Episode 11 - Her and Marcal - Part 2

Previously: The Doctor and his friends arrived on the planet Marcal where they soon discovered that the renegade scientist, as well as Time Lady The Rani was alive. The Rani wanted to use The Doctor to restore her regeneration cycle. Back on Earth, The Rutan's were attacking the planet and The Doctor sends Maya and Greg home. The Rani discovered that The Doctor's regeneration cycle was unlimited.

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

Parminder Nagra - The Rani

Inside the Tardis, Maya stands with Greg, Karla, Frank, and Billy. Karla looks around and she goes "I still don't like it in here" Maya nods at her "you don't have to like it, as long as it keeps you alive, that is all I care about" Karla looks at her. Maya looks over at Greg and she walks over to him. Maya goes "hey, you okay?" Greg nods at her "yeah, just worried about The Doctor" Maya nods at him "me too, we need to find a way back, if we can get back, maybe we can help him".

Back on Marcal, inside Rani's laboratory, The Doctor is still tied up with rope whilst sat in the chair. The device is still placed on The Doctor's head. The Rani looks at The Doctor and she goes "I won't lie Doctor, this is going to hurt, but I'll enjoy watching you in pain, Doctor".

The Rani activates the device, causing it to vibrate and The Doctor starts to scream again.

The Rani stands up and she walks over and she then turns the device off again. The Rani pulls out a red sonic screwdriver and she scans the device "halfway there, we've got your genes, it's just time to splice them, after that, I'll add them to the system so that I can then use them on myself" The Doctor looks at her in agony "it's still not too late to stop this" The Rani nods at him "oh, I am very aware". The Ponjerie Leader walks in and it goes "the Cyber Ship is ready to go when you are, its destination is set for Earth" The Rani nods "I'll be ready in ten minutes".

Greg looks at the console and Maya looks at him "you are not going to try and fly this, are you?" Greg smiles "no, but if I can remember-" Greg presses a button and the voice hologram interface turns on, and Yasmine Khan stands there. Maya stares in shock "what is that?" Yasmine goes "I am the Tardis voice hologram interface, you are currently onboard without the pilot" Maya nods "we're trying to get back to him, can you help?" Yasmine goes "I am not authorised to fly without The Doctor onboard" Greg sighs "but we're his friends, he's in danger, surely you can see that" Yasmine goes "The Doctor sent you back to Earth to save your lives" Maya nods "what about his life? He is going to die without our help, you know it too" Yasmine looks at Maya and Greg "you better hold on". The Tardis then starts to dematerialise from Earth.

(Commercial Break)

The Rani pulls the device off The Doctor's head and she walks over to her computer and she attaches a wire to the device "I've added your spliced genes into the system, all I do is press this button and it's over for you" The Doctor smirks "oh really? You really thought this was going to work?". The Rani looks at him "I know it will, I've been working hard on this Doctor". The Rani then presses the start button. Until, all of a sudden, the machines powering the computer start to spark, some of them catch on fire, and smoke pours out of some of the others. The Ponjerie Leader looks around in shock. The Rani glares at The Doctor "w-w-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" The Doctor's hands then start to glow gold with regeneration energy. The Doctor goes "the strongest energy in the universe, regeneration". The rope starts to burn off of him and he starts to stand up, out of the chair. The Rani looks at The Doctor "no, you have to stay sat down!" The Doctor looks at her "too late now" The Ponjerie Leader growls at The Doctor. The Rani goes "you've started the regeneration, you can't stop it now" The Doctor nods at her "oh I'm very aware" The Rani picks up her gun and she goes "if I can't have your regeneration cycle, then I'll just kill you, Doctor!". The Doctor leans back and he begins to regenerate. The Rani aims her gun at The Doctor, but The Doctor then grabs his hand and he aims his regeneration at the device that was around his head, and The Doctor then instantly stops regenerating. The Doctor looks up at The Rani and hasn't changed. The Rani shakes her head "no...how?" The Doctor goes "you spliced my genes into that device, the genes from this body, so I could change back into this body, and this body wasn't injured enough for me to have been killed, you gave me a way to get out of this place" The Rani looks at The Ponjerie Leader and she starts to run out of the room with him. The Rani goes "START THE SHIP, HEAD TO EARTH, WE'LL DESTROY IT" The Ponjerie Leader nods at her. The Doctor sighs and he then starts running after them. The Doctor stop and he picks up his sonic screwdriver. The Doctor then starts running back, and he runs outside until he sees the Cyber Ship in the sky and he watches it fly off and towards Earth.

