Episode 10 - Her and Marcal - Part 1

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

A volcano explodes in the distance, and lava blows out. Beside the Tardis, Maya watches the volcano and she smiles "wow, that is so cool!" The Doctor looks at Maya and Greg "stay close to me, come on". The Doctor, Maya and Greg all follow a path, and towards a light.

The Doctor looks over at the light and he sees two Ponjeries standing beside a door. The Doctor goes "I think you're expecting me? Is she here?" The Ponjerie Leader goes "she is here, she is waiting for you, Doctor!" The Doctor goes "good, take me to her" The Ponjerie Leader goes "only you will come" Maya looks at The Doctor "we're coming with you" Greg nods "yeah we are!". The Ponjerie Leader goes "she only wants to see The Doctor, not all of you!". The Doctor then goes "no harm comes to my friends, or I will make sure that you and all your merchant race end up in that lava outside, got it?" The Ponjerie Leader grunts "yes!" The Doctor nods "you two stay here".

The Doctor follows a corridor, with The Ponjerie Leader walking in front of him, The Doctor sees a red door in front of him and he goes "she's in there?" The Ponjerie Leader nods "yes, she is!".

The Ponjerie Leader opens the red door, and The Doctor walks into the room, in front of him an olived-skinned woman with big curled hair. She stands wearing knee-high boots, tight leather trousers, and dark red patterned tunics. She also wears red nail varnish and black eye shadow, with various rings and bracelets. The Doctor shakes his head "impossible, it can't be you".

The woman stands there smiling as she then picks up a Ponjerie Rifle "yes Doctor, it's me, Ushas of Miasimia Goria" The Doctor's face drops into fear "Rani?" The Rani frighteningly smiles at The Doctor. The Doctor then goes "what planet are we on?" The Rani smiles "you won't recognise the planet. It's Marcal" The Doctor stares at her "it's what?" The Rani goes "I didn't go to the trouble of bringing you here just to discuss a planet, you're here now, that's all that matters" The Doctor watches Rani move over to a computer and she starts typing. The Doctor goes to walk closer but The Ponjerie Leader stops him from moving forward. The Doctor sighs "so it was you? Leaving those symbols" The Rani smiles at The Doctor "of course, who else is a genius like me?".

(Commercial Break)


Parminder Nagra - The Rani

The Doctor stands there in shock "so? Wanna tell me why I'm here? Because I'm pretty sure it's not to hug out the past" The Rani stands up and she stares at The Doctor and she goes "funny you should mention the past! Because I recently learned that our past has been nothing but lies! The truth of the Timelords, or I should say THE TIMELORDS, they were created by you! YOU!".

The Doctor nods at her "it's something I'm still trying to come to terms with" The Rani shakes her head "you don't understand, do you? Whilst you were there laying on the fields of Trenzalore, out of lives, all you had to do was ask for more lives, and they gave you them! Now here I am, on the last of my regenerations, begging for more lives, and they ignore me!" The Doctor looks at her "they're dead" The Rani nods "they're gonna be if they don't give me what I want!" The Doctor shakes his head "I mean, it's all dead, The Timelords, Gallifrey, our home. It's all gone" The Rani stares at him "how can it be gone?" The Doctor sighs "The Master. He found out, and he killed all of them" The Rani nods "then it was justified!" The Doctor glares at her "HE MURDERED THE CHILDREN TOO! EVERYONE, EVEN THE INNOCENT, NOTHING JUSTIFIES WHAT HE DID!" The Rani looks at The Doctor "you wanted to know why you're here?" The Doctor nods.

The Rani looks at The Ponjerie Leader and she nods at it. The Ponjerie Leader walks over to a curtain and pulls a rope, causing the curtains to open and The Doctor sees a huge laboratory.

