Episode 1-1 Moving on (2)

Episode 1-1 Moving on (2)

Monday -2 days before Christmas

I use Nidalee (my car) to go to the Black Jackals E-sport Main Office for my preparation for retirement and arrange my personal as well as team sponsorships because of my retirement; I pack my stuff with athletic attire and shoes. I call Ate Kyle that I'm about to be late for the therapy and she adjusts my session into 2 pm.

I arrived at the building a 9:42 am, the meeting I reserve for Mr. Sato (Zanji – father of Ken and Katsumi) to have an appointment is about 10 in the morning.

The receptionist is telling me to wait first because Mr. Sato and Ken discuss in his father's office, so I wait in the LoL E-sport department and saw the other employees and analyst who's making recap reviews, game analysis, lesson plan, and plans for next season.

I see Julia is there because she is the Team Sport Psychologist and making plans also for next year before they go on vacation until the 2nd week of January for the start of the Spring Split for PCS.

They are in a soundproof meeting room in a glass wall in the front of it that's why I saw them all there but they didn't notice me because they are too focused so I didn't disturb and wait there. I was packing my stuff up in my desk to where I work in the PC room and was about to go to my desk in my office to empty it up also when they saw me carrying my stuff as they leave to the meeting room.

"Hey Jon, how have you been!"

"It's been a long time since seeing you here!"

"We are glad you're safe, we can still play with you sometime this season."

"Why are you packing your stuff? -Are you leaving?"

Many questions ask from me and a lot of hugs while helping me emptying my stuff in my desk and carry it in my car, I just had to lie that I need to focus first in my recovery but Julia keeps her mouth shut because she knows the real reason and keeps it that way since it's not officially released from the organization.


As I go to the office of Mr. Sato, Mr. Zanji and Ken were there waiting for me.

I go straight to the point of the appointment and they understand what I'm going through now. I present my Medical Diagnostics with the signature of Dra. Galvacion so my reason for my retirement is valid and needed to focus on my recovery.

I was going to propose being a Team consultant in my team because it will be bad for the morale of the team if I leave immediately so Mr. Sato talks about it to Ken and they agree to it so there will be a change of contract going on and will be discussing next year.

I need also to discuss to them about my sponsorships about this also but they expected it because of the accident which they heard by the media so they preparing and polishing my change of contract since the accident of their sponsorship to me and give me my yearly bonuses via bank transfer on the 1st of January.

For the organizational sponsorships, Ken will handle all of it since they are connected with them.

The main discussion is finished so Mr. Sato asks me.

"" Mr. Sato asks in his native tongue


"" Mr. Sato


The old man laughs shortly while Ken chuckles beside him. Mr. Sato stands up and offers her right hand for a handshake, I accept it with happiness and he tightened it.



We bid goodbye to Mr. Sato and wish him a merry Christmas and Prosperous new year then leave with Ken at the office.

"So you have a plan already huh, A team consultant and playing GAIA with Maribelle. That's interesting." Ken wiggling his eyebrows to me

"Oh come on! Nothing is going on between us." I said to him, annoyed at him.

"Hey! I didn't say anything!" He laughs at me denying his accusation about me and Maribelle.

"But you know what, despite what happened to you. I realized that even you retire right now; there is a life ahead of you, just enjoy the second life has given you. You did everything you could in your career so I think you need to settle down; your life just starting yet and more will come for you in the future." He said to me seriously.

"I think so too, it's really sad for me to let go but I need to move on entirely and give what's life in store for me besides I catch up for the things I didn't do while I'm recovering."

"Weh? Catch up for the things you didn't do? Catching up on your love life? So you will court Maribelle then?"

"Fuck you! FUCK you! FUCK YOU! Get a life will ya?" the only thing I said to him, he always to pin me with Maribelle since we first met when I got here in the organization. We both laugh at the end of it.


Everything is going on smoothly in my therapy, I didn't complain anymore in the session because of what I experience yesterday so I've been quiet most of the session with groans and pains. Kyle is smiling at me.

"Ah! You're not whining like a bitch now huh?" She said to me

"I experienced worse yesterday; it is so much easier to do here."

"You should, it's not an easy job for me too you know?"

"Not all jobs are easy, they look easy because we know what we are doing while passionate about it."

"True that."

"Let's finish up the cooldown exercises then you can go home."

"Finally, cooldown exercises."


It's almost 5 when we finish the therapy; I cleaned myself up before I leave from the hospital to the parking lot.

Nidalee starts up when she saw me from far away signaling from where she was.

"You're active today that you automatically start up the engine."

"Of course, you tanked me up yesterday to roam me around."

