Episode 8 - The Void

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

Inside The Shadow Proclamation, The Judoon Captain stands with other Judoon and goes "Bo Fro Sho To! No Kro Do!" The Judoon captain also goes "Do Po Lo Sho! No Dro Fo Ro! Zo!".

Footsteps are then heard from behind them and The Doctor walks in with Maya. The Judoon captain looks at the two of them, as the Judoon hold their guns up to The Doctor and Maya.

Maya stands there staring at them and she goes "who are they?" The Judoon captain walks up to her and it scans her and The Judoon captain goes "language assimilated. Designation Earth English" The Judoon captain takes it's helmet off and Maya's face drops into shock "it's a Rhino!" The Judoon captain goes "how did you reach us?" The Doctor goes "that would be me, I'm The Doctor" The Judoon captain steps back and goes "you are the fugitive!" The Doctor nods "I served my time, thanks for that by the way, not why I'm here though!" The Judoon captain goes "why are you here?" The Doctor looks at The Judoon captain "I need help finding a box".

The Tardis continues to fly through the emptiness of The Void. Greg stands near the console on his own. The Cloister Bell has now stopped, and Greg looks around the console and he presses a button on the console "you must have Netflix or something?" a voice hologram interface then switches on of a female and Greg stares at the hologram, which is a hologram of Yasmine Khan. Greg stares at the hologram in shock "who are you?" Yasmine's hologram then goes "I am a voice interface, used to talk to you to explain our current situation" Greg nods at the hologram "okay?" Yasmine goes "we are currently in a place called The Void, it is the most dangerous place in the outer universe" Greg goes "wait, we're not even in the universe?" Yasmine goes "we're in a place where we are between two universes, your one and another one, we're in neither of them, but we're in between, but what's in between is what you should be afraid of-" the hologram then switches off and the lights inside the Tardis starts to dim. Greg looks around as scratching is heard coming from the front door of the Tardis. Greg walks closer towards the door until all the lights then switch off, except a red light that activates and starts flashing inside the Tardis.

(Commercial Break)

As lights flash inside the Tardis, Greg continues to sit on the floor, worried and frightened. Suddenly, the hologram comes back on, except it's of a male. Greg looks up and he looks at Rory Williams. Greg goes "who are you?" Rory goes "I am a voice interface, well, you already knew that" Greg shakes his head "no, but, you were a woman?" Rory goes "there's a lot of people to choose from, I seemed to have lost all my archives from the previous hologram I used" Greg goes "but who are you, like how are archived?" Rory goes "you are not the first" Greg looks at him and shakes his head confused "what does that mean? I'm not the first?" Rory goes "you are the not the first to step onto the Tardis, and you certainly won't be the last" Greg smirks "that was a bit rude, but The Doctor's travelled with people before? He's travelled with you?" Rory nods "yeah".

Greg looks at the hologram until it starts to fade, Greg goes "no, no! Wait!" the hologram returns, but it's not Rory, Greg stares at another woman, this time Bill Potts. Greg goes "who are you?" Bill goes "I am a voice interface-" Greg sighs "no, I...I mean-" Greg sighs and he looks back at the Tardis door which the scratching continues. Greg looks at the hologram "why are you trying to distract me? There's something outside, but I don't know what it is, you told me I'm in a place called The Void? In between two universes, how can something survive out there?" Bill goes "yeah, well, it's complicated, you know what I mean? The Doctor would just say that they just can, but a creature that can survive out there, that must mean it's strong, and dangerous" Greg nods at her "do you know what it is?" Bill goes "I don't, nobody knows what it is, but I know of it, that's all anyone knows, they know of it, nobody knows how strong it is, or what it can do, that's why it has to stay in The Void if it gets out, the entire universe could be completely rewritten".

Greg sits on the floor near the console and Bill looks at him. Greg goes "where's The Doctor? Where's Maya?" Bill goes "I don't know" Greg looks at the hologram "can you show me, my parents? And my brother?" Bill then turns into Karla, then into Frank, then into Billy. Greg smiles until all the power then switches off inside the Tardis, except the red flashing lights.

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor, Maya, and The Judoon Captain look at a large screen looking for a way to get to the Tardis. The Doctor goes "there must be a way" The Judoon Captain looks at The Doctor "there might be a way" Maya looks at The Judoon Captain and she goes "how?" The Doctor nods.

