Episode 4 - Restoration of The Cybermen

A spaceship flies through space, it's battered and worn out. An explosion goes off at the back of the ship and its engine explodes. The ship starts to tilt and head towards Earth, crashing.

Inside the spaceship, in the cockpit, loud stomping is heard as a Twelfth Legion Cyberman walks over to another Twelfth Legion Cyberman. One of The Cybermen goes "leader, our ship is crashing" The Cyber Leader goes "we're headed for Earth, set the collision course to Costa Rica"

The Cyber Ship sits in the midst of the seas in Coco's Island, Costa Rica with smoke emerging.

Stomping is heard on the land of Coco's Island and The Cyber Leader goes "we must find the cave, and the restoration of The Cybermen can begin" The Cyberman goes "The Cybermen will rise again" The Cyber Leader then goes "the human race will be upgraded, we will be supreme".

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

The time rotor moves up and down inside the console, and Maya goes "so? Are we actually going to make it home this time?" The Doctor goes "what's the fun in knowing the answers to that?" Maya smiles at him. Greg looks at The Doctor "just promise us that we're not going to be stuck on this thing for the rest of our lives" The Doctor looks at the two of them "I certainly hope not".

The Tardis starts to materialise on Coco's Island, Costa Rica, it's denim blue becoming visible.

The Doctor opens the Tardis door, walking outside and the heat of Costa Rica hits his face. Maya and Greg walk outside and Greg smiles "don't get weather like this in England" Maya looks at The Doctor "well, not home-" The Doctor smiles at them joyfully "not home, but it is the right date! So we are making progress!" Maya laughs "alright, I'll give you one more attempt, otherwise I'm gonna try-" Greg looks at her "that'll end well, we'll probably end back up at Raxacoricofallapatorius" The Doctor turns around and smiles at Greg "well done, you got it right" Greg laughs at him. Maya looks into the distance and she goes "looks like there are forests fires here-" The Doctor goes "not possible, the smoke has turned white, meaning it's not on fire anymore, might be nothing? But maybe just in case, we should check it out?" Maya looks at him "Coco's Island? Is it safe here?" The Doctor goes "there are only park rangers on this island, this island holds the most dangerous cave on your planet" Greg and Maya look at each other.

Walking along the beach, The Doctor, Maya, and Greg discover a ship that is sinking in the sea, and smoke is pouring from the top of the ship. Maya looks at the ship and she goes "but that looks like a-" The Doctor nods "Cyber Ship" Greg goes "the same one from Jallas?" The Doctor shakes his head "not likely, but if that's there, then that means The Cybermen are on this island" Maya looks at The Doctor "what's a Cyberman?" The Doctor stares at Maya and Greg worried and he goes "their humans like you changed into empty, soulless shells, removing the brain and placing it into a metal shell! No emotions, no control, no way back, the ultimate upgrade, except it's not an upgrade, it's like hell! And all they want is to make the rest of the universe like them!".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor pulls his sonic screwdriver out and starts to scan the forest and he goes "this way, there's a ranger station not too far away!" Maya and Greg nod and they follow him in the forest.

The Doctor, Maya, and Greg walk through the forest until they reach a chain-linked fence, The Doctor looks through the fence and sees people laying on the floor dead. Maya looks in shock "The Cybermen did this?" The Doctor nods at her "yes they did" Greg looks at him "but you said they changed people, they killed them-" a woman's voice then goes "do not move! Hand's up!".

The Doctor, Maya, and Greg put their hands up and they turn around, The Doctor beams his eyes up at the woman who then becomes visible, and The Doctor smiles "Rani? Rani Chandra?" Rani looks at him "how do you know who I am?" The Doctor smiles "I'm The Doctor" Rani stares at him "no! The Doctor wears a bow tie!" The Doctor nods at her "I changed, again, and again" Rani smiles at him "it's you? Really?" The Doctor pulls his sonic screwdriver out and smiles "it's me" Rani runs over to him and she hugs him "I should've known" The Doctor smiles "so you work as a park ranger on the island?" Rani nods "well you know, my survival tactics are pretty good thanks to Sarah-Jane" The Doctor nods "how is she?" Rani stares at The Doctor "she...she's-" Greg goes "Doctor, that cave you said about, it's here!" Rani goes "stay away from it!" Maya looks over at the cave and she goes "it's huge" Rani nods "but they're down there The Cybermen. They said something about restoring" The Doctor goes "how many of them were there?" Rani looks at The Doctor "two, but that was enough to kill every ranger on this island" The Doctor nods at her and he then looks at Maya and Greg "you all stay here, I'm going to go down and stop them, I can't let them restore The Cybermen, if they are the only two survivors then this is my chance to stop them for good! The last time I faced them was in the midst of The Cyber Wars, but they were defeated! All of them, so this is my chance, do not follow me! If they catch you they will convert you, got it?" Maya and Greg nods. Rani looks at The Doctor "I know a safe place to take them" The Doctor nods at her "thank you" The Doctor climbs into the cave and starts to follow a path.