"I think this is not roaming around you know."

"At least you're using me to get anywhere you want to go, that's more important for me eh?"

"Well, you're right about that so I'm going to ride you anywhere I go from now on okay?"

"Don't promise me like that because I will expect it." She said with a doubting tone.

I just laugh because this AI has more personality than I do.


I turn on my radio and put it on any channel with music on it since my phone is charging in my car. When I was looking for a radio channel that queue music, I stop it when I hear the news about the upcoming game known as GAIA and stay on it.

-"___about GAIA that will launch their servers for the Alpha Stage of the game. The server will up on Saturday but on Wednesday, the website will allow you to download the game for the preparation of the launch. You can't play the game but you can create your character now and game developers advising you to adjust by the feel of the character because this game has a different approach to the synchronization in diving using the capsule.

For more updates and details will be posted by the Tri-Gon official website."- And they go for commercials then start the music.

Oh, marketing stunt again. I don't believe this, because the game is allowed even for old generation gaming capsules to play in the game. They have a different approach in the synchronization pft. My ass, they release the download on the day of Christmas Eve. But I realize in a few minutes while I drive, I need to talk to the twins about this for confirmation just to make sure. They know something that I don't know about.

I was having a banger in the Christmas songs when the phone is ringing; it says 'Mom' on the screen and I click on the answer button.

"Hello, Jon."

"Hi, Mom."

"How are you now? Are you about going to spend Christmas with us?"

"I'm alright Mom, the therapy is going smoothly. The truth is, I'm not going to spend Christmas at your home. Maribelle invited me to have a Christmas Eve there."

"Oh! You mean the Maribelle Montemayor?"

"Yeah, it will only be awkward for me to be there. I don't want to spend my holidays to the people I barely know."

"Hey! Don't be like that, you've known them since childhood and even your sister wants to see you. Casey didn't see you for more than a decade."

She's right. I didn't see Casey, Katherina Casey V. Panganiban, my half-sister for more than a decade ever since I decided to move out and join Jung-Si to play professional 15 years ago.

I can't stand my step-siblings anymore because of how they treat me like shit, even though I can't fend for myself at that time, it's more bearable rather than how I see myself so low to those guys. Bad memories are appearing to me again in my mind, I ignore remembering those instead.

"I want to spend my time with those happy to see me rather than seeing me as an eyesore." I calmly said to her.

"Jon, is there anything to reconsider your decision? I miss you; you didn't even contact me since you started your career."

"Mom, I spend my Christmas alone for almost my entire career. This will be my first time in years that I have to spend Christmas that all of those people are willing to be with me, how can I say no to them huh?" I said to her in frustration, I didn't attend parties, gatherings, and even outings because most of the people hate me being there.

When I first started my E-sport career, I'm just an analyst and they didn't respect me as a colleague because I pop-up out of nowhere together with my lack of skill as a player and handle people, the only one believes in me at that time is Jung-Si.

"Then why you didn't go spend your holidays to your Dad, it's much better there than here right?" she said with 'sarcasm' tone

"Dad and I are civil even though I have issues to him, he didn't have barely enough time to call me because of his work."

"He is been like that for decades, even didn't have enough time to come here in the Philippines." She scoffs on what I said

"Give the man to live eh."

"Okay, okay." She only sighs after that, we've been silent for a while and speaks again

"So you do not want to come here?"


"Alright, there's nothing I can do then." She said in defeat.

"Before I forget, Mom I have to tell you that I retire entirely from the Pro League."

"WHAT! Did they force you to retire again!?"

There was an instance that some time ago that I and Jung-Si were forcing to retire in the first team we created and the media have blown up after I won our 6th world cup trophy right after we both joined in other PCS team so my Mom was going hysterical based on what I said because she thought on what she heard on media in the past so she didn't think I'm the one inaugurate my retirement.

"No, I'm the one who insists on retirement. I just want to tell you so you don't get surprised."

"Oh, it's the other way---, what! You're deciding to retire entirely! You're still young, and there is no complication in your body right?"

Mom doesn't know about my condition entirely that's why she is be shocked right now because I'm the one who initiates to retire and expected to play again since she thought that I don't have implications besides going on therapy for a couple of months.

"I have to recover and rest first since I don't have enough time for myself when I started my career."

"I understand that but you decide to retire, I still can't believe it. I rather expected to tell me you're still going to work than to rest." She said to me solemnly.

"Well, I did have a good run in my career, right? At least I could priority myself over the things I do from now on."