Stood inside a massive room, The Doctor looks at a circular tube on the floor that is huge. The Doctor's mouth drops over "is that a molecular structural teleporter?" Maya goes "a what?" The Doctor goes "molecules are formed atmos, this machine breaks up the atmos in your body and can place them anywhere they want" Maya goes "in other words?" The Doctor goes "they can teleport us to the Tardis, but where did you get this?" The Judoon Captain goes "your home planet, we heard of its death, upon arrival, many other races had started looting the planet we managed to create this from your planet" Maya looks at The Doctor in shock "your planets dead?" The Doctor stares at her until he then goes "can use you this to send us to the Tardis?" The Judoon Captain nods "yes" The Doctor nods and he pulls out his sonic screwdriver and he sonics the teleporter "I've planted the coordinates, thank you for your help" Maya stares at The Doctor "but your planet!" The Doctor stops and he stares at her "what's there to say? I'm a Timelord from the planet Galifrey, Galifrey was destroyed by a man who used to be my best friend, now I'm the only one of my kind left, it's been that way before, and it's that way again".

Greg starts to walk closer to the Tardis doors as the scratching is still happening, the lights continue to flash red, a loud growl is then heard and Greg runs back to the console looking in shock. All of a sudden, a bright blue light shines in the Tardis, and Maya and The Doctor are transported into the Tardis. The Doctor rubs his face "that was a nasty teleport" Maya then smiles "GREG!" Maya and Greg hug until Greg goes "DOCTOR! There's something outside-" The Doctor looks at the Tardis door and he sonics it. The Doctor looks at the readings on his sonic screwdriver until his face drops into pure fear "run" Maya goes "what?" The Doctor turns around "RUN! INTO THE TARDIS! GO!". The Doctor, Maya and Greg run through the corridor in the Tardis.

(Commercial Break)

Thumping is heard down the corridors, and chains are heard dragging. A view from the back of the creature, it wears a long black coat, with chains around it, it has long white arms with claws.

Inside a room inside the Tardis, The Doctor hides with Maya and Greg. Maya looks at The Doctor, who is terrified. Maya then looks at Greg and she whispers "how did you get here?" Greg looks at her "the Tardis just landed here, I didn't do anything" The Doctor then whispers "listen to me, this thing, I don't know what it is, but the readings were off the chart! This creature was locked up by the Timelords back when I was a child, it terrorised our planet until finally, the Timelords won, but they threw it into the Void, I hoped it would have died, your planet has the Boogeyman, we had this creature, The Unknown, even I don't know what it can do, but it frightened our planet, it was the most dangerous creature that ever lives, and to ever exist!" Greg goes "what do we do then?" The Doctor goes "we throw it back into The Void, and then get out of here!" Maya nods "I'd like to hear how we're going to do that" The Doctor goes "I don't know yet". Maya looks behind her at a shelf which has a photo of Clara Oswald on it. Maya looks at The Doctor "who's she?" The Doctor looks at the photo of Clara and he goes "an old friend".

Running back into the Tardis console, The Doctor presses a lever, causing all the lights to switch on, and the Tardis relights to his usual blue colour. The Doctor throws Greg his sonic screwdriver "use this to unlock that storage container over there!" Greg looks around and he runs over to a wall and sees a handle sticking out, Greg then sonics the wall, and a drawer then slowly opens out. Greg looks inside and he stares in shock "the drawer...it's bigger on the inside!" The Doctor nods "come on Greg, I thought you might be used to it by now" Greg nods "sorry, what am I looking for?" The Doctor goes "there should be these black clamps in there, pretty big, and pretty heavy, I stole them from Torchwood a long time ago" Greg pulls out a Magna-Clamp and he goes "Woah" The Doctor nods "there should be four, just take three, put them on the wall and press the red button, then they'll clamp on, we'll need to hold on" Maya then goes "why?".

(Commercial Break)

A sixty-second countdown is seen on the Tardis Monitor. The Doctor runs over to the wall with the three clamps on and he looks at Maya and Greg "when it starts, just hold on tight, do not let go!" Maya goes "why? What are you doing, what's your plan?" The Doctor goes "we could leave, we could, but if we do, I take this thing with us, so I can't! I've had to activate the Tardis Extraction Sequence, it's basically used to remove parasites if the Tardis ever got sick, but I have no other choice! Hold on tight, if you let go, I can't save you" Maya and Greg both hold on tight to the clamps. The Doctor goes "and whatever you do, do not open your eyes until those Tardis doors shut, the legend is, if you see the creature, and it sees you, it will remove all memories and feast on it, you'll be a walking shell, nothing else" Maya and Greg nod as the countdown then hit's zero. Heavy winds start to pick up as the Tardis doors then swing open. Pulling everything out of the doors. The Doctor, Maya and Greg all close their eyes. The Doctor goes "I never wanted to do this, my whole life is inside this box" Maya goes "what does that mean?" The Doctor goes "I've lived here for thousands of years, people used to travel with me, people who have come and gone in my lives, their memories are here too, but to remove this creature, I have to remove everything out of this box, all the memories, everything that they left behind, it all has to go!!".

