Episode 1-7: Moving on (6)

Episode 1-7 Moving on (6)

December 26, Friday, 6:03 am

I wake up and excited for the day to do because I want to go to the gaming capsule to exercise at the chamber room until midnight. That night was ecstatic despite I do only basic stretching, workout and jogging, I kept myself satisfied to the extraneous exercises I shouldn't do in reality because of my condition.

So I need to my chores and fill myself up before I go to the capsule. I want to talk to Dad but he is not responding to my text so I just suit myself up for the morning routine and think about at what I will eat for breakfast.


5:23 pm

As I got home to my house from hospital, that's when Ken call me.

"Hey! Ken, you called."

"Yeah, I just call to say that the finalized the preparation for the retirement. They just want to know when you are available for the announcement."

"Let me announce my retirement next year, early January if possible so it will not ruin the mood of the fans if it will be announced before New Year or even Christmas. Did the staffs know already?"

"We already announce it since last Tuesday, most of them is sad of your retirement since this is unusual way to retire." He gloomily said to me.

"Nah, they will move on eventually. At least they know earlier than all of the media, it will be heartbreaking if they know it when they hear it on the news>"

"You're right, we would like to do a Despidida (Farewell) party after your announcement so we could celebrate it."

"I would like that, hey! Don't forget the Roast beef okay!?"

"Really!? Alright, we will include that in the catering." He annoyingly said to me.

"THANK YOU!" I laugh at him.

We talk more about Charice on how she will cope so I need to him to support her and also need him to play a few games so be prepared to practice with the team despite being a head coach at the same time, then we move on with the next topic.

"Jon, Katsumi said to me that she will be there in the farewell party."

"Your Sister, really? It's okay since that is your family so but she was in US playing a NA team right?"

"Yea, but she was shocked when I said to her because based on your attitude—you will never back down without the fight."

"Well, she didn't know of how worse is my condition is."

"I didn't tell her because it is a personal matter that you will be the one to tell her."

"Well, I will tell my condition to the public after I announce my retirement so she would know it eventually but not personally."

"Umm… It will cause a commotion in the public if you tell it publicly."

"I rather tell it other than they will harass the doctors handling me because of those shameless journalists." I said to him, it will cause commotion about the people near me in the hospital especially to Kyle, Dra. Galvacion, and Dr. Rosario.

"oh shoot, I didn't think about that. Is there anything we could do to help?"

"Nothing as of yet, but the thing is—the journalists are in low presence right now because of the holidays but the Media networks are starting to E-mail me directly. I don't want to reply them since I'm still at the organization until I announce it next year."

Whenever I open my E-mail there is a flooding of E-mail of media networks either foreign or local.

"What! They are E-mailing to you, not to our media personnel about this!"

"That's why I want it to announce it as early as possible because the offseason is almost near deadline."

"Don't worry, we can fix our roster we passed by the organizers in the PCS."

"Thanks but the fans are expecting me to make a comeback, it will be worse if it announce it later during the spring split."

I see Ken close his eyes and massage his forehead. "I should've not to talk to you about this. I didn't know you plan this far huh."

"That's why I want to finish this up; even your father knows that. Is your father never talks to you about why did I make this move hastily?"

"I never ask him about that and also notice that he is relieved on what you said." He said with suspicion.

"I thought that you've both talked about this. Why you're not reacting of how fast my announcement was?" I said it calmly to him.

"That's why I call to you now first, not to my father because what I want to know why you do this so hastily?"

"It's gonna affect your business too. It is an E-sport organization we're talking about, many people are involved. In my perspective, it will hurt for me that the people near around me are being harass by the media because I keep prolonging on what will decision I make to do.

This is controversial because some son of politician is involved, I don't want my family in that. I'm a child of divorce and no one is my guardian since I walk away from home and the media still don't know about that but I told you about that right?"Explaining to him on what could things go wrong from now on if it got in the worst case scenario.

"I just want to live—in peace, that's all I want right now." I said to him like I want him to understand what I'm going through, I inhale once more to continue on what I say.

