33.The date

Amy pov

What should I wear? I don't even have anyone to ask? I wish Emma would be here. Maybe I should buy a new dress. 

I called Aaron, hope will help me to find the best dress. 

"Hello, what's up darling"

"Aaron. I need your help"

"Oh, you only call me when you need help. Now, what do you want this time? "

"Ah. It's not like that. "

'He's not wrong, you only call him when you need him 

Scar mocked at me. I rolled my eyes at her. 

Oh please stop it. I'm not selfish. 

"So tell me what do you need this time"

He asked me again. 

"Alex asked me out. I need a new dress"

"Did you just call me for shopping? "

Aaron asked me. 

"Yes," I screamed through the phone. 

"Nooooooooo" Aaron yelled back. 

"You're coming. That's final"

I disconnected the call before he gets to reply to me. 

I grinned. Today would be so fun.