(Commercial Break)

Behind The Doctor, volcanoes explode, causing lava and rocks to explode into the air. The Doctor looks around and she goes "no way out, okay Doctor, think of a plan...think, think, th-".

The Doctor then starts to hear vwoorping and he turns around, looking behind him where he sees the Tardis starting to materialise. The Doctor smiles at the Tardis "you came back?".

The Doctor runs into the Tardis where he sees Maya and Greg. Maya smiles "DOCTOR?" The Doctor stares at them "ah! I sent you home?" The Doctor then walks up to the console where he then sees Karla, Frank, and Billy "oh, and you're here" Karla stares at him "yes! We are".

The Doctor looks at Maya and Greg and he flicks the dematerialise lever, causing the Tardis to leave Marcal, and The Doctor sets the coordinates for Earth. The Doctor goes "let's end this".

The Tardis lands on Earth, and the Tardis doors open. As The Doctor walks out of the Tardis, explosions occur from behind him, and The Rutans are continuing to destroy the planet.

Maya and Greg then follow The Doctor out. Maya turns around looking at Karla and her family. Maya goes "wait in here, we'll come to get you when it's safe" Karla shakes her head "no...wait-" Maya shuts the Tardis doors. Greg looks at Maya and he nods at her. The Doctor looks around at the state of the street and he goes "any minute now, and she'll be here". Maya looks at him.

Suddenly, loud stomping is heard and The Doctor turns around, where he sees an army of Ponjeries, lead by The Ponjerie Leader. The Rani walk in front of them and she holds her gun.

The Doctor goes "Maya...Greg. This is The Rani, she's a Timelord, like me...but not one of the good ones" The Rani smiles at The Doctor "please...Time Lady". Maya and Greg look at The Rani.

The Doctor goes "we can end this, together. But you call off your attack, take The Rutan's and The Ponjeries, get them off this planet, we can find another one, together, and we can find a way to stop this" The Rani shakes her head "what's the fun in that Doctor?" The Doctor goes "if you don't, I'll stop you" The Rani laughs again and she goes "don't be a fool Doctor, you wouldn't harm a fly" The Doctor stares at The Rani "you don't know what I've done in the past".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor watches as the explosions stop around him and all The Rutans start to come towards The Doctor, Maya and Greg. Maya looks at The Doctor "Doctor? We're surrounded" The Doctor looks at The Rani "you realise that you haven't formed an alliance with these guys right?" The Rani looks at The Doctor "what do you mean?" The Doctor goes "The Ponjeries, they're contracted troops, well more like hired" The Rani stares at The Doctor and she goes "so?".

The Doctor puts his hand into his pocket and he then pulls out the White-Point Star Diamond. The Rani stares at The Doctor "where did you get that?" The Doctor looks at The Rani "from The Dalek's". The Doctor looks at The Ponjerie Leader "this is a White-Point Star Diamond, it's also the last of it's kind, the planet it came from, my planet, it's gone...that make this diamond the most rarest of it's kind! I offer this to you, with one request" The Ponjerie Leader steps forward and goes "what is your request?" The Doctor goes "you take The Rutans and the rest of your troops away from this planet, and you never return!" The Doctor looks at The Ponjeries with tears in his eyes. The Rani shakes her head "no, I paid you!" The Ponjerie Leader walks over to The Doctor and it puts it's hand out. The Doctor looks at the diamond and then nods. The Doctor puts the diamond into The Ponjerie Leader's hand and The Ponjerie Leader looks at the other Ponjeries "we have been told our new quest, remove The Rutans and leave this planet!".

The Rani watches as The Ponjeries start to shoot at The Rutans. The Doctor, Maya and Greg look in shock. The Rutans start to retreat, leaving the planet, and their ships start to leave as well.

The Rani also watches as The Ponjeries start to disappear. The Ponjerie Leader nods at The Doctor "mission complete" The Ponjerie Leader then teleports off the planet.

The Rani stands there shaking her head "no, but-" The Doctor looks at her and he starts walking towards her. The Rani starts walking back and she shakes her head "no, I WON'T, I WON'T LET YOU WIN!". Maya and Greg both watch as The Doctor stops walking and he looks at The Rani "come with me, please?" The Rani stares at him with tears in her eyes.

