Episode 2 - Riders of Space

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

The Doctor stands with Maya and Greg and he flicks another lever and the Tardis lands. Maya and Greg smile. The console vibrates as a sonic screwdriver then pushes out of a small hole in the console. The Doctor picks it up and smiles "beautiful, look at that" Maya smiles at him.

The Doctor, Maya, and Greg exit the Tardis and they look at Philadelphia. Maya goes "where...I mean when?" The Doctor goes "this is the city of Philadelphia and it is somewhere in the 1740s" Greg smiles and he goes "so, has anything exciting happened yet?" The Doctor thinks for a minute until he goes "well, you have The University of Pennsylvania which is officially established, and then you have Maria Theresa of Austria who is crowned Queen Regnant of Hungary in Bratislava. Um, oh yeah and Molde in Norway finally becomes a city-" Greg nods "so nothing exciting?" The Doctor goes "everything is exciting, it's History!". Maya looks at a big tent in the distance and she goes "look, they're doing a magic show, can we go?" The Doctor nods "I think so" Maya smiles at Greg. The Doctor, Maya, and Greg enter the tent to the magic show.

Among the audience, the magician stands holding a Fire Striker. The magician then picks up a piece of flint and he strikes the Fire Striker against the flint, causing a spark of fire. The audience all look in amazement. Maya looks at The Doctor "what's he doing?" The Doctor goes "he's a Fire Striker, that thing in his hand it's made of carbon steel, which striking it against flint causes a spark, and in today's society, people find this fascinating" Greg smiles "wow, they should see present-day Earth then, they'd think they're on some alien planet" The Doctor smiles at Greg.

As the audience stand watching the show, a huge gust of wind blows into the tent, causing all the lit fire torches to go off. Stomping is heard, and the sound of growling is also heard.

Outside, lightning strikes in the sky and a man-like creature walks inside the tent, and towards the magician. The Doctor, Maya, and Greg stand there staring in shock as the man-like creature pulls out a whip, and it whips the magician, causing the magician to disappear in a cloud of smoke. The Doctor looks in shock "okay, this is new...this is...very new, and very scary".

(Commercial Break)

A storm of people run out of the tent screaming, lastly The Doctor, Maya and Greg walk out of the tent. The Doctor looks up at the sky and sees clouds moving oddly as lightning continues to strike. A man stands looking at the sky and he smiles. The Doctor walks over to him "you're smiling?" the man smiles at him "it's fascinating! Isn't it? The lightning created light, what if we could control that somehow? We could create light" The Doctor smiles "very smart, but I think somebody is already planning on creating lights, I'm The Doctor by the way-" the man shakes The Doctor's hand "Benjamin Franklin" Greg's mouth drops "no way-" Maya looks at Greg "who is he?" Greg smiles "he is the man that basically created lights if it wasn't for his research none of what we have today would probably be possible!". The Doctor smiles at Benjamin "amazing".

Stood in the middle of the street, Maya goes "wait, Doctor do you know what that thing was?" The Doctor looks at her "it's a mythical creature, but-" Maya stares at him "but?" The Doctor looks at her "I don't believe in myths" Greg goes "what's the myth?" The Doctor sighs "they're called The Ghost Riders, they ride the storms, hiding in the clouds, one of the most dangerous creatures to exist" Benjamin goes "what the humbug are you on about?" The Doctor then smiles at him "I think we need to sleep on it" Benjamin looks at The Doctor "you can help with my investigation with the lightning?" The Doctor nods "yes I can" Benjamin nods "I have a place you can stay at" The Doctor smiles at him "lead the way" The Doctor smiles at Maya and Greg.

Walking into Benjamin's house, The Doctor looks at hundreds of diaries all around and Greg goes "what are these?" Benjamin looks at him "some are ideas on inventions, some are just diary entries, some books I've written, most of it is just trash" The Doctor looks at him "none of its trash" Benjamin smiles "you really believe that we could light up houses using power from lightning?" The Doctor sits down and he smiles at Benjamin "I believe that every idea has endless amounts of possibilities, you can use something and expand on it, making something better, or just changing it completely, always have faith, because that faith can go a long way!".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor sits beside a book and he looks at it. Benjamin walks back into the room and gives Maya and Greg a cup of coffee each. The Doctor picks up the book and he opens it.

