Episode 3 - Prisoners of Hope

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

Inside the Tardis, the time rotor moves up and then moves down as The Doctor runs around the console flicking buttons and levers. The Doctor then pulls another lever and the Tardis lands.

Outside, the Tardis sits on purple sand, and the sky is a bright red, in the distance, there are skyscrapers with flying cars in the sky. The door squeaks open as The Doctor walks out of the Tardis. The Doctor goes "oh, not your home, in fact...not even your planet" Maya and Greg walk out of the Tardis. The Doctor smiles "let's try again-" The Doctor goes to walk into the Tardis until Greg goes "hold on, this is a planet? An actual planet?" The Doctor nods "I can confirm this is an actual planet, from what I can tell, I think we're on the planet Jallas, it's a nice place, very beautiful, the people of this planet are very peaceful, this is what Earth could've been like for you if you hadn't started fighting each other constantly. The only way this planet works is because they are the most peaceful civilisation to ever live and to ever exist" Maya smiles.

Walking down a street, blue lights hang creating a dazzling blue-lit street. Greg looks at the sky and sees a massive planet in the sky. The Doctor smiles "nice little fact, that is actually a moon, it's the biggest moon in the universe, and it's that large it can be seen throughout the day, rumours have it that at night time, the planet lights the sky in a golden haze" Maya smiles "that's so beautiful" The Doctor nods at her until he goes "I think this is a bar, shall we?" Greg goes "can we actually drink things from other planets?" The Doctor nods "of course you can, the Tardis will sterilise you when we get back if you pick up any alien-like parasites" Greg stares at The Doctor as he walks into the bar. Maya smiles at Greg "best not catch anything then" Greg smiles at her.

Inside the bar, The Doctor walks in and a gun is pointed at his head. The Doctor goes "oh, I really don't like guns-" The Doctor is pulled inside, as are Maya and Greg. The Doctor sits up and he stares at a massive mercenary troop stood holding a rifle and he goes "do not move!" The Doctor nods at the mercenary troop "well, whilst you're pointing a gun at me, I wasn't planning on it". Maya and Greg are pushed to the floor along with The Doctor with other hostages.

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor, Maya, and Greg sit on the floor with other hostages. The Mercenary troop joins another two Mercenaries and they start talking together. The Doctor tries listening in.

Greg looks at The Doctor "so much for a peaceful planet!" The Doctor goes to talk until a woman beside him goes "it was a peaceful planet, until these...things arrived!" Maya stares at her "oh my god, you speak English on this planet?" the woman stares at her "uh...uhm English? What is that?" The Doctor stutters "uh...no Maya, it's the Tardis, it translates, you're actually talking Jallasian" The Doctor shakes his head "wait, I'm getting sidetracked" The Doctor looks at the woman who is sat beside a man and The Doctor goes "who are you?" the woman goes "I'm Mulla Karmosk, this is the owner of this bar, Husk Relik. You know what these creatures are?" The Doctor nervously laughs "oh I do indeed-" Maya goes "want to share?" The Doctor nods "right, yes! They're called The Ponjeries, deadly mercenary troops, but they aren't freelancers, they're usually contracted, kind of like The Judoon-" Greg goes "what?" The Doctor sighs "don't worry, The Ponjeries are like space bandits, but they're after something, but what is it?". The Doctor stands up and he goes "what are you after?" Maya stares at him "Doctor! Sit down!" one of The Ponjeries walks over to The Doctor aiming a gun at The Doctor, The Doctor stares at the gun which has symbols carved into it. The Doctor goes "interesting symbols" The Ponjerie goes "you know the symbols?" The Doctor shakes his head "no, but I've been hearing about symbols recently, back in the 1700's a man called Benjamin Franklin was drawing these strange symbols-" Maya goes "The Rutans said they were following symbols?". The Ponjerie Leader walks over and goes "take the prisoners, we'll take them on our ship and we'll take them to her, maybe they can be of use" The Doctor stares at The Ponjerie Leader "who's her?" The Ponjerie Leader stares at The Doctor and he holds a rod near The Doctor and zaps him, knocking The Doctor out cold.

The Ponjeries aim their guns at the prisoners. Maya and Greg look at each other frightened. One of The Ponjeries goes "MOVE!". Mulla looks at Maya and Greg "best to do what they say".