"Yeah, you wanted to have time for your own now but you said you had a great run? Is that what you call a good run!? That was an Unbelievable run! 11 World cup trophies alone were impossible already! You're underestimating your career run son." She hysterically said to me

"Alright, you're right. Unbelievable run it is." I just only ignored it.

She sighs. "At least you told me earlier rather than I will hear it on the media, what will you do from now on?"

"Plenty, oh plenty of rest is all I could think of."

"So, you could have time to visit us from this point on. Just tell when are going to visit here so I could see my schedule, okay?"

"Yeah, I'll tell you in advance when I want to visit there soon."

"Okay anak, be careful ha?"

"I will love ya."

"Love you too," I said and end the call.

I didn't even imagine how much I will need to catch up on my life; I miss almost the milestones in Casey's life is one of the things I need to do since she was my half-sister.

As I drive, I make a mental list of myself that I need to take priority from now on.


I get to see Dra. Lue Galvacion at the Physical Therapy room talking to Dr. Alvin Rosario, the head of the Physiotherapy department as if they're talking very serious conversation so I never greeted them. I greet Kyle and her colleagues as well as the patients present there.

"Hello Jon, the therapy will not start because you need some brain exercises from Dra. Galvacion first so wait here for a few minutes."

"Okay, so where will be doing the exercise?"

"There is one isolation room that is soundproof from the outside so you can focus to her task given to you."

I only nod on what she said and wait there.

Dra. Galvacion is walking to me with a checklist on her left arm. "Jon, you have to start some brain exercises from now on before you undergo physical therapy. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Doctora." I said to her as I follow to the isolation room.

I enter the room—a room with only 2 chairs and a table separating them in a Gray wall surrounding it, it's like a interrogation room but without a glass wall to see us on what are we doing.

"The exercise is a mix of Psychology and neurology that will stimulate your brain functions and also exercises on critical thinking to see on how your brain formulates information. Are you ready?" She said and I only nod to her.

"Let's Start." As she clap her both hands and start the session.


The experience of the Brain exercises of Dra. Lue is kind of odd; it's a combination of puzzles, writing and comprehension. There were some questions that I solve deeply in my mind because there are so possibilities to approach the questions so that explains why it has a Psychology that she mentioned before she started the exercises.

When I got to my house, mentally tired—I open my pc in the living room and prepare my dinner; I'm making Aglio e olio and strawberry caramel crystals and cream for dessert. I prep my chopped parsley, garlic, and red chili and prepare my pot with water, oil, and salt then let it boil to dump the instant pasta noodles.

I prepped my strawberries cut in half and mixed it with sugar then put my brown sugar in a small pan so to caramelize in low heat, the pot with water is boiling so I put enough noodles for myself and get a cooking pan with oil heating enough to cook.

First, put the chopped garlic cook until golden brown in high heat than the parsley and chili mixing it. I look at the other pan that all sugar is caramelized so I put it in a baking pan to spread it to cool and harden itself, the alarm on my phone is ringing meaning the 7 minutes if the pasta is done so I turn off the heat under the pot then getting all the noodles to put it on my sautéed pan.

A little bit of mixing and pasta water gradually forming a creamy texture then put it the plate and grate some parmesan cheese on top. I put sweetened strawberries at the refrigerator to let it cold for a while and crush the hardened caramel to sprinkle it later with whipped cream I have at the fridge.

I got to chat with the twins online and told them about the news about GAIA trying to confirm the statement that the company is saying throughout the internet and news outlets, they said that it's true because players that have old-gen capsules have to buy new nerve gear for them to play it.

They think that they do that because it will take a long time to buffer the character so better be download the game right away when it's released on Wednesday and create your character before the launch on Saturday.

Before I bid goodbye to them, I told them that I retire and not going to attend in the next season entirely. Sang-un was sad because he is watching me since I won a world championship 4 years ago when I was on a Korean E-sport team.

It's okay to retire now since I have to prioritize first my medical needs but Sang-in explained that being a retired E-sport player here in Korea takes mourning to process to the fans when it will be announced, especially a player that I've been with Emperor (Song Jung-Si) for the last 10 years in his career to the point I'm called the trusted general of the Emperor's dynasty.

It's a sad goodbye tone came from them, I never thought that this will not be shocking to them since they heard about the accident.

A call from Maribelle in the Boom meeting so I answer it and talk for a while, I realized on what will I give to her as a gift. I need to make a list to buy it tomorrow.

It never thought that this is relaxing, not thinking about work and such responsibilities. I only think about small things like gifts will never come to my mind before until this happens, I feel like an old man now. Maybe I should add traveling in my to-do list while I'm still young.

Nah, I'm traveling alone? That is so sad when I imagine it.