(Commercial Break)

Inside a wooden hut, Rani sits with Maya and Greg. Rani looks at the two of them "how long have you been with The Doctor?" Maya looks at her "a little bit, a few days...I don't know, it's confusing inside the Tardis, what about you? Did you used to travel with him?" Rani smiles "I was a friend of his friend, she was called Sarah-Jane Smith, I helped her save the world hundreds of times, and I met him before, I met two different versions of him, but he's still the same man" Maya nods at her. Greg walks around the wooden hut and stands next to a box and he goes "I'm pretty sure he mentioned he was a woman before-" Rani stares at him until Greg opens the box and looks at dynamite. Greg smirks "this could do some damage" Maya then goes "I can't just sit here, The Doctor has always needed our help and he's going down there alone, we have to help him!" Rani looks at Greg "bring the dynamite, and maybe we can help him!".

Inside the cave, The Doctor aims his sonic screwdriver using it as a torch, The Doctor then slips and he falls down a small dirt path inside the cave and lands inside a huge room inside the cave.

The Doctor walks over to a machine that has a newly designed Cyberman inside, reminiscent to the Invasion Cybermen, but modernised. The Doctor goes "oh you've come to wake up an army".

Stomping is heard and The Cyber Leader walks over to The Doctor "you are The Doctor, you found us!" The Doctor smiles "of course I found you, I always find you, doesn't help when you leave your ship in the middle of the sea, and you left a huge pile of bodies outside, how was I not supposed to find you?" The Cyber Leader goes "we wanted you here, you are needed to help us wake up the army" The Doctor looks at The Cyber Leader "how?" The Cyberman then comes from behind The Doctor, holding him and the sonic screwdriver falls onto the floor. The Cyber Leader goes "our powers are limited, but your sonic device can be used to increase our powers and to restore The Cybermen" The Cyber Leader looks up, and so does The Doctor, and he sees hundreds of Cyber Machines with Cybermen inside. The Cyber Leader picks up the sonic screwdriver. The Doctor looks at The Cyber Leader "please, listen to me, don't do this!".

(Commercial Break)

Inside, and on the edge of the cave's entrance, Rani stands with Maya and Greg as they attach dynamite to the edge. Maya looks at Rani "so, repeat the plan!" Rani looks at them "we go and get The Doctor, and on our way out, we set the dynamite off, and trap the Cybermen inside" Greg looks at Maya and he goes "it'll work, it has too" Maya looks down into the cave, and at the darkness and she shudders with fear. Rani then places the last dynamite and she nods "let's go get The Doctor". Rani, Maya, and Greg start heading down and into the depths of the cave.

The Doctor watches The Cyber Leader holding the sonic screwdriver. The Cyber Leader's chest plate opens, showing it's inhibiter, The Cyber Leader inserts The Doctor's sonic screwdriver inside and The Cyber Leader goes "downloading sonic device information" The Doctor watches as the sonic screwdriver sparks until The Cyber Leader pulls the sonic screwdriver out, and it's chest place closes. The Cyber Leader starts stomping over to a machine that is slightly vibrating and The Cyber Leader inserts the sonic screwdriver into a small compartment, and the sonic screwdriver starts to zap inside the machine. The vibrating gets louder and stronger until the machine starts to shake. The Doctor watches as lights turn on inside the cave and the machines with the new Cybermen inside start to descend down to the ground. The Doctor watches as the machine behind him opens up and the newly designed Cyberman, reminiscent to the Invasion Cybermen, but modernised starts stomping towards them, it's Cyber-helmet is black with the brain showing in a glass case. The Cyber Leader goes "behold the Cyber Controller" The Cyber Controller looks at The Cyber Leader and the Cyberman holding The Doctor. The Cyber Controller goes "yes, now you and your race will be eradicated, behold The Cyban Army of The Cybermen, the Twelfth Legion has failed!". Five Cyban Cybermen walk towards the Cyber Leader and The Cyberman holding The Doctor, The Doctor moves out of the way as the Cyban Cybermen hold silver guns and they shoot The Cyber Leader and The Cyberman. The Cyber Controller looks at the five Cyban Cybermen "wake the others, we are restored!".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor watches from behind a large rock as The Cyban Cybermen all start to exit their machines. A hand reaches out and grabs The Doctor, The Doctor turns around and Maya smiles "that was easy, let's get outta here!" The Doctor shakes his head as Rani and Greg also appear. Maya, Greg, and Rani look at The Cyban Cybermen. Maya goes "so they're Cybermen?" Rani goes "but there was only two of them?" The Doctor goes "they had Cybermen locked away in hibernation, they were the backup team, in case anything ever happened to their race, they're Cyban Cybermen, the deadliest Cybermen to exist! They killed their own race because they failed, any sign of failure as a Cyberman and they kill it, these are killing machines, built to just kill, upgrade if they can, if not...they just kill" Maya looks at Rani "so the dynamite will work, let's go" The Doctor looks at her "dynamite?" Rani looks at The Doctor "yeah, we...uh...sorry-".

