Episode 6 - Universe Problems

Previously: The Doctor and his companions arrived at UNIT where Kate needed their help. Billy and all children under thirteen were being used by The Whisperers to come onto Earth. The Doctor accidentally helped The Whisperers, causing them to arrive in their universe.

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

The school bell rings at Barrow College, Maya walks down the hallway holding her belongings, Maya looks at all the students walking passed her, nobody speaking to each other, and everyone looking terrified. Maya then turns around and she looks at the corner of the hallway where she sees a Whisperer stood watching everyone. Greg then appears and he pulls Maya along "don't stare, or they'll kill you, you know that!" Maya follows Greg as the two of them walk outside.

Outside, Maya and Greg walk together down a street and Maya goes "this is no way of living, they've taken over the planet" Greg stares at her "The Doctor will save us, you know that" Maya nods at him "we should hurry up and get back" Greg nods at her. Maya walks up ahead of Greg and Greg stops and he looks up at the sky and he looks at the massive ship hovering in the sky.

Inside the Redburn household, Karla stands near the window, and she sees Maya and Greg. Karla smiles as Maya and Greg walk into the house and Maya goes "mum?" Karla goes "I'm just glad you're okay" Maya smiles at her. Greg goes "where's The Doctor?" Karla goes "he's back at UNIT, trying to find a way to get rid of these things, but...he's been trying for over a month now, I think we have to discuss the possibility-" Maya shakes her head "The Doctor has always won, he will!".

Inside the warehouse, The Doctor sits with Kate and Osgood near a screen. Kate looks at The Doctor and she goes "every other UNIT base has been compromised by The Whisperers, this base was kept off all UNIT records, in case something like this ever happened, we are the last possible chance for the human race, with your help of course. What else can we do?" The Doctor looks at her and he goes "I'm working on it" Osgood looks at The Doctor "we can use the help of The Zygons, and the humans against The Whisperers-" The Doctor shakes his head "I'm not unleashing The Zygons! We promised them peace! And peace there will be" Osgood nods at him "then what do we do?" The Doctor looks at Kate and he goes "how many soldiers do you have left?" Kate looks around the room at about twenty soldiers and she goes "this is us" The Doctor rubs his head and nods "alright, I have a plan, but it won't be fun" Kate smirks "is it ever?".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor walks into the Redburn household and he looks at Maya and Greg. Maya smiles and hugs him "everything okay?" The Doctor nods "it's going to be, I have a plan" Karla goes "an actual plan this time?" Greg looks at her "mum!" The Doctor nods "an actual plan, it'll work".

Suddenly, the television switches on, and a Whisperer stands in view on the screen. The Whisperer's whispering voice then goes "we took your planet, we own your planet, we own everything on your planet, and we own you. You have become cattle for us, you will provide for us, and you will not disobey us, or you will be executed-" the television starts to show Whisperers executing people who have disobeyed them. The Doctor looks at Frank's face, which is in disgust. The Whisperer then continues "you live how you are told, and you get to live". The television then turns off and The Doctor sighs "it's time to do this!" Greg goes "do what?" The Doctor looks at him "it's time to make your planet uninhabitable if we can't have this planet, then neither can they!". The Doctor then runs out of the house and towards the Tardis. Frank goes "wait what the hell is he talking about?" Karla looks at Maya and Greg "well?".

The Tardis stands in the living room with its blue lantern on top flickering. The Doctor steps out of the Tardis and he looks at Maya and her family. The Doctor goes "the Tardis, it's bigger on the inside, dimensional engineering, every time I land the Tardis on this planet, and on any planet, I have to safely land it, piloting it, if I just let the Tardis fall, it would completely shatter the planet, causing horrific events, which is what I have to do" Maya stares at him and she takes a deep breath "why?" The Doctor goes "The Whisperers didn't just accidentally find your planet, they chose it because they can use it. This isn't one of those times where I can give you a choice on what I do, I could let them stay, but they'd kill of you in the end, this is one of those times, where I can give them one chance to leave, and if they don't...then what happens after is their fault, I'm the Doctor, I help people, and other civilisations, but I can't always save them! If they don't cooperate then I have to kill them" Maya and Greg look at The Doctor who has tears in his eyes.