The Doctor looks at the laboratory and he goes "what is this?" The Rani goes "I'm surprised you didn't work it out Doctor, didn't you wonder why we stole a Cyber Ship? I wanted their technology, I've manipulated it" The Doctor looks at her "you've what?" The Rani laughs evilly "I'm a scientist Doctor, it's what I do best" The Doctor goes "so what are you using this for?" The Rani looks at The Ponjerie Leader and she nods at him. The Ponjerie Leader grabs The Doctor. The Doctor looks at The Rani nervously. The Rani walks over to The Doctor and she goes "the Timelords gave you more lives, and I've run out of lives, so...I want the rest of your lives" The Doctor stares in shock. The Rani starts laughing evilly again "and I'm going to take them".

(Commercial Break)

Back on Earth, Karla walks into the living room inside the Redburn house. Karla sits on the sofa and she smiles at Frank "where do you think they are today?" Frank looks at a photo of Maya and Greg and he goes "no clue, somewhere amazing I hope" Karla smiles at Frank "yeah? me too".

Billy stands near the stairs looking at Karla and Frank and he smiles at the two of them.

Maya and Greg continue to stand outside the door as they wait for The Doctor. Maya looks at Greg and she goes "think about it, who'd go through all this trouble just to get The Doctor here? And why? It just doesn't make sense, I mean think about all the power he has, the knowledge" Greg looks at her and he goes "The Doctor probably knows a lot of people Maya, I wouldn't worry too much" Greg then looks up and he sees the two Ponjeries near the door aiming their guns up at Maya and Greg. Maya stares in shock and she then mimicks Greg "don't worry too much?" Greg sighs "well, I'd like to reword what I just said, I'd worry a lot" Maya nods at him.

The Doctor is tied up onto a chair with rope and goes "please, listen to me! We might be the last two in existence, the last two Timelords! Don't do this" The Rani walks over to him and she goes "and with your lives, I could live a very long time" The Doctor sighs "listen, you can take my lives, fine! But promise me that you will take Maya and Greg home? Back to Earth?" The Rani laughs evilly again and she goes "oh yeah, I forgot that you had a little thing for that small planet...Earth, actually...I have an idea" The Rani looks at The Ponjerie Leader "bring out The Rutans, they loved that planet last time, other than the time that The Doctor scared them off" The Ponjerie Leader nods "yes ma'am". The Rani and The Doctor watch as The Ponjerie Leader picks up a radio and he talks into it "UNLEASH THE RUTAN'S ONTO PLANET EARTH, DESTROY IT!". The Doctor shakes his head in shock "no, please...wait...DON'T DO THIS!".

Back in the Redburn House, Karla starts to hear screaming coming from outside. Karla looks at Frank as the two of them open the front door they see huge ships descending from the sky.

All of a sudden, Rutan's start to teleport onto Earth and they start killing people.

(Commercial Break)

Maya and Greg run down the path, and behind them, loads of volcano's continue to erupt. Two Ponjeries run behind them shooting their guns. Maya and Greg try to dodge their bullets.

Maya then makes it to the Tardis first and she tries opening the dock "n-n-no! OPEN!".

Greg then runs up to the Tardis "GO INSIDE COME ON!" Maya goes "it's locked, he locked it!" Greg shakes his head "it's alive, the Tardis is alive, it can open" Greg looks at the Tardis and he goes "please, you helped me during The Void, you can help me again, open the doors".

Maya looks behind her and she sees The Ponjeries getting closer, Maya looks at the Tardis "please!". The door rattles and Greg opens the door. Greg smiles and the two of them go inside.

Whilst tied onto the chair, something starts to vibrate in his pocket. The Doctor looks over at The Rani who is working on her computer, and The Ponjerie Leader who is checking The Rutan attack. The Doctor then pulls his hand out and he takes out his sonic screwdriver. The Doctor reads what his sonic is saying and he then sighs and whispers "they're in the Tardis". The Doctor aims his sonic in the air and presses the button. The Rani and The Ponjerie Leader look at him.

