39.THE PAST 2.0

Alex pov

I'm feeling shit of myself for acting like that, I shouldn't have done that. I should apologize to her, I don't know she will take my apology or not. How many times I hurt her, why did the moon goddess made our life miserable? I want to live with her happily. It's not going to happen now. 

I have to apologize to her now, or this guilt will eat me alive. 

knock knock

She didn't answer. 

"Come in" She yelled. I opened her door, she was laying on her bed. I knew she didn't expect me from her expression. She looks so uncomfortable. I used to sleep with her, my arm around her waist and her head on my chest. And I would sleep peacefully. I used to have difficulty sleeping. But after she was sleeping with me, my sleeping came back to normal. Now it returns to being a mess. I miss us, our comfortable night. I miss you, Amy. But I could never confess to her.