Is it suicide or a murder..?

The third person who is going to join in CBI is the one who is so close to Alastair comparing to others.

His name is Thomas Watson. His mother is a psychology professor at Harvard, and his father is a policeman in the London city Police services.

Inspired by Alistair, Thomas joined in the same department but chose to be a CBI officer.

After graduation, all these people are officially going to join in their respective fields as already interviews are completed.

Thomas and Bellatrix interviews are the hardest ones they will become government officials.

The head of the Harvard University came on to the Dias while everyone clapped for him.

He started his speech with the rich history of Harvard.

All the students sighed to themselves as they don't have any other option apart from listening to this lecture.

Unlike students, parents are so attentive and are listening to the head so enthusiastically. After all, not every child can attend a prestigious university like Harvard.

The bunch of friends liked playing pranks on each other, like any other students in the graduation hall. They are always a pain for the professors.

It's a usual thing for them, all the professors fed up with them, and only because they are brilliant students, no professor had the will to punish them.

It took one more hour for the head to complete his speech, and then he welcomed and congratulated all the students who are graduating this year along with their family.

Everyone cheered him up by clapping for him. The other professors also gave their speeches about what students should do after leaving the campus.

The students started getting bored and were chatting among themselves after all;

No one will have the mood to listen to these lectures when they were about to venture into the world to pursue their dreams.

The head of the university specifically came this year to present the student with the graduation certificate and shield.

All the greetings and speeches are done by 10:50 a.m. Giving a break of 10 minutes, professors left the Dias.

While the students interacting with their parents explaining and giving answers to their questions, Alastair is dozing off in the chair, slightly leaning on it's back.

Thomas shook his head, vigorously shaking him, asking Alastair to follow along with others.

Bellatrix, unable to stop, rebuked him, "come on, Alastair, you should be more attentive; how can you doze off in your graduation ceremony."

Alastair shrugged his shoulders, saying, "why not..? Like all other people, I can doze off because these speeches are so dull. Don't look at me like that; I am no one to blame.

I will never understand what they will achieve by these speeches after all who doesn't know about this university."

Thomas nodded his head, agreeing to what Alastair said, "Ooh dear Bella, unlike you who love to listen to these lectures, we like to gain practical knowledge.

Don't you open your mouth to protest, I know theoretical knowledge is also essential.

But we are not going to gain any experience with their speeches unless we face them, be in that situation to feel the things. You understand..?"

Of course, the other two persons nodded their heads in approval of what Thomas and Alastair said. Looking at them, Alastair gave a victory grin.

They went to have some refreshments and refreshing drinks before the ceremony starts.

At a corner in the graduation hall, a person fidgets with her phone in her hands, thinking about something that she should do.

Her face is all drenched up with sweat, but no one notices her, after all, in a busy place like a graduation ceremony who will see whether anyone is tense or suspicious.

The students themselves are tense about their grades and future while their parents compare their children to others asking them to learn from them.

Some parents boost their children's skills, where some parents are disappointed with their grades even though their rates are fair.

Alastair looked at the bunch of students, along with their parents, engaged with other people.

He gives a small smile before commenting, "look at these parents, all set to teach their children to be more reliable.

They completely disregarded their offspring's dreams and goals. For them, only positive results matter, I am not saying they are wrong, but their thinking is twisted just like others to fit in the society.

In this competitive world, only success matters; it doesn't give a damn about your hard work or talent.

No one even notices how you will be successful; the more robust will have all the rights to bully weaker."

Bellatrix shook her head, not agreeing with him, "not every parent is like what you said, Alastair.

Look at my parents, or else look at Thomas's parents, and never force us to do anything that we don't like."

"That's because not making our parents worry about us; we choose our majors according to our wishes, which are also theirs that made them happy. Right, Alastair..? Henry asked, snaking his shoulder.

The other two friends in this group are Reyan Drake going to be a neurosurgeon, and George Lucas is going to establish his own company once he receives his degree.

They both not knowing whom to support, just kept silent. This gang of friends is well-known on the campus.

After 10 minutes, the ceremony resumed finishing its break.

The ceremony begins with honoring the computer department's students because it is leading in the current competitive world.

When the host called George on to the dais, Alastair woke up from his sleep, the head of the university handed him the gold medal and the masters' certificate.

Out of curiosity, he said: "Dear students, Mr. Lucas, here is not going to join any of the companies here to recruit. Can you let us know why it is so Mr. George Lucas..?"

George walked towards the podium then leaning slightly towards the mike said

"no offense, dear recruiters, I don't want to be a slave in your companies. I only want to establish my own company with different rules, unlike yours.

I thank you, our honorable head of the university, for presenting me my shield and certificate."

Even though most of them felt repulsive for his words, they clapped for his guts and bold remarks about how the current companies are working.

There are fewer students in the medical background who are going to collect their masters' today. The host called for Bellatrix to com onto the dais.

Her friend's group whistled for her, while the juniors and seniors clapped for Bellatrix, as it's not any joke after all her achievements.

A woman choosing the judicial branch is no less than not getting married in this society and living free life.

She deserves the honor and respect people are showing on her.

But there are people in the parents' group here who gossip as if she is their daughter, and she is disgracing their clan.

Her group of friends welcomed her and hugged her, patting on her back.

Especially Thomas is so proud of her. Likes this, everyone received their shields and certificates. When it is Alistair's chance to get,

The head just hugged him nodding his head and handed the shield. He didn't make any special announcements.

Handing the shield and certificate, he only asked him, "Alastair, I only want you to live your life freely and get your happiness.

I know you don't remember anything about what happened to your birth parents, but I sincerely hope you find out and bring justice to them."

The head was one of the closest friends Alastair's birth parents had when they were alive.

Alastair cheerfully accepted the shield and certificate, thanking each person present there.

Even though he is not a caring person, he never failed to show gratitude towards who helped him in the past.

By 1'o clock, the graduation ceremony completed. Since it is lunchtime, the management of the university arranged lunch for all visitors and the students.

Arranging lunch is a tradition Harvard is following from ages. Some students went to attend their last round of interviews, while some went to participate in them freshly.

While everyone is having lunch, suddenly, one of the students fell off her chair unconsciously. Her family stood there, shocked.

Her father shook her, "my dear daughter, what happened to you suddenly, come on, get up."

Her mother started sobbing, "my dear Sheila, what happened to you. Come on, get up, don't scare us.

I know you like to be mischievous, but this is not the time, dear. Wake up now; this is your graduation ceremony."

Everyone just stood there as if spell bounded. Bellatrix who saw this from afar said,

"Thomas look at the small crowd gathered up there, and it seems something is wrong. Come on, will go and see."

Everyone agrees with her, and they stood up for going nearer to the place and see what exactly was going on there.

Alastair, who already out of his suit jacket and messed up his hair by running his fingers through it, turned his head looking sharply at the scene where the commotion is happening.