Episode 5 - The Whisperers

Inside the Redburn household, Billy lays in bed tossing and turning. Whispering is heard all around him and he continues to toss and turn. Billy's hand slowly moves down and he grabs his duvet cover and slowly pulls it over his head. Billy then opens his eyes underneath his duvet. Whispering continues and Billy's eyes widen in fear and he whispers "mum? Dad?" The Whispering starts to become louder and louder until Billy then pulls the cover down and he looks around his room, but the whispering stops. Billy sits on his bed shaking and breathing heavily. Billy looks around his room whilst still sat on his bed until he sees a black figure stood staring at him in the corner of his room. Billy then screams "MUM! DAD!" the figure starts to walk towards Billy, and a white empty face is seen and it screeches at Billy. Billy then screams "HELP".

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

The Tardis materialises inside a warehouse. Maya walks out and she goes "Doctor! Still not home". The Doctor and Greg then walk out and The Doctor goes "but this isn't right, I could've sworn it was London" The Doctor looks at a door which then opens and UNIT soldiers run inside the room holding guns at The Doctor, Maya and Greg. The Doctor stands there smiling as Kate and Osgood walk inside the warehouse. The Doctor smiles "Kate Stewart" Kate smiles at The Doctor "nice body" The Doctor winks at Kate "oh you know, needed an upgrade" Osgood smiles "don't you travel with Clara anymore?" The Doctor looks at Maya and Greg, and then back at Osgood "not anymore" Osgood nods at him. Kate looks at The Doctor "we need your help".

Walking inside UNIT HQ, The Doctor, Maya, and Greg follow Kate and Osgood as they walk up to a large screen. The Doctor steps closer and he stares at the screen "what is this?". The Doctor stares at a screen of London, where multiple red dots are seen across the city. Kate looks at him "they started showing up yesterday, rapidly increasing" Osgood looks at him "started with one, and now... there are thousands" The Doctor nods "what do all those locations have in common?" Kate looks at him "well, they're all houses" The Doctor goes "houses?" Maya looks at Kate "wait, so is this an invasion?" Kate looks at Maya "I'm sorry...but who are you?" The Doctor nods "sorry, this is Maya and Greg Redburn. Maya and Greg, this is Kate Stewart and Osgood, well one of the Osgood's" Osgood smiles "my sister's on holiday" The Doctor nods at her "which one?" Osgood stares at him "what do you mean?" The Doctor goes "Human or Zygon?" Osgood smiles at him and The Doctor smirks until he goes "right, I want a full scan, check every single household, what does every household have in common?" Kate looks at a man near her who is on a computer "run the scan" the man nods "yes ma'am" The Doctor looks at Maya and Greg "told you we were back in London" Greg looks at Kate "what is UNIT?" Kate goes "it stands for Unified Intelligence Taskforce, we're the ones that deal with alien threats when either The Doctor isn't here, or when The Doctor can't help us-" The Doctor looks at Maya and Greg "they usually try to blow it up!".

The man goes "ma'am the readings are available-" Kate nods "thank you, Doctor!" The Doctor walks back over to the screen where several different readings come up for all the households. Kate goes "nothing suspicious, they're just families-" The Doctor goes "yes, families with children under the age of thirteen" Osgood looks at The Doctor. Maya goes "what's so special about that?" The Doctor looks at them "children, they're the most vulnerable things to live, and the easiest to use" Greg goes "Doctor? Are the children in danger?" The Doctor looks at them "I don't know" Maya goes "my brother is twelve, if he's in danger, I have to know!" The Doctor looks at Kate "call me if you find anything else, I'm gonna take these two back home" Kate nods.

(Commercial Break)

Inside the Redburn house, Karla walks into the living room and she hands Frank a cup of coffee. Billy walks downstairs and Frank looks at him "feeling better now?" Billy looks at him. Karla stands up and she walks over to him, hugging him "must've been a scary nightmare you had, can't believe how much you screamed" Billy sighs "I told you, it wasn't a dream" Frank sighs.