The Cyber Controller points towards The Doctor and his friends and The Cyber Controller goes "after them, eradicate them, do not let them escape!". Five Cyban Cybermen start stomping towards them holding their guns. The Doctor, Maya, Greg and Rani start to run up the cave.

Lasers from the Cyban Cybermen's guns start to get shot towards The Doctor and the others. The Doctor reaches the top of the cave and he helps Maya, Greg, and Rani up and outside. The Doctor goes "alright, we have to keep them on the island, if they get out, they'll destroy the planet" Rani looks at The Doctor "no" The Doctor stares at her "no?" Rani steps into the cave and a laser almost hits her, but she lights the dynamite. The Cyban Cybermen starts marching closer towards her and they go to grab her until The Doctor pulls her outside and The Doctor shouts "RUN!". Maya, Greg, The Doctor, and Rani start to run away from the cave worriedly.

The Five Cyban Cybermen stop near the top of the cave and they look at the dynamite which is sizzling. One Cyban Cyberman looks at it and goes "dynamite, we must evacua-".

The dynamite explodes, destroying the five Cyban Cybermen and the cave collapses into itself, blocking and obstructing the way out of the cave, leaving The Cyban Cybermen trapped inside.

(Commercial Break)

The Tardis door's open and Rani walks inside and she smiles "you've redecorated, again" The Doctor nods "yeah, I have" Rani looks at Maya and Greg "he's lucky to have you two with him" The Doctor smiles at her until he goes "Maya, can you and Greg head to the science lab, I left a spare sonic screwdriver in there, as I lost my other one inside the cave" Maya and Greg nods. Maya and Greg walk up a set of stairs and through a corridor, leaving The Doctor and Rani.

The Doctor looks at Rani "what happened to Sarah-Jane?" Rani stares at The Doctor and she looks at him "she passed away a few years ago, too young" The Doctor stands looking at her with tears in his eyes "I didn't know, I'm so sorry" Rani smiles at him "it was peaceful though, she wasn't in pain, she told us some stories about you and her, and about The Sontarans, the Loch Ness Monster, Davros, The Daleks, all of them" The Doctor goes "what about Luke, and the others?" Rani smiles "they're happy, they have lives, I got this job because of Sarah-Jane, I miss her" The Doctor walks over to the console and he puts his hand onto the throttle and he looks at Rani "I wish I'd known-" Rani smiles "she didn't want you to be there when she...you know-" The Doctor nods at her as Rani continues, "she thought it would hurt you too much" The Doctor nods at her and he goes "well, I better be off" Rani stares at him and she nods "okay" The Doctor stares at her attempting to prevent himself from crying "bye Rani" Rani smiles "bye Doctor".

The Doctor stands watching the time rotor move up and down as it's in flight. Maya and Greg walk over to him and Greg hands him his sonic screwdriver. The Doctor takes the screwdriver. Maya goes "did Rani go?" The Doctor nods "yeah, she did. So? Home then?" Greg smiles "if we get there" The Doctor looks at his computer monitor at a photo of Sarah-Jane and K9 and The Doctor looks at him "we will" Maya looks at Greg, and back at The Doctor and she goes "are you alright?" The Doctor nods at her "yeah, fine...just, remembering a good friend" Greg looks at him "you think The Cybermen will be trapped now?" The Doctor nods "for a while, I'll keep an eye on them". The Doctor looks back at the photo of Sarah-Jane and K9 and a tear rolls down his face.

(Closing Credits)

Also Starring:

Anjli Mohindra - Rani Chandra

Next Time:


Greg goes "NO! What are you doing?" The Doctor looks at Maya and Greg "something dangerous, something scary, something necessary!"...

The Doctor goes "there's something spreading around the city, creatures... apparently, and one thing that these things have in common, is the fact that there is a child under the age of thirteen in every location"...

The Doctor stands there smiling as Kate and Osgood walk inside the warehouse. The Doctor smiles "Kate Stewart"...

Kate looks at The Doctor "we need your help"...

Billy lays in bed tossing and turning. Whispering is heard all around him and he continues to toss and turn...

A black figure stands staring at Billy in the corner of his room. Billy screams "MUM! DAD!" the figure starts to walk towards Billy, and a white empty face is seen and it screeches at Billy. Billy then screams "HELP"...

Next Time - The Whisperers - Returning back to present-day Earth, the Redburn's return to their family. The Doctor discovers something strange happening on Earth. The Doctor encounters a deadly threat who can kill with a Whisper, Kate and Osgood need The Doctor's help.