The start of the dream

Leo lionhearted was a man with a big ambition to reach absolute happiness and claim it for eternity yet in this world of his he can never achieve it . He had read those mangas and novels where the mc gain power through battles to save the ones he loves or to become the strongest for some kind of stupid reason he decides in the heat of the moment without any planing whatsoever . yet he magically survive and achieve his goal after gaining power that only gads know where it came from and definitely does deserve it . Yet he succeeds and claim happiness. But what bothers leo the most is they never been able hold on to it . After understanding all this you might think that rath life would be tragic and poor and has no colour in it . Well that is not the case with rath he has Avery normal life with a loving family. He is the only child in his family, and his father and mother shower him with a great amount of love and care and he also love them dearly , but the thing is that he knows that this happiness wouldn't last forever and someday he'll have to face the extreme sadness and pain of their death . And he does not want face this . You might've seen him as selfish and a coward cause this thing everyone will have to face someday. But even so ,he does not want to see the ones he loves die on after another till his time comes and he also perish . NO ,HE WANTS TO FEEL THIS HAPPINESS FOR ALL ETERNITY. Yet the reality was so and he can't do anything about it . He can't help but envy those protagonists who held the capabilities to achieve this desire but never do it . Leo was thinking of all this while he was heading to his school . He was a high school student and at the top of his class , yea he is very has been mentioned that Leo life is normal, well that's true, but , Leo himself is anything but normal . How you may say ,well ,Leo mind is working in Avery different way compared to other people. Let's take life for example, normal people will look at it from the respective of good and bad . Bad peoples do bad things, good people do good things, and some people will do both.well , rath believe that there are no good or bad people , there's only the desire that make every one feel alive, but they took different paths to achieve their desires. And without this desires everyone will die . Like the desire for survival,without it everyone will die. While Leo was walking suddenly the ground begins to shake and the sky tuned dark , the shaking of the ground became harder and harder until it began to splits Leo look around him and saw the some buildings failing and people screaming and trying to run . He also realised the situation was very bad and his instinct kick in his head to run and he do just that , but suddenly the ground split under him and he falls.


In a place where nothing but darkness exist. There float a white orb squirming like it suffers from intense pain , normally nothing can survive in this void where even a soul would shatter instantly if it enters this place . But this orb or better said soul is drivin by its will to survive and endured this harsh environment. After along long time passed the orb stopped squirming.

Leo : huh, where the fuck am I .

Rath looks around him and see nothing but darkness .

Leo : am I dead .

' look like some stuff in these novels I have read is true, I wonder what those that wrote these novel will think if they know that ' .

' hmmm , I'm surprisingly very calm in this crazy situation, looks that hellish pain I felt has somehow strengthened my mind , or should I say my soul. That's creepy I hop I'm on of those people. ' Leo thought

Leo : what happened, how did that earthquake occurred . Leo said , as he really felt strange about that earthquake.

Leo : I hope mom and dad are ok . I can't do anything to help them now that I'm dead .all I can do is wish their safety .

Leo : anyway it's useless thinking about this now , I need to find away to get out of her before one of these creeps come and making a slave out of me by giving me one of those systems , though I truly wish those novels are wrong and those powerful beings does not exist.

Leo begin to in this endless void hopping he could find away to get himself out of it . Leo kept moving as the time pass and he didn't realise that many had past , 1000 years to be exact, finally when Leo almost lost hop of ever finding away out , he saw some kind of translucent wall . Leo thought maybe if he pass this wall he could reach some place , hopefully.

Leo begin to get near the wall , when he reached it , he tried to touch to find away to pass it , boy the moment he touch it he fell a sucktion force that swallowed him . And he lost consciousness.


After some time Leo opened his eyes.

Leo : aghhhhh , my head , what happened.Right the wall , damn I should have been more careful when touching it.

Leo begin to around him and notice he was in a forest ,Leo stood up on his to examine the situation , ' hmmm I felt kind weird when I just moved' . Leo look at his body and was shocked to see that he is in a body of a five years old child .

Leo : how did I get in the body of a child. And to who this body is belong to .

Suddenly he felt a heavy headache and dropped to the ground clutching his head in pain . After awhile the headache subsided and Leo stood up again , but unlike the first time he stood up , now you can an expression of extreme shock and disbelief on his face .

Leo : holly fucking hell I'm in the world of ONE PIECE.