It was hard to guess where he would attack from because he was more experienced and fluid.

While I was jumping towards bang he took his stance,I attacked him by moving my right hand thumb,index and middle finger in a spinning motion while manipulating wind the three fingers but bang reacted quick and came closer  quickly positioning his right shoulder below my right hand and punched me extremely hard with his old age his strength deteriorated that why I just puked a little blood or my organ would have destroyed by this old man.

One punch man is an anime of comedy genre but the evolution rate of humans in that world isn't something to laugh at dark shine can become a human bulldozer by shear will to become strong and saitama a person who is the most average person to become stronger than a god with the most average training but godly devotion to become one punch man it can be compared to saiyan zenkai but the result of the evolution and the evolution process is unknown there maybe a requirement like suffering inhuman pain because while saitama was doing the workout he was also fighting random monsters.

I healed my wound and noticed my speed got faster and smoother while the aura around me got fiercer but it was moving in a controlled flow the positioning of the arms seemed more like wing chun fist but wing chun style was more depended on the defensive and counter attacking side then a pure blend of offence but the principal of both martial arts was the same.

I attacked bangs ribcage close to his heart but he did the same as I did both of our punches were pushed back so I manipulated wind from my left hand and this time bang jumped back to avoid getting sliced into pieces.











The aura around me started to get even more terrifying  and an avatar of a dragon made of black lightning took it's form and covered my body I clenched both of my fist and took a stance and jumped towards bang but this time before jumping a myriad of information came into my head and I move like already knew this technique of centuries a technique with unlimited potential like my mana.

This time bang have the time before I reached him and punched him 100 time per second watch the video of garou getting beaten by bang and bomb but the attacks were very heavy,hard and lightning fast in 3 seconds he turned into retro no blood was spilled the hole time.

I saw king but I used kamui on tatsumaki and used feather step to reach dark shines position and punched him in his stomach with my right arm and did an upper cut below the chin his made his head spin the damage my fist were doing was spreading through his whole body like water and cut marks started appearing on every inch of his body because every punch contained the ferocious and dense whirlwind heavy fist which started leaving hidden wounds inside his body and the cuts started getting deeper.

Under 5 seconds of making dark shine a punching bag his defence was rendered useless and started turning into pieces of cube blocks.

Then I used both of my arm to gather dense ki that was fused with the lightning dragon aura was I started rotating the ki and the aura around me was dark purple my eye's releasing a crimson red terrifying aura and the dragon avatar started getting denser the more energy I gathered in the blast and 5 seconds the energy to destroy a planet was gathered in my hands then I released it towards the small moon that I created by me.

The wave was so big that it enveloped the moon made out of those retro platforms and after coming in contact with the moon the blast became bigger and spread further into the sky.

The was very colourful and beautiful but the distruction rate was terrifying as well.

After the explosion the to normal light purple alot of the platforms were destroyed because there was no end to the sky or the platforms that were being formed from the beginning.

Once I was done with that I looked towards king and first gave him a chop on the neck and then broke his neck because I wanted to give him a quick and painless death as a fellow gamer.

After that a message came in front of me.



After I read the message I appeared in the same alley and asked an important question to maria that was which timeline have I appeared in.


Then what about my crib it simple but the first thing started creating when I arrived in this world.

Maria :"Stored in an empty space."I heard her voice from behind me,so I turned around and saw a beautiful woman in her twenties with black berry dark purple hair and purple eye's and all of her proportions were in the right places I could feel an empty feeling inside my heart it skipped a beat my lung were emptied and got hard to breath especially with the scent that was coming out of her,but I am suppose to be stone hearted so I used full control.


Maria :"How do I look,I thought I should use a fitting body this voice but with your reaction I think it's worth it."I sucked another breath with that voice of her she seemed even more beautiful.

(Author note : I will reveal his name when I register at the Association.)

Me :"But why would you materialise a body and how are you not an A.I?"When I asked this question my eye's kept roaming,it's not that I am an angel or something but even with full control it's getting hard to control my hormones maybe my skill does not work in her case only,because she is the one who has provided me with this strength she can take it back well as I can feel an unknown connection between us.