(Commercial Break)

The Rani looks at her gun and she then aims her gun at her head. The Doctor shakes his head "NO! WAIT!". Maya and Greg look at each other. The Doctor goes "you don't wanna come with me? That's fine, but then take this, I don't wanna be the last one" The Rani watches as The Doctor pulls out a Vortex Manipulator and he throws it at The Rani. The Rani looks at The Doctor "this doesn't make us friends, this is my last body, and I will do whatever I can to ensure that I do not die, Doctor!" The Doctor nods at her "I know" The Rani nods at him "well, till I see you again". The Rani looks at the Vortex Manipulator and she presses the button, causing her to disappear. The Doctor looks at the floor and he starts to cry. Maya then steps forward and she goes "Doctor?" The Doctor looks at Maya "just once, I wanted a friend. With The Master, he just wants to kill me, I thought it would be different with her, but it's not, she still wants me dead-".

A young boy then goes "oh my god, is that Maya Redburn?". Another girl then goes "look it's that girl who gets bullied at school!" Maya looks at a huge audience that starts to cheer all of them. The Doctor steps back and he goes into the Tardis. Maya tries to open the Tardis door but it won't open. Greg holds Maya's hand and he pulls her to the audience who continue cheering.

Inside the Tardis, Karla and Frank watch from the screen at everyone cheering at Maya and Greg. Frank looks at The Doctor "why did you leave them out there?" The Doctor smiles at them "Maya gets bullied at school, now for the rest of her life, she'll be the girl who saved the Earth" Karla smiles at The Doctor "thank you" The Doctor smiles at Karla and Frank. Billy smiles at The Doctor "you're so cool" The Doctor nods at him "oh, I know that" Billy starts to laugh.

The school bell rings at Barrow College, Maya walks out of a classroom holding folders containing her coursework from her classes. A boy bumps into Maya, knocking her folders to the floor, causing her papers to fall out and blow all down the hallway. Maya stands there about to cry until the boy goes "oh my god, Maya! I am so sorry, quick let me help you". Maya smiles at him as she watches everyone starting to pick up her papers and handing them back to her.

(Commercial Break)

Karla stands with The Doctor near the Tardis. Karla goes "well, it's gonna take some time to fix up the city, well...the planet, but we'll manage" The Doctor goes "if I'm being totally honest, I'd expect an increase in taxes, just because I expect they'll need money to help fix the place" Karla smiles "well, increased taxes is better than alien attacks" The Doctor smiles at Karla "suppose".

Maya and Greg walk over to them. Maya smiles "today was incredible!" The Doctor smiles.

Maya and Greg stand talking to Karla. The Doctor then opens the Tardis door and he goes to close the door until Greg shouts "HEY! Doctor!" The Doctor walks out of the Tardis and he goes "yeah?" Maya smiles at him "where are you going?" The Doctor goes "I've put you in enough trouble, I think it's best we end it here before any of you get hurt" Greg shakes his head "I don't care, I wanna come-" Karla goes "I want you to stay, I told The Doctor, I'm thankful for what he did, but you have to stay now" Maya and Greg look at Karla. Karla goes "say goodbye then come home". Karla looks at The Doctor and she goes to walk away until she stops and goes "Doctor? Come back at Christmas, as a thank you for saving us, I'll cook you Christmas Dinner" The Doctor smiles and then Karla starts walking away again, back to her house where Frank and Billy stand looking at The Doctor. The Doctor looks back at Maya and Greg. Maya shakes her head in tears "what will you do now?" The Doctor goes "well, The Rani's out there somewhere, I'm gonna try and find her, maybe even find a way to save her if I can" Maya looks at the Doctor "you made my life so much better, people are kind to me now" The Doctor nods "as long as you give back that kindness then I'll be proud" Maya nods at him in tears. Greg looks at The Doctor "hey, what my mum said, please? Christmas Dinner this year?" The Doctor stutters "I-I-" Greg goes "I'm not asking" The Doctor laughs "fine, I'll come back at Christmas" Greg smiles "we'll see you then".

The Doctor walks into the Tardis. Maya stands there crying as she then watches the Tardis starting to dematerialise. Greg looks down and as he looks back up, the Tardis is gone. Maya and Greg then start walking back towards their house. Karla, Frank and Billy smile at them.

Also Starring:

Dawn French - Karla Redburn

Mark Kermode - Frank Redburn

Noah Jupe - Billy Redburn

Mandip Gill - Yasmine Khan

Next Time - Christmas Special - Birth of Evil - Invited to Christmas Dinner with the Redburn's, The Doctor joins them for Christmas. But Christmas faces being cancelled when the Cybermen break out of the cave, leaving The Doctor and The Redburn's left to save Christmas.