Episode 7 - Maza De Massara


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

Lasers shoot in the middle of a maze, a woman looks around frightening "MADDIE? CRIM? ANYONE?". Rustling is heard from behind the woman, and she aims her torch at the leafed wall behind her and she sighs. The woman takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. An arm then emerges from the maze's leafed wall and around the woman's throat, pulling her into the leaves, the woman screams "NO!".

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)

The Tardis sits in the middle of a maze, and The Doctor, Maya, and Greg all stand outside. Maya looks at a torch on the floor and she picks it up. The Doctor looks up at the sun in the sky and he goes "it looks like it's going down, shouldn't be out here for too long, we'll get lost" Greg looks at The Doctor and he goes "what's so special about this maze?" The Doctor smiles "well, the planet is called Maza De Massara, Maza is Maassarian for The Maze because the entire planet is a maze, the biggest in the universe. The Massarians used to live here, but they all disappeared one day, still don't know what happened to them" Greg searches his pockets "I've left my phone in swimming pool, back in a second" Greg runs into the Tardis. Maya smiles at The Doctor until screaming is heard in the distance and The Doctor looks at Maya who starts running towards the screaming. The Doctor "don't run, you'll get lost!" the two of them run towards the screaming.

The Doctor and Maya run over to some soldiers and The Doctor sees five people who are shooting at the maze wall. The Doctor then goes "HEY! STOP FIRING!". The woman turns around and she looks at The Doctor "they just took Ninnie! The Doctor nods at them "okay, who did?" the woman stares at The Doctor until he goes "alright, how about everyone takes a breath, put your weapons down...and you-" The Doctor looks at the woman "tell me who you all are!" the woman nods "I'm Maddie, this is Jenson, Crim, and then that is Bertie" The Doctor nods "thank you-" Maya looks around nervous behind her and she goes "Doctor-" The Doctor continues "I'm The Doctor, this is Maya-" Maya then shouts "DOCTOR!" The Doctor turns around and he looks at Maya who is looking behind her. The Doctor then goes "oh" Maya nods "yeah" The Doctor steps forward, besides Maya, who are both standing and staring at a wall that is behind them which wasn't there before. Jenson looks at the two of them "the maze is alive" Maddie nods "walls constantly move, and there are things inside this maze that are killing people, I used to have twelve people, now there's only five" The Doctor looks at Maya. Maya then goes "what's going to happen to Greg?" The Doctor then looks at Maddie and all of her people "right, let's do this".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor stands scanning the maze wall as Crim and Bertie stand shouting at each other, blaming each other for all the deaths. Maya looks at The Doctor, and then at Jenson who is trying to calm them down. Maddie stands in the corner watching the maze but crying.

Maya walks over and she goes "hey there" Maddie looks at her "I'm sorry, I'm a soldier, I shouldn't cry" Maya stares at her "why not?" Maddie looks at Maya and she goes "I should be strong" Maya smiles at her "you've made it this long, you are strong" Maddie smiles at her.

The Doctor turns around "alright!" The Doctor turns around and sees Crim and Bertie still arguing. Jenson walks over to The Doctor and smiles "Welcome to the family" The Doctor then goes "ALRIGHT! EYES ON ME!". Maddie looks at The Doctor. The Doctor goes "I've done a scan, whatever was here is no longer here, which means we have a time gap to search through the maze and get back to my ship so we can escape" Maddie looks at The Doctor "who put you in charge?" The Doctor glares at her "I did". The Doctor walks ahead with everyone walking behind him. Maya looks at Maddie "he's just angry that we're lost, he'll warm up to you" Maddie looks qt Crim and Bertie "we're getting outta here, so stop the fighting" Crim and Bertie nod at her.

Maya goes "so how did you all get onto the maze?" The Doctor turns around and nods "good question, where's your ship?" Maddie goes "we crashed, we had to leave the ship as it was about to blow up-" The Doctor goes "if we find it, I could fix it-" Jenson goes "let her finish the story" Maddie nods "as soon as we ran out of the ship, the maze ate the ship, this maze eats anything that crosses it" Maya looks at The Doctor "if Greg gets out of the Tardis, he'll die Doctor...we have to do something!" The Doctor sighs "we can't, we just have to hope" Maya stares at The Doctor.

Inside the Tardis, Greg walks down the stairs and towards the doors, as Greg goes to open the Tardis doors, they then lock and Greg just to push them open. Greg goes "what the hell, LET ME OUT!". The time rotor starts to move up and down, and the Tardis dematerialises, Greg looks around in shock "NO..NO..MAYA!" Greg looks around in shock and he goes "I'm screwed".

