
my mom called me downstairs so i went down. She's making a cookies so i asked her why.

"Hey mom why are you making cookies?" I asked.

she replied "we have a new neighbor we should welcome them" i looked at her and she smiled at me.

"Go get ready the cookies are almost ready"

So with that i go to my room and change my clothes. After i get ready i went through my phone looking if someone message me i went to snap and check my messages. I saw jace story it says one minute ago but he hasn't open my chat for 5 hours which is sad i met him on the internet but anyway whatever. I went downstairs i see my mom still looking after the cookies.

"im ready!" I said.

"Okay! Wait for me I'll just design the cookies and get ready-" she got cut off cause her phone rang.

I rolled my eyes and went to the backyard i saw my dog running towards me so i pick her up and kissed her.

"hey my baby ara did you hear mom she said we have a new neighbor hopefully they have a dog too so you can have someone to play with!" She just barked and i laughed then i put her down and went inside. I saw my mom still talking on her phone so i went to the living room and go through my phone.

My phone rang its my friend kisha "hey girly" i said.

"hey i heard you have a new neighbor!" She said and i laughed.

"yea yea" i said.

"omg i prayed they have a son so your not gonna be lonely anymore hahah" she said.

"oh my gosh stop it anyway i gotta go my mom is calling me we're probably gonna welcome them i gotta go bye" i said.

"alright miss you bye" she said and hang up the phone.

As soon as she hang up my mom called me "Alessandra! Sweetie can u please put the cookies in the container im just gonna change my clothes and we can go" i went to the kitchen and put the cookies to the container and she went to her room to change.

Her phone ring it was my brother so i answered it.

"hey its sandra" i said.

"oh can you tell mom I'm sleeping at grandma's house till next week?" He said.

"alright mateo im going to tell mom" i told him.

"alright thank you" he said hang up the phone.

As soon as he hang up i saw my mom walking towards me,

"who's that?" She asked.

"mateo he's sleeping at grandma's house till next week" i answered.

"oh ok im just gonna tell your dad to bring him clothes later" she said and i nodded as she called dad as she was calling dad i went through my phone and looking if someone messaged me jace hasn't still messaged me maybe he's busy with someone else ugh i really hope our neighbor have a son at my age so i can at least talk to him just kidding.

"alright Alessandra lets go" i heard my mom said and picks up the container with a cookies on it. I nodded as soon as we are heading out i feel nervous i dont even know why!.

As we are walking towards our neighbors house i went through my phone again still no message from him i pouted and put the phone on my pocket and followed my mom i saw our neighbors still getting their thing from the truck to put it inside of their house my mom greeted them politely and i did the same.

"hi good day im Anne smith and this is my daughter Alessandra" my mom smiled, as a good daughter i shook the girls hand i think she's on her 40's not really sure.

"Hi im Melissa and this is my husband john Arrevalo-" she got cut off cause her daughter called her.

"mom im hungry" the little girl said.

"Oh and thats my daughter melody" Melissa said and laughs.

"Oh your the one i hired right for our company? and here is a cookies i baked them its a welcome gift" my mom smiled.

"oh you're the vice president! thank you so much its a big opportunity and Awww thank you anne! Lets go inside" Melissa said.

"what does she mean?" i thought to my self "omg is she the mother of jace??"

My mom walk in first and im at her back as we're walking inside my funny thought slide in how this family dont have a son lol, i got snapped out when my phone got notification i saw it and its my other friend karissa how my love life is i texted her back saying jace haven't answered after 6 hours now! She told me just to forget about him and just find other guy haha funny right? We went to their living room and they talk about their adult talks.

30 minutes later...

"We are gonna invite you for dinner tonight i hope you guys can come" my mom said, i smiled at them.

"Yes we're going to be there! It will be fun!" Melissa said.

"we'll wait for you guys 8pm" my mom smiled and melissa nodded. They went with us till we got to their gate when someone called Melissa.

"mom did you see my shampoo?" We all look at him and i can't believe who it is, it was jace... I am looking at him like i saw a ghost my thoughts come up and maybe this is the reason why he haven't answered my texts i got snapped out of my thoughts when melissa talked

"its still on the truck honey" melissa said "oh by the way Anne, Alessandra this is jace my older son" she continued.

"Hi nice to meet you Jace" my mom said and i just smiled. He just smiled at my mom and went to their truck to find his shampoo. I am shock he's just gonna pretend like he didn't know me?? Wow.


Hey everyone! Hope you guys like the story! Please don't forget to post! I'll try to post the chapter 1 soon!