Maya and Greg then walk into the house and Karla smiles "oh my god, how was it?" Maya looks at Billy "is he alright?" Karla nods "just had a nightmare last night, but come on...what planets did you go too?" Greg shakes his head "not the time! Billy? You alright?" Billy shakes his head.

The Doctor then walks in and he goes "scary superstitions" Frank turns around and he looks at him "excuse me?" The Doctor looks at him and smiles "children, they believe in the boogyman, they believe there's something hiding under the bed-" The Doctor looks at Billy and continues "or maybe something in their wardrobe-" The Doctor smiles "or maybe, something in the corner of their bedroom-" Billy's eyes widen with fear and The Doctor smiles "bingo". Karla goes "I'm sorry, what?" The Doctor goes "there's something spreading around the city, creatures... apparently, and one thing that these things have in common, is the fact that there is a child under the age of thirteen in every location of these creatures, and Billy...you said it was a nightmare?" Billy goes "it wasn't a nightmare-" a loud thump is heard from upstairs.

The Doctor, Maya, and Greg walk into Billy's bedroom. Frank, Karla, and Billy stand near the bedroom door. The Doctor looks around the bedroom and Maya goes "nothing's in here" The Doctor pulls his sonic screwdriver out and he started to sonic around the room. The Doctor then reads the results on his sonic screwdriver and he goes "indiscernible life signs" Greg then looks at The Doctor confused "I'm sorry, what?" The Doctor goes "creatures that are unable to be seen-" Maya goes to speak until footsteps are heard going passed her. Maya looks at The Doctor. The Doctor smiles "fascinating-" Billy goes "but I saw them, it was stood in the corner of my room" The Doctor looks at Billy "when did you see it?" Billy goes "it was at night, I heard whispering, and then I saw it stood in the corner of my room, it started walking towards my bed, but then when mum walked into my room and turned the light on, it disappeared" The Doctor aims his sonic at the light switch and Greg goes "NO! What are you doing?" The Doctor looks at Maya and Greg "something dangerous, something scary, something necessary!" The Doctor presses the button on his sonic screwdriver and all the lights in the house start to go off.

The Doctor, Maya, and Greg stand together in the room, in the dark. Karla looks at Frank. The Doctor then starts to see a shadow moving in front of him. Greg goes "Doctor?" The Doctor smiles "look at this, it's beautiful-" the figure starts to walk closer to The Doctor until The Doctor sees the white empty face. The Doctor's smile turns into a terrified and haunted face. Billy watches the figure then turn and stare at Billy. Karla goes "Billy, get behind me-" the figure starts to walk towards Billy until The Doctor turns the light switch back on, and the figure disappears.

Back downstairs, The Doctor sits down with Maya and the others. The Doctor goes "they're called The Whisperers, they're an indiscernible species, but they shouldn't even be in this universe, those creatures aren't in your universe-" Karla goes "what are you talking about? Universe?" The Doctor goes "there are billions and billions of universes, and those creatures they're from one of them" Maya goes "how dangerous?" The Doctor looks at her "very!".

(Commercial Break)

Inside the Tardis, The Doctor sits near one of the roundel walls and opens up a compartment where different types of electrical wires and tools are. The Doctor picks up the box and he carried it out of the Tardis, which is now parked in The Redburn's living room. The Doctor places the boxes on the floor and Maya goes "Doctor? What are you doing?" The Doctor goes "putting together a transference modular, it will allow me to temporarily transport one of The Whisperers fully to our universe, then I can find out what they want, and what they're doing watching children at night" The Doctor looks at Maya "get your mobile out" Maya pulls her mobile out and The Doctor then zaps his sonic screwdriver at her phone and Maya's phone starts calling a number. Kate's voice is then heard "Doctor?" The Doctor looks at the phone "Kate, those creatures are called Whisperers, I need you to get a message out around the city to warn families to keep their children in sight at all times! I don't know why yet, but children are being targeted and they could be in danger" Kate's voice replies "understood, I'll get the message out now!". The Doctor pushes in a final wire and he smiles "finished" Maya puts her phone away and Greg goes "now what do we do?" The Doctor looks at him and he goes "we wait for the sun to set".