(Commercial Break)

Maya and Greg stand inside the Tardis, and near the blue-lit console. Billy walks inside and he smiles "wow" Maya stares in shock "no! I said not to come in here!" Greg goes to react until Frank and Karla walk inside the Tardis too. Greg rolls his eyes and goes "oh, Jesus!". Karla's mouth drops and she goes "oh my god, what is this place?" Frank looks at the Tardis and he slightly smiles. Karla looks at Maya and Greg in shock and she goes "how can you be okay with this? All of this? None of this is right, our lives have completely changed since that man came into them!" Maya nods "for the better" Karla shakes her head "no" Karla covers her mouth as she starts to cry, and she runs out of the Tardis. Frank looks over at Greg "it's a lot to take in, you know that" Greg nods "I do" Frank walks over to him and he goes "you think you trust The Doctor?" Maya looks over at Greg. Greg looks at him "he needs us to save our world, of course".

The Doctor materialises onto the Whisperer ship that is hovering over London and he gasps "vortex manipulators! Nasty things!" The Doctor stretches his arms and nods "let's do this".

The Doctor walks into a room where loads of Whisperers all stand near screen monitoring life around the Earth. The Doctor goes "well here I am, I know you've been searching for me". All of The Whisperers turn around and stare at The Doctor, and they start walking over to him, aiming their hands to execute him. The Doctor walks back slowly "wait, wait, wait! Give me a couple of minutes to explain why I'm here" The Whisperers look at each other, and one of them steps in front and it whispers "explain Doctor!" The Doctor nods at them "alright, here we go then".

Maya walks out of the Tardis and she looks at Karla, who is sat on the couch in the living room. Karla turns her head and looks at Maya "why do you enjoy it?" Maya sits down beside Karla and she goes "I never told you and dad, but I get bullied at school a lot, Greg always tries to protect me, but I hate it. With The Doctor, we've saved people, planets, and it's made me feel important, for the first time in my life" Karla looks at her in tears "you are always important, you are my daughter, and I love you" Maya nods at her in tears and she hugs Karla, as the two of them cry.

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor stands looking at hundreds of Whisperers and he rubs some dirt off of his black coat.

The Doctor looks up at The Whisperers with a serious and angry face and he goes "you all seem to forget, this world, this planet, I have saved it countless of times, maybe not with this face, maybe with an old-grey wrinkled face, one with big ears, one with a big chin, sometimes a very handsome face, sometimes a face that has seen more war and death than YOU COULD EVER EVER SEE IN A LIFETIME! But you know something? No matter how many more of you come to this planet, no matter how deadly your attacks are, no matter how many of you there are, OR HOW MANY TIMES YOU COME BACK, I WILL ALWAYS BE WAITING, AND I WILL ALWAYS BE HERE TO SAVE THE PEOPLE THAT I LOVE! Because the people I love, the people who are gone, they're the ones that make me want to be here! For Susan, Polly, Grace, Rose Tyler! Amy Pond! Clara Oswald! Graham O'Brien and others like Sarah-Jane Smith-" The Doctor's eyes pour with tears "I AM STILL HERE BECAUSE I KNOW THAT THEY'D WANT ME TO BE HERE, I FIGHT EVERYDAY TO ENSURE THAT THEIR LIVES MEANT SOMETHING! STOPPING THE DALEKS, THE CYBERMEN, THE WEEPING ANGELS, THE ZYGONS, THE MASTER! I HAVE DONE THINGS THAT YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE, I HAVE SEEN THINGS THAT I CAN NEVER UNSEE, AND I HAVE LOST THINGS YOU WILL NEVER EVER UNDERSTAND! I've watched my home planet burn to dust twice, and the people on it die! The pain of my people who have died lives within my hearts! And that's why I will go to extreme measures to ensure I ERADICATE things like you who want to own everything, so...I give you one chance, one choice! Leave this planet, or I will stop you!". The Whisperer then starts to laugh with a deep voice. The Whisperer then whispers "you do not scare us Doctor" The Doctor nods at them "remember, I gave you a choice" The Doctor pulls his sonic screwdriver and he aims his sonic screwdriver up and presses the button. The Doctor then goes "best you get ready, because like I said, I've saved this planet countless times, and I have never ever lost, and I'm not planning on losing any time soon!" The Whisperer stares at him as their ship starts to shake.

(Commercial Break)

In the Redburn household, the Tardis starts to make whooshing sounds and the cloister bells start to chime. Greg, Frank, and Billy run out of the Tardis. The Redburn house starts to shake, and outside windows are smashing, car alarms are blaring. Maya then goes "IT'S WORKING!".

The television then switches on and Kate Stewart is seen on the screen and she goes "this is a red alert across the entire planet, we are aware that lives are about to be put in danger, but this was a necessary threat we are willing to take, right now there are millions and possibly billions of creatures called Whisperers living among us, they control our lives, and want to kill us, we won't allow this, we are causing what is a shatter effect, a machine that will cause natural events like earthquakes, avalanches, hurricanes, severe flooding, severe thunderstorms, and this will take place instantly, in hopes to make our planet uninhabitable for The Whisperers, we believe it will work! So, may God be with you all, and hope for a brighter future in a matter of a few hours".