(Commercial Break)

Walking through the maze, The Doctor starts to hear scratching noises from the walls and he stops. The Doctor goes "everyone stop!". Bertie stops and she looks over at everyone else as she stands beside the wall "what's going on?" Crim goes "shush-" Bertie sighs until a hand starts to reach out of the leafed wall and towards Bertie. The Doctor puts his hand on the wall, and then instantly let's go "whoa" Maya stares at him "whoa?" The Doctor smiles "that was evil, pure evil, and energy, we're surrounded, they're all in the walls" Maya looks at The Doctor as screeching and scratching is heard all around them, Jenson pulls his laser gun up as hands start to reach out of the leafed walls and Maya looks in shock "what are they?" The Doctor then goes "The Massarians!". Bertie then screams, causing everyone to turn around and look at Bertie who is being pulled into the wall. Maya then runs over and grabs her hand, trying to pull her back, The Doctor and Maddie help her. Jenson and Crim start shooting at the wall. The Doctor shouts "STOP SHOOTING!". The Doctor looks at Bertie, who's eyes have closed and The Doctor pulls Maya and Maddie away as The Massarians pull Bertie into the wall. Jenson looks in shock as Maya then glares at The Doctor "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" The Doctor sighs "she was already gone, and gone is what we need to be-" Maddie glares at him "I THINK YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO! You seem to know what they are, and you don't like us shooting at them?" The Doctor sighs "The Massarians have devolved into animals that kill, and can we blame them? We have trespassed on their territory, we have crossed into their land! They have every right to kill us! The Massarians used to feed on fear, that's why this place is a maze, their race used to be able to devour their enemies by using their energy source as I said, they've devolved into actually having to devour them, but fear is still their food, they sense fear and they come running, when you shoot, you're shooting in fear, not to protect your friends, but to protects yourselves! It's time to be proper soldiers, have no fear! We fear nothing and we will survive this!" Maya looks at Maddie, Jenson, Crim, and then The Doctor. The Doctor nods at all of them.

(Commercial Break)

Everyone continues walking through the maze, silently. Maya walks over to The Doctor and she goes "hey, I uh...I don't wanna keep asking, but Greg?" The Doctor looks at her "I restored the HADS on the Tardis last night when you two were sleeping, I have a feeling they probably worked" Maya goes "what are HADS?" The Doctor goes "Hostile Action Displacement System, the Tardis will relocate into a safer place when it comes under attack" Maya smiles at him.

Maddie then comes to a stop when she sees something in the distance "that's not possible-" Crim runs ahead and he smiles "our things-" The Doctor sees a piece of Maddie's ship on the floor and they all run over to it. The Doctor kneels, inspecting the rubble left behind.

Maya looks at Jenson "why is it all here? You said they devour everything" The Doctor picks up a small device and he goes "that's because we've just walked into a trap" Jenson goes "how do you know?" The Doctor points at the wall where they see Crim dead and being pulled into the wall. The Doctor goes "nobody panic, but we have to go, and I have a plan" Jenson looks at The Doctor. Maya nods "alright, come on" Maya takes The Doctor's hand, and they start to run with Maddie and Jenson. Maddie takes a final look around and at her ship and she goes "damn!".

Further in the maze, The Doctor and everyone stop, and they all stand around each other. The Doctor looks at Maddie, who goes "I have lost ALL OF MY SOLDIERS, and what do I have to show for it? NOTHING!" The Doctor goes "what about saving an entire civilisation?" Maddie stares at him "what?" The Doctor pulls a device out of his pocket "I salvaged it out of your ship, this is a very rare piece of technology, created by The Daleks" Jenson steps forward "what is it?" The Doctor goes "it's called a Progenitor Device, it can restore pure DNA" Maya looks at The Doctor "not all of us here know that means, so please explain" The Doctor looks at them "we can re-evolve The Massarians, turn them back into who used to be, not killing them...but saving them" Jenson looks at The Doctor "that sounds ridiculous" The Doctor smiles "it does, but it's not" Maya nods "how do we do it?" The Doctor looks at Maya "we need to catch a Massarian".

(Commercial Break)

Standing near the leafed wall, The Doctor stands beside Maya as The Doctor goes "NOW!".

Maddie and Jenson open fire at the leafed wall, shooting their laser guns at the wall. Maya watches as leaves rustle in the distance, getting closer and closer towards them. Maya then sees The Doctor pulling his sonic screwdriver out as he then sonics Maddie's gun, causing a larger laser explosion, destroying some of the leaves and one of The Massarian's fall out of the leaved wall. The Doctor looks at Maya and he goes "alright, let's do this" Maya nods at The Doctor.