Inside the Tardis, Maya and Greg stand near the door out of breath. Suddenly, the time rotor starts to move up and down and the Tardis begins to dematerialise. Maya looks in shock "NO!".

The Ponjerie Leader grabs The Doctor's sonic screwdriver and hands it to The Rani. The Rani goes "and what were you planning on doing with that?" The Doctor smiles "I did what I wanted, and that was to take my friends home" The Rani runs over to her computer and she looks at her screen. The Rani glares at The Doctor "where is your Tardis!" The Doctor goes "Maya and Greg have gone home, and so if you take my lives, you'll be trapped here too" The Rani smirks "no I won't, I have the Cyber Ship, I'll just go to Earth once I'm finished with you, and then kill your friends" The Doctor stares at her "you're not going to harm Earth, because I'm going to stop you" The Rani smiles at him "no you're not". The Rani attaches something to The Doctor's head. The Rani goes "I just need to read your brains, see how many lives that you have left Doctor".

(Commercial Break)

Explosions occur on the street where Maya and Greg live. Roads are destroyed, people are killed, Rutans search houses. Vwoorping is then heard, and the Tardis then starts to materialise.

As the crisp denim blue becomes solid, the Tardis door opens and Maya walks out of the Tardis with Greg. Maya looks at the skies which have hundreds of ships in. The complete Earth is in ruins and many people have died. Maya looks around in tears and she looks at Greg "home".

Maya and Greg run into their home and they find Karla, Frank and Billy around the TV. Billy then goes "Maya?" Karla smiles "you're back!". Karla hugs Maya. Frank looks at Greg "where's The Doctor? We need him more than ever" Greg looks at him "The Doctor's gone, he sent us back here. The Doctor's been taken and we can't get back to him" Karla stares at him "but what about those things-" Maya goes "Rutan's" Karla nods at her "they're destroying the planet" Maya looks at her "we can't do anything" Karla sits down with Billy and she hugs him. Frank looks at them.

The Doctor sits in his chair still, with a device around his head, The Rani presses a button on her computer and the device starts to vibrate and electrical currents start going through The Doctor's head. The Rani smiles "look at that, incredible". The Doctor starts to scream in pain.

The Rani then turns the switch off, turning off the device and she looks at The Doctor "you don't even know what the Timelords did you, do you? What they gave you at Trenzalore!" The Doctor painfully looks at her "what...are...you...talking about?" The Rani kneels beside him "they didn't just give you a brand new regeneration cycle, they restored your original regeneration cycle, do you understand what that means?" The Doctor looks at her with pain in his eyes "yes". The Ponjerie Leader looks at The Rani "explain!". The Rani looks at The Ponjerie Leader "The Doctor has an unlimited amount of regenerations left, he could live forever" The Doctor nods "except I won't! I won't keep changing! One day, there will come a time where I won't want to change" The Rani goes "you won't ever change again! If Tecteun was able to splice your genes, then so can I! I could have an unlimited amount too" The Rani then starts to laugh evilly again.

Also Starring:

Dawn French - Karla Redburn

Mark Kermode - Frank Redburn

Noah Jupe - Billy Redburn

Next Time:

The Doctor looks at her in agony "it's still not too late to stop this" The Rani nods at him "oh, I am very aware".

The Rani laughs again and she goes "don't be a fool Doctor, you wouldn't harm a fly" The Doctor stares at The Rani "you don't know what I've done in the past".

Suddenly, loud stomping is heard and The Doctor turns around, where he sees an army of Ponjeries, lead by The Ponjerie Leader. The Rani walk in front of them and she holds her gun.

The Rani looks at The Doctor and she goes "I won't lie Doctor, this is going to hurt".

The Doctor's hands then start to glow gold with regeneration energy.

Next Time - Finale - Her and Marcal - Part 2 - The Rani tests and uses The Doctor, she tries to take his regeneration powers, so she can regenerate. Back on Earth, Maya and Greg try to convince their family to help them get back to The Doctor, so they can save him.