Joka the bartender

The Purple capital is quite large with mainly Zisè inhabitants.

Being a rather peaceful race, the Zises do not practice slavery like the Elgs, but accept other species.

They are a race fully focused on Power, abandoning their technology and focusing entirely on the path of Power.

After leaving Mia and Lesda, Ace continued on his way, he had to find information on the black organization but above all to find a ship to leave this planet.

Moreover, Ace knew full well that Mia subconsciously had something to do with the story that happened with the bandits and the village.

"Dark energy?" Ace thought remembering the note he had read a few days ago.

Without realizing it, Ace found himself outside a pub.

"The best way to get information" Ace smiled as he walked into the pub.

Inside the pub everyone was happy, made up entirely of Zisè and a man, they were all drinking in their hearts singing for the end of the disaster that happened recently.

* Clack *

A door opening sound echoed throughout the pub, as everyone stopped what they were doing and watched who was entering their house.

Ace walked through the door and headed straight for the pub counters, all the staring eyes on him in no way bothered him.

"A painted beer" Ace said to the bartender Zisè who was cleaning a glass.

The bartender was rather tall at around five feet tall, also purple in color with cropped purple petart hair and pale blue eyes, for the more observant he had a small jester tattoo on his left hand.

The barman looked at him for a moment, narrowing his blue pale eyes, then set to work by pressing a lever from which a mechanism activated and the beer came out by a small tap.

The bartender put the beer on the counter as the silence continued to weigh in the atmosphere of the room.

Ace took a big sip of the paint that was foaming over the top.

"aaah" Ace put the beer back on the counter content with its flavor, and looked at everyone as everyone was already looking at him.

"* Hiccups * Another like you? Are you coming * Hiccups * to collaborate too?" A drunk Zise, unable to break the silence any longer, speaking directly to Ace, also holding a Beer Pint in his hand.

Ace looked strangely at the completely drunk Zise.

"Another like?" Asked Ace completely lost what the Zise was talking about.

Another Zise stood up energetically and almost fell, recovering himself he looked sideways at Ace because he saw him double.

"Yes * hiccups * there was someone like you * hiccup * who-" But before he finished speaking the Zise fell stiff to the ground as he sank into unconsciousness.

Ace looked at him strangely as he took another sip of the good beer.

'Why are they drinking if they can't even speak' Ace growled in his mind as everyone in the pub laughed at their friends.

The bartender looked at Ace for a moment then continued where the other Zise had ended.

"There is a 'human' who came to visit the Emperor" then he stopped and cleaned another glass.

"A human who came to visit the emperor? What's his name?" Urging the bartender to give him the info Ace stood up sharply alarming the people inside the Pub.

Everyone in the Pub stood up with swords, daggers in their hands and the others prepared to use their techniques.

"If you want to know, I'm going to need something, human" the bartender said as he didn't change his facial expression at all continuing what he was doing.

"My name is Ace, how can I be of use to you?" Ace rested quietly in the chair, looking seriously at the bartender

'He knows things, I think he's the boss here and can be from a big network.' Ace calmed down, even though he wanted to know the truth of what use would it be if he died now?

"Alright Ace, my name is Joka, come back to the pub tonight, I'll explain everything to you" Joka said in a neutral tone of voice and face.

"Ok I'll be back tonight Joka, but don't waste my time" Ace finished his beer paint as he put down 5Na and walked away from the bar.

The Na are the currency of the Zise, with, you can buy what you want and as far as Ace is concerned, he was lucky because Lesda had given him some during the discussion they had had.

After leaving the bar the happy and drunken voices of the Zises inside resumed as if nothing had happened.

'Now the only thing to do is get stronger ... But I don't know which element I have which is going to be an embarrassment' Ace walked into an alleyway out of sight, he paused for a moment , took a deep breath and focused on him.

Inside his body he could see a kind of filament connected from point to point.

'Already I am at the first step, Ascension' thought Ace as he continued to look deeper into this connection between his mind and his heart.

He found something strange, a sort of violet flame connected his mind with his heart.

'My element!' Ace smirked inwardly as he turned his full attention to his element.


The purple flame crackled as a sudden, extremely violent impulse threw Ace out of his mind losing focus.

"* AARG *" Ace moaned, not in pain but in the headache of the impulse.

"Damn, my element kicked me out of my own mind!" Ace cursed out loud, not believing what had just happened.

'No, I don't think that's it.' Ace shook his head at what he had said before and then an idea came to his mind.

'Since you don't want me to know what you are, I'm just going to find you out differently' Ace nodded at that brilliant idea then stepped out of the alley.

The best way to get to know something was with an extranet, but since the Zises are a non-advanced civilization, Ace needed a place where the knowledge was stored.