Joining the marines

( Marin rear admiral Logan POV)

2 hours ago a report has been delivered to me, it says that the hellhound pirates are attacking an island nearby. So I hurriedly gave an assemble order and sailed to grime island which the damned pirates are attacking, however it will take time to reach it and I doubt the pirates will just sit there and wait , all I can do now is hope for the citizens of the island to survive until we arrive , but according to the information gathered about the hellhound pirates it is very unlikely for that to happen , this pirates group is known for their ferocity and ruthless behaviour, any island they raid it end in all it's human inhabitants dead . We have been trying to catch them for so long but to no avail, every time we reach the place their attacking we found them gone long ago . I bet it's the same case this time too, ' although the probability might be minuscule all I can do now is hope for at least someone to survive' . Finally after two hours the island appears in our sights , and then I hear commander dogal one of my best commanders say to me :

Commander dogal : 'sir we are about to reach grime island, but we can't see any pirate there , looks like they have long been gone' .

Rear admiral logan :' hmm, continue heading toward the island we need to check if there's any survivors, and send a ship to scan the perimeter to see if there's any trail that can lead us to the hellhound pirates' .

While I was giving instructions to my subordinates suddenly... boom....i feel an extremely heavy pressure landing on my body , no not just my body but everything around me , my ship my subordinates even the sea and the sky wasn't spared from the titanic pressure . At that moment i felt my heart stopped beating my body stood in its place paralyzed and drenched in cold sweat and my soul giving up on living . But what made me fell to the abyss of despair was the scene in front me , I see my fellow marines falling to the ground one after another unconscious and their eyes white , the sky that supposed to be blue and clear had suddenly turned dark with red streaks of lightning within the clouds ready to fall and destroy everything, and then I look at the sea filled with tornadoes and giant whirlpools . All these made me almost piss my pants, but suddenly when I almost lost every bit of hope in living the terribly heavy pressure disappeared and the sky tuned back to its beautiful blue color with the sea calming and returning to its peaceful nature .

After every thing turned back to normal My body finally relaxed and then I fall down on my ass due to the heavy mental exhaustion that struck me . Then after awhile I regain my baring and started awakening my unconscious subordinates .


I shouted at them to wake them , with a shout there and a kick her everyone eventually woke . And then I told commander dogal to dock the ship on the island, though I'm still scared like shit i need to know what happened and report it to the headquarter .

After a couple of minutes we reached the island and I disembarked from the ship , I ordered commander dogal to take some of the men to look for survivors and investigate the strange phenomenon that just happened also to leave some to guard the ship , you never know what would happen after all that scary shit which occurred earlier. I then head with two commanders by my sides to the village .

After some time I reach the village and it turned out just as I expected, the place have been burned down to ashes and the ground filled with corpses , some of the dead body's has been cut to pieces and some even has a look of extreme fear and despair painted on their faces , it appears that they have been tortured to death .

While I was walking I heard a faint sound coming from under a wreckage near by , I then focus my attention to the voice sources I then hear it again but this time more clearly, After I heard it for the second time I recognized it to be a voice belonging to a child .

I quickly run to the wreckage and started clearing it .

After moving all debris and obstacles, I sew a young boy probably six to seven years old lying there on the ground barely conscious , I then lift him and took him to a safe place and lied him down, I then check his condition, he has some light bruises here and there on his body nothing serious but his heart beat is very faint, I then tell one of the commanders that come with me to go and call a medic immediately.

After some time passed the commander returned with the medic who starts checking the boy condition , after giving him some basic treatment the boy condition stabilized and he starts to awake and then I hear the boy say :

Leo : agh w... where am I .

I then tell the boy trying to comfort him .

Rear admiral logan; don't worry kid you're safe now , nobody is gonna hurt now that we are here.

I then saw the boy looking at me then at his surrounding after he saw the condition of his village and the corpses splattered on the ground he starts crying and his tears fall down, ' the kid probably is heart broken because of the lost of his parents and loved ones ' .

I then saw the boy look at me and he says

Leo : mister are you from the marines.

The boy question surprised me alittle but never the less I answered him

Rear admiral logan: yes we are the marines and we come here to rescue you all but sadly we came too late.

And then I hear the boy says with a look of determination on his face .

Leo : sir please let me join you .

