.



I opened my face. Then I realized I was just in my bed with a blanket tangling my body.

Oh, so it was a dream.

I picked up the call.

"Good morning Sunshine"

Ah, there's my friend, who interrupted such a good dream.

"Good morning Aaron"

"Wake up sleepy head."

"How do you know I didn't wake up yet? "

"Because your voice is much husky than your normal voice"

"Okay. I gotta go, call you later"

"Okay, darling"

He and his nicknames are so cringed. Ahahah

I did my morning routine and stepped downstairs.

He's still here. I'm embarrassed to even face him.

"Why are you standing there? Come eat"

He said while pointing at a chair opposite him.

I sat on the chair.

"Get ready, We are leaving"

"Where? " I asked him confused.

"You would know when we reach there"

"Then how can I know what type of attire should I have? "I arched my one eyebrow at him.

"Just wear casual clothes. It's just us. "

I gulped hard. Just me and him. Where's he going to take me.

I remembered my dream, could it be possible?

I breathed hard when I think about how he was holding me in my dream.

"Finish your breakfast and get ready. "

"We are leaving now? " I asked him holding my both hand together.


I quickly finished my breakfast and got ready. It's the first time he's taking me somewhere. I checked my attire once again and left to meet him downstairs.

He was talking to someone. He seems serious.

"Track him, Don't let him come near here anymore."

He turned around looked at me.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later. "

He hangs up his phone and pulled out a bag from the couch.

"let's go"

Where are we even going..?


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