What's Coming This Saturday!! And more!!

Info: What to expect from this Saturday and what is coming for the first half of Season 14!!

Episode 1:

Titled: New Familiar

Synopsis: The Doctor is helped by two college students, brother and sister called Maya and Greg. An old, and a familiar race called The Rutans have lost their planet, they want to use Earth as a war ground to continue their fight with The Sontarans. The Doctor has to try and stop them.

Episode 2:

Titled: Riders of Space

Synopsis: Arriving in the 1700s the group meet Benjamin Franklin, his knowledge of electricity comes in useful when it's used against a race of Pioneers who are feeding on thunderstorms on Earth, where they're searching for Benjamin, to use his knowledge of electricity.

Episode 3:

Titled: Prisoners of Hope

Synopsis: Arriving on the stunning, elegant, and peaceful planet of Jallas, The Doctor hopes to take his new friends to a beautiful city, but they end up as prisoners to an army race of mercenary's called Ponjeries. The Doctor wants to know why they're on Jallas, and who hired them.

Episode 4:

Titled: Restoration of The Cybermen

Synopsis: The Doctor and his companions land in the country, Costa Rica they come into contact with two surviving members of The Twelfth Cyber Legion, they are attempting to restore The Cybermen back to their glory, where they find hundreds of Cybermen in stasis in a cave.

Episode 5:

Titled: The Whisperers

Synopsis: Returning back to present-day Earth, the Redburn's return to their family. The Doctor discovers something strange happening on Earth. The Doctor encounters a deadly threat who are latching onto the children of the UK, Kate and Osgood need The Doctor's help.

Episode 6:

Titled: Universe Problems

Synopsis: With The Whisperers arriving in their universe, The Doctor realises that not only the children but everyone is now in danger as The Whisperers have become a part of everyday life, they're putting people's lives in danger. The Doctor and UNIT must find a way to save Earth.

What Comes After?

Season 14B Consisting of Six Episodes!

Episode 7 - Episode 11

Season 14's Christmas Special!

Got Questions? Ask away!! :D