I frown at the boy plea I then say

Rear admiral logan: why do you want join us kid ,joining the marines isn't something trivial you need to Train heard and do your best to spread justice.

Leo : yes sir I understand, in order to take my revenge and make sure that such a thing never happened again I'm ready to endure whatever it takes to achieve that.

When I heard what the boy said I felt amazed at his determination and strong will so I said

Rear admiral logan; ok I will let you join the marines but be prepared for a hellish training.

Leo : yes sir .

'Well I don't think there's any hurt in grooming this kid and from what my intuition tells me he looks like to have a great potential, beside in a few years I'll retire and it will be nice to have a successor , if the day comes and the boy becomes a great marine my name will be mentioned as the one who trained him and it will be a great mark in my record hahaha' .

Rear admiral logan: alright rest now we'll leave once we finish our investigation.

Leo: YES SIR .

rear admiral logan: by the way what's your name and also tell me about what you remember of what happened here .

Leo : yes sir , my name is Leo lionheart , and as to what happened, all I can remember is that after the pirates attacked some of them found me and my parents, mom and dad tried to stop and told me to run I didn't want to leave my parents ..sobbing.... but I was too scared, and then after I escaped I hide in a house but something hit it and the last thing I saw is the roof crushing on me .

Rear admiral logan: my condolences for your lost ,kid I'm sorry that I made you remember that but I need to know what happened, ok you can now go and have some rest .

I told one of my men to take the kid to the ship to rest.I then called commander dogal

Rear admiral logan: have you found the cause of that strange phenomenon.

Commander dogal: no sir , we searched everywhere about what might be the reason for that strange occurrence but to no avail , we couldn't find any thing related , also we searched but it seems there is no other survivors .

' hmmmm how strange , then from where did that frighteningly heavy pressure come from , anyway after pondering about the matter for awhile I deduced that there's no point in staying here anymore, so I give the order to return back to the base .


( mc POV )

After my maniacal laughter ended I realized to my great shock that I have awakened the conqueror haki.I then started thinking .

' if I want to get stronger it will be best if I start training in haki first since it looks like I'm gifted in it , and second will be sword arts because I already was an expert swordsman in my past life, but I will need along time to train my body and restore the body memory that I have lost , but here comes the problem , I don't have a safe place that can provide me with the daily necessities that my training will need .

After pondering for a while I decided to join the marines because joining them will be much safer compared to the other places in this world , in addition they have great training facilities and most importantly they have the information about the rokushiki ( marines six super martial arts) which in my opinion these martial arts combined with haki are better than most if not all devil fruits , as for haki I already know how to train in it from the show .

I then saw a marine ship docking on the cost not far away from the village.

I then hurriedly starts formulating a plan to use this chance to join the marines.

After pondering for a while I finished planning and then I began executing my plan, I decided to act the role of the little kid who survived the ordeal after his parents sacrificed them selfs for him and then ask the marines to let me join them so I can get stronger and take revenge for my parents.

Of course this is all bullshit I couldn't care less about the previous owner of this body parents, they are his parents not MINE so why should I care . It amazes me how stupid the mc in these novel I had read in my past life who accidentally and unintentionally takes the body of someone and after seeing the memories of the said person and realize that he had taken some injustice he swear to himself to take revenge for him , wtf dude , what's the point in taking revenge for someone you have no relation with and he's already dead , just take the body and live you damned life .

Anyway back to me . I then quickly run down to the village (because I was standing on a hill dah) before the marines come .

i then make my self disheveled and get under the debris of a fallen house, I also use a technique to make my heart beat slower so that I look on verge of death , that will be more convincing to look like a little kid who survives the pirates attack.

After some time the marines reached the village I keep lying down until I fell someone close , than I let out a faint sound not too loud to not make anyone suspicious of my condition.

Thankfully someone heard me and I saw someone running toward me.

After that all happened according to the plan .

[End of flashback]

Right now I'm being carried by some marine to their ship to rest .

After reaching it he put me in the doctor clinic so I can get some rest and get better treatment later.

After awhile I felt the ship starts moving probably heading back to the base .

' hehehe My life in this world have began and I will make all the world suffer if it means to achieve my goal, THIS TIME I WILL NOT LET MY LIFE GO TO WASTE EVEN IF MEANT SACRIFICING EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD ' .