Maya looks at Benjamin "so, what got you interested? In using the lightning as a source of light?" Benjamin goes "I believe that lightning is a form of flowing electricity and if used correctly, it can change the world, imagine doing something like that, changing the entire world" Maya smiles. The Doctor goes "what are these symbols?" Benjamin looks at him "oh that? It's nothing, just things I draw when I'm alone with my thoughts" The Doctor stares at the symbols leaving Maya and Greg confused. Maya goes "Doctor?" The Doctor smiles at them and he puts the book down "so, The Ghost Rider it whipped the magician, but there was nobody on the ground after he was whipped, which must mean the whips aren't whips, well they are whips but they don't whip, they teleport you! But why would they go after the magician? He was creating sparks, like fire, but The Ghost Riders don't need fire, okay, stupid Doctor! No, wait! Ghost Rider's they use power from the lightning to ride the storms, that's how they travel, what if they could generate enough power on the ground so they could also travel on land, then they could invade the Earth easily. But why take the magician?" Maya looks at Benjamin as The Doctor continues "unless the magician was secretly an inventor too-" Maya goes "Doctor-" The Doctor looks at Maya "what?" Maya then goes "Benjamin was at the show" The Doctor nods "yes? So?" The Doctor smiles at her "oh-" Greg looks at Maya and then at The Doctor "oh?" The Doctor smiles at Benjamin "they weren't looking for the magician" Benjamin looks at him "then who?" The Doctor goes "you".

The Magician stands up and is on a cloud, The Magician looks over the edge of the cloud at the city. The Magician shouts "HELP ME!". A growly voice goes "Franklin" The Magician turns around he looks at Three Ghost Riders walking towards him and they go "Franklin" The Magician shakes his head "no, I-I'm not Franklin". One of The Ghost Rider's examines The Magician until it pulls out a revolver and aims it gun at The Magician. The Magician shouts "NO!" as a bullet flies into him.

(Commercial Break)

Outside Benjamin's house, in the sky lightning strikes and the clouds start to move over the top of Benjamin's house. A lightning strike hits the road outside Benjamin's house, and a Ghost Rider stands there looking at Benjamin's house. The Ghost Rider then goes "Franklin!".

Benjamin looks at The Doctor "me?" The Doctor goes "they're coming for you, The Ghost Riders want you" Benjamin laughs "stop talking like that it's mumbo-jumbo" Maya looks at The Doctor. Greg then goes "Doctor, there's one of them outside!" The Doctor goes "alright, Maya! Take Benji upstairs, and I and Greg will try and find out what they want" Benjamin goes "Benji?".

The Doctor and Greg walk outside and they walk over to the Ghost Rider. The Doctor goes "hello there-" The Ghost Rider pulls it's whip out and it goes to whip The Doctor, but The Doctor aims his sonic screwdriver and holds he button causing it to start zapping the whip, causing a small electrical entrapment field, creating an electrical jail around the Ghost Rider. Greg looks at The Doctor "how long can you hold it for?" The Doctor goes "no clue, best not to waste time".

Maya and Benjamin sit together upstairs in Benjamin's bedroom. Maya looks at Benjamin "just stop and think, we need to find a way to stop them, to stop The Ghost Riders, how?" Benjamin stares at her "I don't know!" Maya sighs and she then goes "okay, let's talk about what they do, they use electricity to ride the skies and to go where they want too, so what if we could find a way to stop electricity?" Benjamin goes "you want to stop the lightning? You can't stop lightning!" Maya shakes her head "no! Not stop it...but maybe...absorb it?" Benjamin goes to talk until his mouth widens open "oh, now that...that! That sounds like something else!" Maya smiles "Greg's a science nerd, he'll know a way to absorb lightning!" Benjamin nods at her.

Back outside, The Ghost Rider stands staring at The Doctor who is still holding The Ghost Rider in an entrapment field. The Doctor goes "first off, my name is The Doctor, this is Greg...I know what you are but how did you get here?" The Ghost continues to stare at The Doctor. Greg sighs and goes "Doctor? It's not talking" The Doctor sarcastically nods "thank's for letting me know".

(Commercial Break)

The electrical entrapment field starts to spark, and the sonic screwdriver starts to smoke. Maya and Benjamin run outside. The Ghost Rider then beams its eyes onto Benjamin and it shrieks loudly. Maya, Greg, and Benjamin cover their ears. The Doctor stands there wincing. Other Ghost Rider's start to appear and The Doctor stops zapping the other Ghost Rider. The Doctor goes "alright, new plan! Everyone get to the Tardis! Keep Benjamin safe!". The four of them run.

Outside the Tardis, The Doctor looks at Benjamin and quickly says "I hate having to rush this-" The Doctor opens the Tardis door's and he goes "bigger on the inside I know, and yes there are lights inside here too!". Maya and Greg push Benjamin inside the Tardis as they shut the door behind them. Maya locks the Tardis door behind them as Ghost Riders surround the box outside.