Maya, Greg, Mulla, Husk, and all the other prisoners are tied together, The Doctor is in the middle of Maya and Greg getting pulled along by them as his shoes are dragging across the ground. Further down the beach, and along the purple sand Mulla looks at Maya and Greg "you're not from around here either, are you?" Greg goes "what makes you say that?" Mulla smirks "the way you're dressed? The way you talk, the way you look at this world as if it's impossible, well I wanna ask something, if you're travellers, have you been through something like this before?" Maya nods at her "a couple of times, yeah we have" Husk looks at them both "but you look so young, where are your parents?" Maya stares at him "they...they-" Maya then looks at Greg with tears in her eyes, and then she looks back at Mulla and Husk "they don't even know where we are, we never even said goodbye to them when we left with The Doctor if we die here-" Greg goes "hey! We're not dying, we may only have just met The Doctor, but I still trust him, with my life" Greg looks at Mulla and Husk "The Doctor will help you, and we will help you get back to peace" Mulla and Husk both nod at Greg. Greg looks at Maya and he smiles at her "stay strong".

Moments later, The Doctor's eyes open and he goes "OUCH-" The Doctor starts to walk and he looks at Greg "what's going on?" Greg smirks "enjoy your nap?" Husk goes "they're taking us to their ship" The Doctor looks at a Ponjerie close to him "hey! Just stop so we can talk, maybe I can help you find whatever you are looking for" The Ponjerie goes "we're looking for the Oncoming Storm" The Doctor stares at him "oh, right...that would probably be me then" The Ponjerie shoots one of the prisoners at the front, stopping the other prisoners from moving. Mulla looks in shock "NO!" The Doctor glares at The Ponjerie "THERE WAS NO NEED FOR THAT!". The Ponjerie smiles "Doctor?". The Doctor nods "yep". The Ponjerie Leader walks over to them and he goes "why have the hostages stopped?" The Ponjerie goes "he claims to be The Doctor" The Ponjerie Leader looks at The Doctor "really? Well, she will be pleased" The Doctor goes "who hired you?" The Ponjerie Leader smiles at The Doctor "someone you thought dead".

(Commercial Break)

Along the beach, the group of prisoners, along with Husk, Mulla, The Doctor, Maya, and Greg all come to a stop. The Doctor looks around as Husk goes "so, where's there ship?" Maya looks at The Doctor "well?" The Doctor sticks his tongue out and starts to examine a certain taste in his mouth "metallic-" Mulla nods at him "I can taste it too" The Doctor goes "so, that means, it's coming from from the atmosphere...which means-" The Doctor looks up. Maya and Greg lookup.

All the hostages look up as a massive ship, covering the moon in the sky then appears out of nowhere. The Doctor looks at the ship "but, that's a Cyber-Ship! That isn't a Ponjerie-Ship!" The Ponjerie Leader goes "she uses the ship, as she can experiment on people on it" The Doctor glares at the Ponjerie Leader "you killed an innocent person a minute ago, so you can stop threatening and tell me! WHO IS SHE?!" The Ponjerie Leader goes "her name...is forbidden" The Doctor sighs. The Ponjerie Leader looks at ther prisoners "send them up-" The Doctor goes "she wants me?" The Ponjerie Leader nods at The Doctor "she's been searching for you since The Time War" The Doctor looks at The Ponjerie Leader worried and he goes "you let everyone go, and you just send me, or I will not cooperate, your race is open to agreements, and are open to negotiating, that's why you'll agree to it" The Ponjerie Leader nods at The other Ponjeries. The Ponjeries start cutting off the ties around the hostage's hands. Maya looks at The Doctor "what the hell are you doing?" Greg goes "what if they kill you?" The Doctor smiles at them "whoever she is, she's been searching for me since The Time War and I really don't think she's going to kill me if she's been searching that long" Maya looks at The Doctor. The Ponjerie Leader walks over to The Doctor and they are then beamed up towards the Cyber-Ship. Maya stands there worried.

The stolen Cyber-Ship sits in the sky of Jallas, and Maya stands on the beach with Greg, Mulla, and Husk. Maya goes "how do we get up there?" Mulla looks at her "it's impossible, my dear" Greg looks at Maya "he said he'd be okay" Husk looks at them "we could attack the ship, maybe that would help The Doctor escape?" Greg looks at Husk and he nods "how do we do that?".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor stands outside a metal door as The Ponjerie Leader walks over to a control panel and dials in a code. The door opens and The Doctor walks into a room. The Doctor looks at The Ponjerie Leader "so? Where is she?" The Ponjerie Leader looks at The Doctor "she'll be here in a moment, sit and wait!" The Doctor sits down and he waits, but he is also nervous.

Husk holds a large missile "one hit in the stern, and that baby will certainly feel attacked" Maya goes "hit it on the side of the ship, not the back of the ship! Their engines are at the bottom of their ship-" Husk nods "that's why I said hit the stern, we hit the bottom and that ship will-" Maya goes "it'll lose its engines and crash onto your city, killing everyone, but if you damage it enough for them to feel threatened, then they'll leave, not killing everyone in your city" Mulla smiles "I like you, I can see why The Doctor does too" Maya nods "I just don't wanna see everyone dead" Greg smiles at Maya. Greg looks at Husk "how long till you can set it up and fire it?" Husk goes "give me ten minutes to make some calls, and we'll give them hell" Greg nods.