Maria :"Let's take this slowly,I have a consciousness and emotions that means I have a soul but I have been given a porpose and that is to manage your skills,mission and help you anyway possible and that includes your hormones basically I am your manager." Suddenly her expression turned serious and she said"But there is something important that I want you to keep in mind."

Maria :"This may sound strange but you yourself are an anomaly and have changed the fate of the world just by being here although the plot is same there is a momster association but there is difference, let me explain in detail saitama had a strong will power infact it was so strong that it affected his fate as well which was to always defeat monsters in one punch at first his goal was never to achieve of people around him which affected king fate and luck as he always got the acknowledgement saitama deserved it was easy because saitama was the main charater of the story."

"But as I previously explained you are an anomaly and for the universe to except you as it own or the multiverses helper it made you the main character and your fate will throw random test for you as you know life itself is a test it doesn't matter if it's a test for your nature and personality as you're strength is too strong that's why you don't need to worry but a hero's decision is very important as it changes the fate of the world the most because that person is the most favored by the world."

"That is why please note that things will never go as the original plot because stronger monsters than canon will appear demon and dragon will become regular that why the humanities fate is in your hands you need to guide them because the super natural in this world does not hide in the dark unless it a human like gyoro gyoro or the no.6 hero dark knight.

"You also have the option to gather people from your world and the world you have visited to help you in the mission this has a good effect on the people with you as they would be able to grow strong and help the world but choose wisely as they will be given managers type system like me specifically made for them,there personality would match each other suppose that one of them wants to betray you the system will support them as well as the world's will is not going to intervene in your matter."

Me :"But I still have one question why are you dressed up as a businesswoman?"I said and thought'And half of your shirt is open without anything inside does she want me to get a boner?'

Maria :"Doesn't it look more satisfying and kinky?,because you're a pervert our personality is the same."to which I said.

Me :"I do not announce that I am a perverse infact I have always been shy always sitting at the end of the class room trying not to gather attention but the things that I always want to avoid the most comes running towards me."I was thankful that I had the chance to live a life like shikamaru before becoming a genin relaxed but something came toward our direction flying looking toward it I said"Took his ugly ass time just to arrive here."

Maria :"Get ready are you going to help the people or  let it pass originally?"she asked me with a smile while she was looking somewhere else I used my hands to cover my crotch.

"Need I remind you go with the flow and live rather plan for the future because you may have the power to control fate but who knows if you mistakenly destroy the world because of your inexperience?"

Me :"I will use ki to fight them so that people that I can understand the power levels of the monster and there potential as humans and I will only teach heroes chosen by me."I said with a serious face.

Maria :"I will record every post it on an official channel so don't worry if public doesn't get it."

The vaccine man threw 3 balls of mysterious energy that had purple aura I reacted fast because I didn't limit myself and punched the energy ball upwards each of my punch was strong enough to create sonic booms I reached the last two ball and kicked them upwards and the 3 of them collided with each other and exploded and people started to run and I saw some familiar heroes but didn't pay much attention to them because it was standing infront of me.

I stared at him while folding my arms one eye close to piss it off,he stared at me with a serious face and said"you are strong how did you deflect my attack with just physical means?"He said while looking at my arm and legs which were releasing smoke but were uninjured I was not just fast but physically strong so I didn't pay attention to it's background as I already knew him so I attacked.

A burst of ki came around me and I rushed at him and manipulated the air cut his arms into pieces because of the sudden attack he was stunned and was thrown away and crashed to the ground the public was doing what it always does either when they are facing a danger or someone else take out there mobile phones or some ran away because they did not want to die although it was troublesome to protect them but it would benefit me later when joining the Association but the 2 heroes close to the monster came.

Smileman said"it will be if you please run to safety please."I stared at them with one eye open and looked at the public and said"You are recording this right?"When I got a nod from the public it started to get up I dashed towards it and with my right shoulder toward it and my left arm pointing towards it an small ki wave came out and destroyed it's hole body the public and the heroes were dumbfounded and there mouth gaping wide.