Benjamin stands staring at the inside of the Tardis and he goes "but...but...but...how?" The Doctor goes "it's a little tricky to explain, but anyway...plans! We need a plan on how to stop the Ghost Riders" Maya steps forward and she goes "actually, I had something...a possible theory, I thought maybe we could maybe stop the lighting, so that then they'd be trapped in the clouds" Maya shakes her head "I mean absorb the lighting" The Doctor stares at her until Greg nods "aluminium or magnesium? Mr Hopper taught me" The Doctor goes "we'd need massive amounts of those metals, which we do have-" The Doctor then looks at Maya and Greg "actually...yes! It will work! Wait here!" The Doctor runs off through a door and to a corridor.

Inside the console room, Benjamin looks at Maya and Greg "I'm sorry, but what on Earth is going on today? Aliens? And now I'm starting to suspect you might be aliens too!" Greg smiles "not us, but The Doctor is" Benjamin nods "yes, that makes sense". The Doctor then runs back down to the others holding a piece of equipment. Maya and Greg look at him. The Doctor looks at them "this is an atmospheric converter, we're going to send magnesium gas into the atmosphere, it will choke out The Ghost Riders, and they'll move on, as the thunderstorms will weaken from the magnesium gas" Benjamin stares at The Doctor and he goes "this just sounds like rubbish".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor opens the Tardis door, walking out and he places the atmospheric converter on the ground, The Doctor then looks up and he sees hundreds of The Ghost Riders all stood in front of him, staring at him. Maya, Greg, and Benjamin walk out and they all look in shock. The Ghost Riders start to walk towards The Doctor. Some of The Ghost Riders hold their arms in the air, causing lighting and thunder strikes. The Doctor then activates the atmospheric converter and a pulse of magnesium gas is sent into the atmosphere. The Ghost Riders then stop and they look at the sky, one of The Ghost Riders turn around and goes "we must retreat!". Lightning starts to strike onto The Ghost Riders, and The Ghost Riders disappear. Benjamin smiles and he starts to clap "oh, congratulations my friend!" The Doctor smiles at him "well, you know...yeah" Maya laughs "they're gone then?" The Doctor nods "yep". Benjamin looks at The Doctor and goes "today has been a bit much, hasn't it?" The Doctor then goes "you know what? Come with me!".

The Tardis materialises in Philadelphia in the year 2020, at night time. The Doctor opens the Tardis door, and Benjamin looks at the city, which is lit with hundreds of lights, lighting the entire city up. Benjamin's eyes light up in amazement. Benjamin smiles "it's beautiful" The Doctor nods "yeah, it is. And do you wanna know why it looks like this?" Benjamin sees Maya and Greg walking over, and standing behind The Doctor. Benjamin looks at The Doctor "why?" The Doctor smiles "because of you" Benjamin smiles at The Doctor and he looks back at the city and he goes "it's amazing" The Doctor then closes the Tardis door and he goes "right, you are going back home" Benjamin looks at Maya and Greg. The Doctor turns around and sees Maya and Greg staring at him. The Doctor goes "what?" Maya smiles "I mean, you could take him on one trip with us?" The Doctor looks at Benjamin and he goes "I can't, really...I can't...I...well, I, fine! One trip!" Greg smiles. The Doctor pulls the throttle and the Tardis dematerialises.

Back in Benjamin's house, Benjamin sits on his couch, Benjamin smiles "The Slitheen, what silly things they were". Benjamin then pulls his diary out and he starts to draw symbols in the diary.

(Closing Credits)

Also Starring:

Justin Chambers - Benjamin Franklin

Next Time:

The Tardis sits on purple sand, and the sky is a bright red, in the distance, there are skyscrapers with flying cars in the sky.

The Doctor nods "We're on the planet Jallas, it's a nice place, very beautiful, the people of this planet are very peaceful".

The Doctor goes "who are you?" the woman goes "I'm Mulla Karmosk".

The Ponjerie Leader goes "take the prisoners, we'll take them on our ship and we'll take them to her!" The Doctor stares at The Ponjerie Leader "who's her?"

Inside the room, The Doctor sits waiting until he hears high heeled shoes click-clacking on the floor.

The Doctor goes "here we go-".

Next Time - Prisoners of Hope - Arriving on the planet Jallas, The Doctor hopes to take his new friends to a beautiful city, but they end up as prisoners to an army race of mercenary's called Ponjeries. The Doctor wants to know why they're on Jallas.


Humbug - ( n ) Nonsense. Everything she says is just a lot of humbug - 1740s

Mumbo-Jumbo - ( n ) Nonsense. To sell me a car, he fed me some mumbo-jumbo about its previous owner being John Gotti - First used in the 1730s