Inside the room, The Doctor sits waiting until he hears high heeled shoes click-clacking on the floor. The Doctor hears the shoes getting closer and closer. The Doctor sits there and he stands up, getting ready to talk. He hears beeping outside, hearing somebody entering the door code.

Outside, Maya and Greg stand near the Tardis whilst on the beach with Mulla and Husk. Husk holds a walkie-talkie and a voice goes "3-" Husk looks at Greg "here we go-". The voice goes "2-".

The Doctor hears another beep on the door code system and sweat rolls down his face.

On the radio, the voice goes "1, FIRE!". Maya, Greg, Mulla, and Husk watch as four missiles fire. Two missiles headed for the left side of the ship, and two heading for the right side of the ship.

Another beep hits the door code and The Doctor goes "here we go-". An explosion then goes off and the whole room sparks and catches on fire. The Doctor hears a female voice shout "DAMMIT! GET US OUTTA HERE NOW!". The sound of her shoes starts to descend further away. The Doctor looks around the room as it catches on fire and he goes "well, this life was quick".

(Commercial Break)

On the beach next to the Tardis, Maya and the others watch as the Cyber-Ship explodes with fire. Maya goes "how is he going to get out of there!" Greg looks up at the Cyber-Ship until the sound of Woorping is heard. Maya, Greg, Mulla, and Husk watch as the Tardis dematerialises. Maya goes "where's it going?" Greg looks back at The Cyber-Ship "I think...I think it's going to save The Doctor" The Cyber-Ship then starts moving and it starts to fly up and away from the planet.

The Doctor stands in the room and the fire gets closer and closer to him. The Doctor closes his eyes worried until he then opens them again and sees himself stood inside the console room. The Doctor smiles "you saved me?" The Doctor starts to laugh "of course you did, thank you!".

On the beach, Maya looks up at the sky with tears in her eyes "do you think he's dead?" Greg holds Maya's hand "I...I thought-". The wind starts to pick up, and the sand starts to float away. Mulla and Husk watch as the Tardis starts materializing on the beach. Maya and Greg stand back. The Tardis door's open and The Doctor walks out smiling at the two of them. Maya smiles and she runs over to him and hugs him "oh thank god you're not dead!" The Doctor nods "not yet".

The Doctor looks at Mulla and Husk as Maya and Greg walk into the Tardis. The Doctor glares at them "I don't approve of violence, this planet is supposed to be peaceful, never carrying a weapon!" Mulla goes "I suppose even the best of places still have their secrets" The Doctor looks at them "maybe it's time to get rid of them, missiles like that...they can do too much damage" Mulla and Husk stare at The Doctor. The Doctor nods "goodbye". The Doctor enters the Tardis.

Around the console, The Doctor pulls the dematerialise lever. Maya goes "did you meet...her?" The Doctor shakes his head "no, very nearly" Greg looks at The Doctor "you look disappointed?" The Doctor looks at them "I have a strange feeling I know who she is, and if it's her, then the entire universe is in danger" Maya and Greg look at The Doctor. The Doctor then goes "so? Where too?" Maya and Greg look at each other. Maya goes "home" Greg nods "yeah, we need to go home" The Doctor nods at them "okay then". The Doctor presses some buttons on the console.

(Closing Credits)

Also Starring:

Carice van Houten - Mulla Karmosk

Craig Parkinson - Husk Relik

Next Time:

A spaceship flies through space, it's battered and worn out. An explosion goes off at the back of the ship and its engine explodes. The ship starts to tilt and head towards Earth, crashing.

Maya goes "Coco's Island? Is it safe here?" The Doctor goes "this island holds the most dangerous cave on your planet".

The Doctor, Maya, and Greg discover a ship that is sinking in the sea and smoke is pouring from the top of the ship. Maya looks at the ship and she goes "but that looks like a-" The Doctor nods "Cyber Ship".

The Cyber Leader goes "we must find the cave, and the restoration of The Cybermen can begin".

The Doctor walks over to a machine that has a newly designed Cyberman inside, reminiscent to the Invasion Cybermen, but modernised.

The Cyberman goes "The Cybermen will rise again"...

The Doctor looks through the fence and sees people laying on the floor dead until a woman's voice goes "do not move! Hand's up!". The Doctor, Maya, and Greg put their hands up and they turn around, The Doctor beams his eyes up at the woman who then becomes visible, and The Doctor smiles "Rani? Rani Chandra?" Rani looks at him.

Next Time - Restoration of The Cybermen - The Doctor and his companions come into contact with two surviving members of The Twelfth Cyber Legion, they are attempting to restore The Cybermen back to their glory, where they find hundreds of Cybermen in a cave.