Outside in streets, and cities, Whisperers are starting to execute people as the military come in and start to open fire on them. Severe thunderstorms start, and heavy raining, causes The Whisperers to not be able to see properly. The military start to shoot loads of The Whisperers.

Inside the Redburn household, the cloister bell continues to ring. Maya, Greg, Billy, Karla, and Frank sit together, hugging each other. Maya then looks over at The Tardis, which it's console is starting to catch on fire, and the whole interior of the console has turned red, filling with smoke.

The Doctor stands on the ship and he smiles at The Whisperers "sorry, but nobody owns this planet, and nobody ever will!" The Whisperers goes to execute The Doctor but he then presses the vortex manipulator and he materialises back into the Redburn living room. The Doctor runs over to the Tardis and he runs inside the console, and he flicks a lever, causing the Tardis to dematerialise. Maya and Greg watch the Tardis leaving, and as it starts to leave, the shaking starts to stop. Maya stands up and she runs over to the window and she sees the sky completely clear. Karla looks at Maya and Maya nods "he did it, they're gone" Greg smiles "he's amazing".

(Commercial Break)

The Tardis sits outside near the Redburn household, Maya and Greg run outside and they see The Doctor leaning against the box. Maya and Greg both smile. Karla and Frank walk outside and The Doctor looks at the two of them. Karla and Frank then both smile at The Doctor.

Later on, Maya and Greg both carry suitcases into the Tardis. The Doctor goes "you're not moving in, just going for a few more trips" Greg nods at The Doctor "we know" The Doctor smiles at him and he then looks at Karla. Karla looks at The Doctor "look after them" The Doctor nods "I will" Karla smiles at him. The Doctor then closes the Tardis door and the Tardis dematerialises.

Kate and Osgood both stand in the warehouse as the Tardis materialises. The Doctor walks outside as both Maya and Greg both lean against the Tardis doors. The Doctor looks at Kate and he smiles. Kate hugs The Doctor "I never doubted you" The Doctor nods at her "good, you shouldn't" Osgood looks at The Doctor and she goes "all UNIT sights are now fully operational again, UNIT is officially worldwide" The Doctor nods "I am very glad to hear that". The Doctor turns around and he smiles at Maya and Greg. The Doctor then goes "well, Kate...Osgood, till the next time-" Kate goes "oh, Doctor...one last thing". The Doctor turns around and he looks at Kate, who hands him a black case full of files. The Doctor opens the case and he looks inside and sees pictures taken of symbols. Kate goes "these were found in a museum from notebooks of Benjamin Franklin, we've run hundreds of calculations, but these do not exist, they will never exist...so what are they?" The Doctor stares at the symbols and he starts to remember back with Benjamin Franklin. The Doctor goes "what are these symbols?" Benjamin looks at him "oh that? It's nothing, just things I draw when I'm alone with my thoughts" The Doctor stares at the symbols. Maya goes "Doctor?" The Doctor turns around and he looks at Kate "um, it's nothing, I'll check them, you probably did it wrong". The Doctor walks into the Tardis and he looks up at Maya and Greg. The Doctor goes "there's a woman out there, somewhere, and she's trying to lure us in, I think it's time to find some more clues" Maya and Greg nod at The Doctor.

(Closing Credits)

Also Starring:

Dawn French - Karla Redburn

Mark Kermode - Frank Redburn

Noah Jupe - Billy Redburn

Jemma Redgrave - Kate Stewart

Ingrid Oliver - Petronella Osgood

Next Time:

The Doctor smiles "the planet is called Maza De Massara, Maza is Maassarian for The Maze because the entire planet is a maze, the biggest in the universe".

Jenson looks at The Doctor and Maya "the maze is alive" Maddie nods "walls constantly move, and there are things inside this maze that are killing people".

An arm then emerges from the maze's leafed wall and around the woman's throat, pulling her into the leaves, the woman screams "NO!".

Maya then goes "what's going to happen to Greg?".

Maya then glares at The Doctor "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" The Doctor sighs "she was already gone!".

Jenson pulls his laser gun up as hands start to reach out of the leafed walls and Maya looks in shock "what are they?" The Doctor stares in shock.

Next Time - Maza De Massara - Landing on the planet MDM, The Doctor and his friends are trapped within the deadliest maze known in the universe. The Doctor and his friends meet people inside the maze, who are being killed by creatures lurking from within.


At the first half comes to an end, it only gets more exciting. The next episode returns on Halloween...31st of October, where it will air all the way through to the finale. A trailer will be dropping next week, so stay tuned.