The Doctor holds the Progenitor as The Massarian's eyes open and its voice is scratchy and deep "what are you doing?" The Doctor looks at The Massarian "I met your race, a very long time ago, I must've had a long scarf back then, with Sarah-Jane, but your race was magnificent, you used to protect people on this planet, now look at what you've become!" The Massarian goes "we had to evolve" The Doctor glares at The Massarian and he shakes his head "evolve? No, you devolved!" The Massarian goes "she came here and threatened our race, we refused to help her-" The Doctor stares at The Massarian "who's her?". Maddie and Jenson see leaves starting to rustle and getting closer, Maya goes "Doctor! They're coming!". The Doctor glares at The Massarian "tell me! WHO IS SHE!" The Massarian smiles creepily "she was looking for The Doctor" The Doctor nods "I am The Doctor!" The Doctor then presses the Progenitor's button.

A huge wave of energy surrounds the planet, and the wave then dissolves into the atmosphere.

The Doctor, Maya, Maddie, and Jenson stand together as they hear the leaves rusting, but The Massarian's start to walk out of the leafed walls and they look around, feeling different. The Doctor looks at The Massarian that he captured, who then stands up and The Massarian's voice is no longer scratchy "what did you do to us?" The Doctor goes "I restored who you used to be" The Massarian smiles and it looks at the other Massarian's "we have to hold onto who we are, we can't go back to who we used to be". The Doctor stands there smiling with Maya. Maddie and Jenson stand with The Doctor and they both start to smile at The Massarians.

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor, Maya, Maddie, and Jenson walk together and Maya goes "so where is the Tardis?" The Doctor sonics around and he reads his sonic "it is-" The Doctor then stares in shock "oh no" Maya goes "oh no?" The Doctor goes "it's on prolonged" Maya goes "what?" The Doctor goes "the Tardis is gone" Maya goes "how do we find it?" The Doctor goes "I don't know, we're stuck here" Maddie looks at The Doctor until a bright light then shines onto them from above. Jenson smiles "that's our people" Maddie looks at The Doctor "need a lift?" The Doctor nods at her.

Inside a dining area, The Doctor sits with Maya as Maddie and Jenson walk over to them. Maddie goes "we can drop you off at The Shadow Proclamation? They can help you there?" The Doctor nods at her "thank you" Maddie smiles "no, thank you for saving us" Jenson smiles at The Doctor "we appreciate it, you two better strap up, it's gonna be a long ride" Maya smiles at him.

As Maddie and Jenson walk away, Maya looks at The Doctor "just explain, where is the Tardis? And where is Greg? Is he alive?" The Doctor nods "he's alive, he's in a place where no living thing exists, there's nothing there, except there is, it's hell, and it is the most dangerous place for any living person!" Maya goes "will he die?" The Doctor goes "nothing gets inside there, he can't die, there's nothing there to kill him, it's a place of complete nothingness, well, it used to be" Maya goes "how did he get there?" The Doctor stares at her "the HADS, they weren't ready to be used".

The Tardis floats through a sky of emptiness, Greg stands inside the control room and he looks around worriedly "um, I really don't know what to do" Greg looks at the monitor, trying to see what's outside, but the screen doesn't turn on. Greg looks around and towards the door and he walks over to it. Greg then opens the door and a loud screeching sound is heard, Greg slams the door shut and he locks the door behind him. Greg sits on the floor, with his back to the door and he starts to cry. Greg then looks up as the cloister bell's start to ring. Greg jumps up and he stares in shock "no, please!" Greg runs over to the console and he sees the monitor switch on. Greg goes "where am I?" the monitor then starts to flash a name 'THE VOID'.

Also Starring:

Gemma Whelan - Maddie

Nathan Stewart-Jarrett - Jenson

Samuel Barnett - Crim

Tamsin Topolski - Bertie

Phoebe Nicholls - Ninnie

Next Time:

A woman goes "we are currently in a place called The Void, it is the most dangerous place in the outer universe".

The Judoon Captain stands with other Judoon and goes "Bo Fro Sho To! No Kro Do!".

The Doctor looks at The Judoon captain "I need help finding a box".

The Tardis continues to fly through the emptiness of The Void.

The lights inside the Tardis starts to dim. Greg looks around as scratching is heard coming from the front door of the Tardis.

Maya looks behind her at a shelf which has a photo of Clara Oswald on it. Maya looks at The Doctor "who's she?".

A sixty-second countdown is seen on the Tardis Monitor. The Doctor runs over to the wall with the three clamps on and he looks at Maya and Greg "when it starts, just hold on tight, do not let go!".

The Doctor looks at the Tardis door and he sonics it. The Doctor looks at the readings on his sonic screwdriver until his face drops into pure fear "run" Maya goes "what?" The Doctor turns around "RUN! INTO THE TARDIS! GO!". The Doctor, Maya and Greg run through the corridor in the Tardis.

Thumping is heard down the corridors, and chains are heard dragging.

Next Time - The Void - The Doctor and Maya try to locate the Tardis where Greg is. Onboard the Tardis, a creature that was sent to the void by The Timelords breaches the Tardis. The Doctor, Maya and Greg face a creature like no other.