Suddenly, the photo of Clara flies through into the console room and flies out of the door, old sonic screwdriver's fly outside, River Song's coat flies out of the Tardis, The Doctor's Baby Cot, Amy's Drawings of The Doctor, clothes belonging to Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Rory, Clara, Bill, Yasmine, Graham, and Ryan all fly out of the Tardis, until finally a loud screeching and screaming sound is heard as The Unknown is pulled into the console room from the wind. The Doctor shouts "KEEP YOUR EYES CLOSED, WE'VE ALMOST DONE IT!" Maya and Greg scream as they hold onto the Magna-Clamps. The Unknown continues to screech and holds onto the Tardis' glass Time Rotor, but it then flies out of the doors, and into The Void. The Tardis doors then shut, and The Doctor opens his eyes, running towards the console and pulling the dematerialise lever.

(Commercial Break)

The Tardis floats through space and The Doctor stands inside the console room, Maya then goes "so? We're back in our universe?" The Doctor nods "yeah we are" Maya smiles "well, I think I need to find my room, today has been a long day, through the maze, and being here, so I'm gonna head to bed, you coming to Greg?" Greg nods "yeah, I'll be there in a second" Maya nods and she walks off. The Doctor looks at Greg whos leans against the console. The Doctor looks at him "you alright?" Greg goes "before you and Maya showed up, I accidentally activated this voice hologram thing, and I uh, I saw some people" The Doctor looks on the monitor as he checks the voice hologram and he then smiles "Yasmine, Rory and Bill" Greg looks at The Doctor, "they said that they used to travel with you?" The Doctor nods "yeah, you knew about Sarah-Jane" Greg nods "I know, but...I meant, what happened to all of them? Why would anyone wanna give this up?" The Doctor stares at Greg and he sighs "listen, some of them simply just left, they moved on with their lives, some people I had to leave behind because I had too, some people's lives I ended up destroying, and some of them died, not all of them, some of them, some died" Greg nods at The Doctor "what about me? Or Maya? Are we gonna die with you?" The Doctor shakes his head "no, I've learned from my mistakes, I won't let that happen!" Greg looks at The Doctor and he nods "I'm gonna go to sleep" The Doctor nods "okay" Greg looks at The Doctor, but then walks away. The Doctor looks at the Time Rotor and The Doctor goes "why did you show him those people? I hate this talk, having to explain to them" The Doctor's eyes fill with tears as he remembers all of his friends. The Doctor then goes "right, where should we go next?" The Tardis then lands and he goes "ooh, Egypt? Fourteen Fifty-Nine" The Doctor opens the Tardis door, and sand blows into the Tardis. The Doctor smiles "let's see what trouble is brewing here". As the Door's shut, the Monitor starts to show a ship someplace elsewhere The Doctor needs to be.

Onboard the Ship, an original Blue and Silver Dalek then moves onto a platform where there are other original Daleks. The Dalek then goes "The Doctor is not the last Timelord in existence!".

Also Starring:

Mandip Gill - Yasmine Khan

Arthur Darvill - Rory Williams

Pearl Mackie - Bill Potts

Dawn French - Karla Redburn

Mark Kermode - Frank Redburn

Noah Jupe - Billy Redburn

Next Time:

Inside the Tardis Console, The Doctor flicks a lever and sparks fly from the console. The Tardis is bumpy and shaking.

The Dalek ship flies towards a Greenish looking Planet and it lowers down onto the land.

The Doctor shakes his head "this ship holds the most dangerous creatures to ever exist, they're my enemies, a creature locked inside a suit of armour, born to hate everything that exists".

Next Time - Survival of The Daleks - The Doctor follows life signs captured by the Tardis, where he discovers some original Skaro Daleks who are trying to resurrect more new Daleks. The Doctor and his companion try to stop the Daleks before it is too late.