
She slid her slender figure into the purple gown, and Salmah gently zipped it up. Salmah smiled at the Princess's reflection, not knowing the most suitable words to define this she goddess in front of her. No words, would describe her extraordinary existence. Zeinah narrowed her eyes, and turned to look at Salmah immediately. It was kind of bizarre to see how Salmah kept staring at her, she wondered if something was wrong...the look on Salmah's face was disturbing.

"Salmah" she called softly, and Salmah Persistently looked up, not knowing when the princess turned to face her.

"Yes My Princess" she answered, adjusting the necklace of the princess.

"What's wrong? Why were you smiling and staring like that? Do you want to tell me something" Zeinah asked worriedly, but instead, Salmah smiled again, displaying her teeth.

"There's nothing to tell my Princess, except the fact that you're such an extraordinary beauty. I've never seen such like you" Salmah replied and the princess chuckled lightly, not knowing what to reply Salmah with. She wasn't good at saying thank you at all.

"Mmm, So is that the reason you kept staring at me" she asked and Salmah nodded, making them both to laugh.

"Yes, My Princess, I think it's time for breakfast, would you like it here" Salmah asked And Zeinah nodded immediately, not wanting to meet that her so called cousin's face.

"I'll bring everything here then, With your permission My Princess" she bowed a little before walking out of the room.

It didn't take her long to reach the spacious kitchen, the large room was filled up with different varieties of utensils, she reached for the door knob, but immediately froze, hearing a loud bang coming from the corridor. She stood still in her position for what seemed like forever before she walked into the kitchen.

She arranged the tray of the only things she's sure the princess would have a touch before going out, but she heard voices, as if quarrels...

"What's wrong with these guards this early morning" she thought before peeping into the large library which had a scent of ancient books and documentaries.

"What is wrong with you oh Hadsan, I warned you to make sure not to get her angry but you refused to comply" the voice echoed, but she could lay her life and swear upon it that, it was Waziri's voice.

"That wasn't my intentions Father" he yelled, and hit the large table beside him, breathing angrily.

"Oh come on, then why did you order the guards to beat up that piece of trash? You know how much the princess cares about her" waziri added but instead, Hadsan  laughed mischievously.

"Leave that! I don't mind if she cares about her or not! All I know is that I want Zeinah and I won't let her do what she wants, she must accept me, or no one else" he shouted and waziri sighed disappointedly.

"Hadsan!!! Don't forget, you are only marrying her so as to take over the throne, and nothing else...oh-and you know her Hadsan, she's not the type that can be toiled around" his Father reminded, but unfortunately, Hadsan was too blind to see that.

"Yes father, it's not that I want her! I'll make sure I....

The shattering of glasses made them both to yawn their gazes to the door. Salmah closed her mouth with her hands to make sure she didn't shout. How did the tray slip away? She thought before running out immediately, because if by any chance she was caught, she would not get to witness sunset again.

"Who's there" Hadsan shouted and walked down to the door, hoping to find someone so he could slit his throat, maybe he would be able to feel better, but there was no one, except the tray of shattered plates, some food and spoons.

Waziri also walked and stood beside his son, hoping that, no one had heard their conversation. He sighed happily seeing that there was no one there, but seeing the broken glasses got him worried all of a sudden.

"What if someone was actually eavesdropping" he thought before turning to see the look on Hadsan's face. It was disturbing how his son couldn't control his temper.

"Let's go Father, and I swear if I find out who this is, I'll make sure I cut off both his legs" he shouted and felt a hand on his shoulder, which he didn't bother to look at, knowing it was non other than his Dad.

"It's okay, let's go, I bet everyone is at the dining right now" his father said and they walked into the living room, which leads directly to the dining area.

The room was silent,  everyone was staring at the two who walked into the dining. The king shook his head, not knowing what to say to this brother of his. He was not happy, they kept everyone waiting including the guests. Waziri smirked, not with an iota of guilt. He was tho happy that the king would not be appreciated, keeping guests waiting to them, is an obvious sign of irresponsibility, and that was what he wanted them to have as the first impression. He dragged the sit opposite the three guests and sat down, and so did Hadsan.

"Apology for the delay My King" He said, but deep down, they were only words, they meant nothing to him.

"You're highly welcome, I hope the food and arrangements was okay" Hadsan asked trying to act nice and calm, which was a total cliché,

"Of course it was, we must say, we would gladly do whatever it is, so the deal works out" the oldest amongst them said, making everyone to nod in agreement.