Whilst the moon shines bright in the sky, Billy watches as The Doctor holds the transference modular, and he places it in the middle of the living room. The Doctor then pulls his sonic screwdriver out and he starts to shout "I'M CALLING OUT TO THE CREATURES IN THIS HOUSE, THE CREATURES THAT I KNOW ARE IN THIS HOUSE, FOLLOW MY VOICE, WE CAN MAKE CONTACT WITH EACH OTHER, HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU WANT" The Doctor stands there holding his sonic screwdriver. Maya looks up at the top of the stairs as footsteps are heard walking down them. Billy walks closer to Karla and Frank. Frank looks at The Doctor "are we safe?" The Doctor goes to reply until the transference modular starts beeping. The Doctor then points his sonic screwdriver and zaps the modular, The Whisperer comes into full view in the light of the house, and it stares at The Doctor. The Doctor looks at it "you're a Whisperer" The Whisperer nods.

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor, Maya, Greg, Karla, Frank, and Billy all stand around looking at The Whisperer. The Doctor looks at The Whisperer who whispers "you know our race?" The Doctor nods "you wouldn't believe how many races I've met" The Whisperer turns it's head and it looks The Doctor up from top to bottom and it whispers "and who are you? With knowledge of other races? This planet should be full of primitive lifeforms!" Maya goes "primitive?!" The Doctor replies "I'm The Doctor" The Whisperer goes "you are not of this planet?" The Doctor nods "that's right" The Whisperer turns it's head and looks at Billy. The Doctor goes "alright, enough with the chit-chatting. Why the fascination with children? And why are you trying to come to Earth? And how? Moving to another universe is practically impossible" The Whisperer looks at The Doctor and goes "children's minds are the most imaginative" Maya goes "how does that explain why you target them-" The Doctor goes "no, Maya it does! I get it now! You target the children because you know that the parents won't believe them, children imagine things all the time, so the parents don't believe it, and you can just walk onto our universe like it's nothing, without being noticed" The Whisperer looks at The Doctor "our planet is dying, the last of our technology was used to transfer ourselves to your universe and our species will survive" The Doctor nods at The Whisperer "true, but now that I know your plan, I can stop you!" The Whisperer starts to chuckle. Karla goes "is it laughing?" The Doctor nods "yes" Billy looks at Maya and Greg worried. The Whisperer goes "connection established, thank you, Doctor-" The Whisperer starts to fade and The Doctor's eyes then widen "oh no" Greg goes "what?" The Doctor goes "they were using something similar to a transference modular, and now they know how to get into this universe fully, I've put your planet at serious risk! We need to do this now, or The Whisperers are going to attack the planet" Greg goes "what do we do?" The Doctor then looks at Maya "call Kate, tell her it's a code red!" Maya nods at her and she pulls her mobile out. The Doctor goes "Greg, with me".

Outside, The Doctor watches as a massive ship starts to materialise in the sky of London.

(Closing Credits)

Also Starring:

Dawn French - Karla Redburn

Mark Kermode - Frank Redburn

Noah Jupe - Billy Redburn

Jemma Redgrave - Kate Stewart

Ingrid Oliver - Petronella Osgood

Next Time:

The Doctor looks up at The Whisperers with a serious and angry face and he goes "you all seem to forget, this world, this planet, I have saved it countless of times".

A Whisperer stands in view on the screen. The Whisperer's whispering voice then goes "we took your planet, we own your planet, we own everything on your planet, and we own you. You have become cattle for us, you will provide for us, and you will not disobey us, or you will be executed-".

The Doctor rubs his head and nods "alright, I have a plan, but it won't be fun" Kate smirks "is it ever?".

The school bell rings at Barrow College, Maya walks down the hallway holding her belongings.

Outside in streets, and cities, Whisperers are starting to execute people as the military come in and start to open fire on them.

The Whisperer then whispers "you do not scare us Doctor" The Doctor nods at them "remember, I gave you a choice".


Indiscernible - Impossible to see or clearly distinguish.

Next Time - Universe Problems - With The Whisperers arriving in their universe, The Doctor realises that not only the children but everyone is now in danger as The Whisperers are looking for a new home. As people start to die, The Doctor and UNIT must find a way to save Earth.