Once there attention came back they cheered and celebrated the defeat of the mysterious monster the explosion was enough to prove that it was demon level monster and I defeated it as it was nothing so I decided to now and register to the hero association as once this reached them they will directly rank me up to S class.

I told maria to take me to the Association registration site it would better to take her help as I didn't know the way.

She Teleported both of us close to that place and got into the line 1 hour and we were asked to complete the written test,but I was more confused more why would she do the test but before I even asked the answer was given.

Maria :"Before you ask why I am registering so I can manage the dealings with the Association although the stares are a bit disturbing but I can manage myself but you can't do that as you are just about to turn 17 in a week you don't know about the dealings between a worker and company although I doubt they wouldn't rank you up to S class but I also don't want you to join some group without knowing what you are dealing with okay."she said with an annoyed face because of the stares at her chest.

Me :"Maybe you shouldn't wear revealimg clothes."while starring at her but she held my head and stuffed it between her chest and said"I am taken!!!."loudly so that every one could hear and I got jealous,envious and murderous stares while I was feeling a soft and comfortable pillows squeezing on my face I decided to enjoy and ignore the stares as I will get more eye's with killing intent the future.

Maria :"You seem to be enjoying yourself?"to which I answered"Things are going to get worse in the future and this was my dream to get face squeezed between boobs."I said slowly so no one hears but who am I kidding everyone was paying more attention to our conversation than the test.

Me :'Name...I can't use my previous name maybe something similar.....,how about Ryu from street fighters...huh.'I thought it was better to not use previous names as I would sound weird for them.

The written test was basically questions about the problems you would face in a situation and the solution to those problems,after that we did the physical test me and maria were the only ones that passed with 100% marks although we didn't get the results I don't think it would be far off from that but before we got the results as I had guessed they called my name to come to the office for discussion.

They asked"Excuse us so your name is Ryu are you the the person identified in the video?because we just got this video from an unknown source."I didn't know that she would sent it to the official association office it felt weird but with full control no one would know even if I was lying.

Ryu :"Yes this is me."

They first looked at each other for minute and after they turn to me and go outside they would be giving my result soon.

I reached maria and asked"Did you send the video to the Association?"to which she just nodded and closed her eye,after waiting for half an hour we were given the results I had become the S class hero and maria was C class but she wasn't suppose to be fighting as she would be with me at all times then there was no need for fighting.

Ryu :"let's go."she just followed me and the introduction to the Association was given and I was given a device that is only given to the S class but gave it maria as it would be pain to do all the work I decided I would visit the CEO of the Association tomorrow but today we find a house to live in.

I created a suitcase filled with shining gold bars.


I was standing near a stall were Strawberry crepes were being sold and I was one while holding the other with my left hand for maria.

So a monster decided to ruin my peace I was enjoying the crepes were so delicious but a trash can came and people started grabbing there nose to stop the horrible smell that was coming from it.

Ryu :"What the fu#k smells like this?"I was about to throwup but used full control to close my sense of smell but then I heard a voice the words of that monster made me want to laugh.

Trash man :"I AM THE TRASH MAN I THROW TRASH AT PEOPLE!!!!!!!."I safely put the crepes in the empty space and burned the trash by covering it with a barrier and threw flames at it.

While ryu was burning the trash can,maria was buying a house for them rather a penthouse it extremely big but she was thiking about something'Should I tell him or not he will find out in the end.....,Iwill tell him after buying the house and explain everything to him about it.'

Bang suddenly wakes up from his meditation and was sweating as the pain he felt more real than what he was feeling right now it was very clear in his mind a young man who had black hair but he didn't remember his face for some reason,but the dream surprised him more as he and all the S class heroes were defeated by that young man who was using a fusion of his and bombs martial arts he couldn't even avoid or counter the attacks and defeated in seconds.

Bang :"Looks like I am getting too old for fighting anymore...sigh."He knew that his retirement was getting closer but there was something he could feel,it was telling him that he was more close to anything than his retirement.



Thank you for reading my Internet wasn't working for few days the reason why I wasn't able to update If there are any mistakes do tell.