Doctor Who Children In Need Special - 2020 - First Look at Christmas 2020 and Tales of Who Season 1

Doctor Who - Christmas Special - First Look -

The TV then switches on and The Doctor runs over to TV where Karla, Frank, Billy and Maya are. Greg follows The Doctor over to the TV as the Cyban Cyber Controller appears on the TV. The Cyber Controller goes "the humans of planet Earth, Cybermen now occupy every country, every city, every street on this planet, but you need not fear. Cybermen will start designating streets and Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex and class and colour and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us!" The Doctor stares in shock "no! They can't!".

Cyban Cybermen march down streets, a Cyban Cyberman kicks down a door to a house, and it walks inside and grabs an older man. The Cyberman goes "you have been chosen, you will be upgraded" the old man looks at him "no, please" the Cyberman pulls the man out of the house.

Coming Christmas Day - 2020

Tales of Who - Season 1 Episode 1 - First Look

Mace looks at Martha "reckon we can make contact? See what they want?" Martha looks at him "I think so, let me-" Martha's phone then starts to ring and she goes "oh my god" Mace looks at her "Martha?" Martha goes "I've gotta answer it-" a woman goes "I'll make the contact".

Martha answers her phone "what mum? I'm busy!" Francine goes "Martha what the hell is going on!" Martha goes "is August alright?" Francine replies "he's fine but-" Martha goes "mum!".

Mace looks at the woman "well?" the woman nods "almost there, just trying to hack into their coms". Mace steps forward, and he positions his hat in a formal way, and he nods "just let me know when you've gotten into their coms, alright?" the woman nods "will do sir".

Martha goes "just be quiet, I have to get back to work!" Martha then hangs up her phone.

At Francine's house, she puts her phone down and she sighs. August stands near the window and he goes "nana? What's that?" Francine walks over to the window and she stares in shock.

Coming Early 2021!!