"Now in your father's relief, he knows that the time we prolong this, the more things will happen. It will be a negative point in the organization because based on my history; I'm stubborn and also have an experience of being forced to retirement that might boycott the company. You recalled it right?" I said and Ken voice in awe because he is starting to realizing it.

"I just want to cut short this controversy once and for all then put it behind us, not carry on our backs." I ended it and Ken just stays silent for a while.

"You really think this through huh?"He gloomily said to me.

"Actually nope, I'm used to the controversy cycle when it comes to media. You know, this and that—also being with Emperor is one hell of a roller coaster ride." I said that to him and I laugh while he is chuckling at the same time.

"You know what ken, you should talk to your father on how to do business. You seem to be lackluster to this kind of things."

"Well, business is a complicated thing. I seek some to advice to him from time to time."

"It's been rough and bumpy but you will get there."

"Yea, we're getting there but without you from now on."

"It's okay, I have my fair share already in my career but promise me one thing."

"what is it?

"Please take care of Charice okay, don't leave her hanging. Will you take this promise from me?"

He is silent of what I'm trying to say, the dead silence is getting longer.

"I did what I can to keep your company safe, this is my last words to you before I retire. Please take care of her, please promise to me." I solemnly said to him, almost begging to keep his word.

He sighs in defeat, "Okay I'll do it."

"Thank you, I can rest in peace now."

"Hey! YOU���RE JUST RETIRING, DUMBASS! DON'T DIE OKAY; YOU WILL SEE US WIN THE WORLD CUP TROPHY!" He said shouting at me that I put away my phone in my ear.

"I'm not dying okay and also I can consultancy to you whenever you have difficulties." I said to him calmly

"Oh! I forgot about that. Since I have contacts to you, it will be easy to consult to you for some advice."

Someone is calling right now at the same my phone that I use to talk to Ken, the person waiting for the answer the call is Maribelle.

"Dude, Maribelle is calling. I need to end the call."

"Wow! Still getting strong huh?" he jokingly said to me

"What getting strong? We are not dating yet." I said to him

"You said 'YET'!? Shit dude, you're trying. Good Job, Keep it up."

"Fuck you!!"

<"Anata o aishitemasu!"> He said to me like a loving girlfriend for bickering me.

<"FUCK YOU!!"> I only said to him but he already ends the call, hanging me up.

I answer the Maribelle���s call after that.

"Hello JJ!"

"Hi, what's up?" I said to her calmly but still pissed off to Ken

"The server launches at 12 midnight in JST (Japan Standard Time) , so it will be released on 11 pm in here so will you up to play together for a few hours?" She hopefully asks me.

"Sure! Seems it will be their first day, it will be fun. To see around the game then, so see you at 11 tonight there okay?"

"Yeah see ya. Quick question, would you mind to care?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Why is your character is bearded? I know that I didn't ask you when I saw your character but I feel like that is so you to the point like its natural."

"Oh! You didn't see me when I have beard because when we met, this is one of the protocol in the Black Jackals to be clean and shaven. You know Japan culture and such; I need to follow the rules of my organization."

"Now I see, see you later then. Be up by 11 tonight okay?"

"I will, bye."

"See you!" and I end the call. Going to my kitchen, preparing my dinner—Instant ramen, and chocolate bar for dessert.

I go to my kitchen; I open my kitchen cabinet below the stove top at the right side. Getting a small pot filling it with my water almost half on my opposite side in which the two deep sinks and faucet are there. I turn on the gas stove and put sesame seeds, mashing 2 pieces of garlic and open the 2 ramen packs.

As the water boils, I get the ramen flavor packets to tear and put it together with the instant noodles, mashed garlic. I take the cayenne pepper and chili flakes to add some spice since the flavor or the ramen is not spicy so I improvise on what I have. I get the water at the fridge and the chocolate bar but I get the kettle and fill it with water for the tea later.

I get to the kitchen stool—getting the glass and sit facing at the marbled kitchen table to eat there. I eat the ramen directly at the pot.

I only hear the silent flare of the gas stove waiting to boil the water in the kettle as I eat my dinner. Every neighbor's homes have colorful lights surrounding me while mine is the white lights visible enough to see my house.

"Hot, hot."

One thing is for sure I learned in my life, you will never get used to live alone forever.

No one will.