[13] Happiness

Amy pov

After having a quick shower goes downstairs. There's he standing with bareback holding a pen in his hand. It's eye candy to watch. How can someone be so hot? Moon goddess blessed me with a handsome hunk. I hope every day would be like this, so I can be with him forever.

"Why are you standing there, come here" He pointed a finger at me to come closer to him.

"What did you make? " I asked while scratching the back of my neck.

"Umm pancake with maple syrup"

"Oh my god," I licked my lips and walked towards him.

I started eating peacefully, umm it's so good. I moaned out at the taste of this yummy pancake.

"Ahem, I know it's tasty, but don't moan out, people might think we are doing something else"

Ah fuck, I blushed so hard, how can he talk like this when we are eating.

"But we are alone now," I told him while licking my lips.

"Are you suggesting to do something else?" He smirked at me.

Oh my god. How can I resist this hotness? Oh god please help me to keep my sanity.

"I'm done. I'm going to sleep"

"Let's watch some movie first"

"Netflix? "I asked him while crossing both hands to my chest.

"Yeah, Netflix. " He seems relaxed.

After arguing about what to watch, we finally chose to watch the kissing booth. After few minutes things start to heat. Oh my, they are fucking kissing so hard. I can feel his hard stare, I chose not to look back at him as I know I would lose my control over everything.

"Do you wanna drink? " He asked suddenly holding my hands.

Please take your hands back. I trying not to touch you back.

"Umm juice will be fine," I told him while looking at his hand which is still holding me.

"What flavour? "

'Amy, he's asking what flavour, we are doing this right now? 'Scar asked me. That bitch and her dirty mind. I don't know why he's asking that now When Both Noah and Elle practically having s*x on screen.

"Orange would be okay"

"So you like orange? " I can see that he's teasing me with his voice.

Can't he stop? I'm literally on the verge of losing control. I would kiss him hard on his lips if he keeps bugging me on this topic.

"I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep"

I stood up from the couch, tried to walk away back to my room, Yes tried. Because Alex was pulling my hands so hard.

"Am I making you uncomfortable? "He asked while holding my chin.

" No, I'm just sleepy. "

"Ok than good night. "

I quickly goes to my room and closed the door. I breathed so hard. Oh my god, that was so close. I lay down on the bed and started remembering every moment we spend together today. I can't believe it, I spent the whole day with my mate, the one who rejected me, the one people scared off. To me, I can see that he is hiding his emotion in front of the world. What is he scared of? Why did he have to mask his emotion? After too many twist and down I can see that I'm not getting any sleep today. Is he asleep?

Should I checkup? I simply walked towards his room and opened the door. What, I didn't even knock on the door. He's going to yell at me. The lights were off, I slowly stepped into his bed, he's sleeping so calmly. How can he sleep when my heart is running around thousands of meters. I touched his cheek. So cold. I brushed my hand on his hair. It's so smooth. Suddenly a hand pulled me into the bed.

"What are you doing? "

I'm beyond embarrassed now. He caught me twice touching his face today.

"I'm not getting any sleep, I just come here to check up. " Oh, what would he think of me. I should have kept my hands to myself.

"Sleep here"


"Sleep with me"

"Ahh won't be that awkward? "

"why would it be awkward, you are my mate"

Then he pulled me towards his chest. It's so warm. I feel so safe and relaxed being in his embrace.

"You smell so good" He sniffed my neck and His arms wrapped around my body.

"I want you in my bed every day" His voice was huskier than usual.

I don't know what to say. I mean he has to talk like this when we are sharing a bed in this dark room.

"You are so beautiful" my back was towards his chest, I turned around and smiled at him.

"Thank you"

"Keep smile like this, I want this smile on your face forever. "

I frown at his word. Did he saw me got upset? What twisted in his head that he's treating me nicely now. Isn't it just my imagination or not. I'm really confused. How can a person change like this on single day? Yesterday was like he barking around and now he's taking me in his embrace, holding me tightly while saying nice words. I hope this night never ends. His body warmth giving me the comfort that I needed most. I can only hope things won't change when we wake up tomorrow and go back to strangers.

Sleep took over my body, as I was closing my eyes I felt like Alex caressing my face, then he pecked my forehead.

Ah, I got the best sleep in years, I opened my eyes and shocked by the way I slept. Our body is tangled each other, I'm practically on top of him. His one hand is holding me back and another one was in my bare belly. My shirt might be twisted up from turning around too much. And one of my hand was on his bare chest, near his ni**le. What would he think when he sees us like that, it's so awkward. I looked at his face, His messy hair making me caress his hair, his soft lips look so good that I want to touch mine with it. I can stare at his body all day, he's just perfect.