Amy pov

I opened my eyes, Alex's hands were around my waist on the tight grip. I checked the time. It's just 8 in the morning. 

Alex looks so cute. I poke his cheek and he smiled. He's faking. I pulled his hair hard to wake him up. 

"Ouch," Alex whined. 

I laughed so hard, he's so cute. 

"Why did you do that? " Alex asked me biting his lips down. 

I chuckled. 

"Because I knew it. You were acting." I rolled my eyes at him. 

"I'm gonna shower," Alex told me and goes to shower. 

I took my clothes to shower. I hope Alex isn't going to the office today too. 

Been beep

Aaron - I'll come within 2 hours. Cya

Amy - Ok :-) 

I scroll down other news on social media. 

After few minutes Alex comes out of the bathroom. 

"Go take shower. I'll wait for you"

I nodded at him and rushed to shower.