"That's good Binda, So, My king can we talk about everything, maybe after the karne party" another asked and the king looked at waziri, Waiting for his own decision.

Waziri smiled mischievously and looked at the men. "You won't even witness the path my dear sultan, so stop dreaming" before looking at the king and giving him an assuring smile.

"Yes, Binda, make sure everything goes well before then, we would offer you a hundred hams to...

"No My King" Waziri caught in immediately, not waiting for the sultan to conclude. What was he thinking? Why would he offer their enemies a hundred hams? Does that mean he's going to help them? No... he wouldn't let this happen when he's alive! Never! They are supposed to lavishly spend the money among themselves, not helping this petty hungry beggars to establish a fertile land, no way.

"I don't think we have to offer anything" he stated and they all peered confusingly at him, in fact there was confusion written on their faces.

"I mean, that could be done after the karne Party. Maybe at that time, we could even offer a better amount" he suggested and the King kept mute for a while before he nodded.

"Then, it shall be" He said and they bowed in respect. This was it, but he would make sure that something happens after that party, to ensure that money reaches him.

After what everything had settled, the sultan ordered for Waziri in his chambers. There was something he didn't understand, why was Waziri trying to challenge his decision? The more confusing issue was the way he immediately chipped, as if he had planned to oppose him?

The Sultana(Queen) sat beside him, after observing how distressed he looked. She placed the tea cup gently on the stool beside him, before he abruptly looked at her, he smiled knowing that maybe she was worried.

"What's wrong Sultana" he asked before raising the cup to his mouth. She sighed, and adjusted her gown.

"I should be asking you that, Dear sultan, I've been noticing your mood, and it looks like something is bothering you, is it something o could know?

"Of course Sultana, you can but...I just don't understand why all these are happening" he replied and took a sip.

"Is it something serious My King" she asked again worriedly.

"No. It's about Waziri, he was acting weird today at the table. I just don't know" he replied and pinched the space between his eyes.

"I, I wanted to offer the bruman people a hundred hams for the new constructions, but suddenly, Waziri said that wasn't a good idea. I didn't want to say no to him, so I just agreed. You remember what father said about caring for him, because he was the weak one among us three. I did not want to make him feel depressed in any way," The sultan lamented. She listened carefully as he explained. It was hard sometimes to understand how a brother could sacrifice alot for his half-brother. But she could understand, he was the only one he has left to call family.

"Don't worry My King" she sated and smiled at him. "This could be a good sign that Waziri is changing," she added, but there wasn't certainty in her voice, as if she wasn't comfortable with her own words.

"I just hope so" the king spoke rapidly, almost gabbling the words.

The silence that descended on them could have been awkward, but just then Waziri came pushing the large door and walked towards them.

Waziri glowered at the sit in front of him, dragged it to himself and sat down firmly. They stayed in silence looking at each other.

"You ordered for me, My King" Waziri finally talked. He turned to look at the Sultana, who had a neutral expression. She then stood up and left for her room, not wanting to be part of this.

"Yes I did waziri" The Sultan replied and stood up. He walked to his collection of books, going through them.

"So, I wanted to know about the suggestions you made earlier" The Sultan finally said, and waziri huffed angrily. "Why did you do that" the king asked trying as much as possible to be nice.

"I thought it would be for the best, my King" he replied and clenched his fist. At that moment, all he wanted to do was to punch his brother hard. Why was he treating him like that? He's supposed to agree, be it a good idea or bad.

"But, Binda said it would be a little late after the Karne party" The king reminded, turning to face Waziri.

"Well, they could wait, if they want to!

"Waziri," the king shouted, but waziri only gulped, the sulkiness Of his expression barely hid the real fear that underlay his frustration.

"I'm just saying My King, if they can not cater for their village, they could kindly hand over the throne, our kingdom is mighty enough to take over the whole territory" Waziri bursted angrily and walked out, leaving the king in surprise.

"What has waziri become? Why would we take over their village? Isn't that selfishness? I should have known, all waziri ever wanted was power," the king thought before he sat back on the large couch. He sighed in disappointment, not knowing what to do, because he knows, Waziri could go to any extent.

The last time he listened to waziri, it led them to invading and taken over whole Jallan village including bringing their Hmmm women and strong men as slaves. But she that he actually doesn't care, because Jallan had been a strong competition since the regime of their grandfather. So, when he got the chance, they had a war and took away the Royal Crystal

away from them, and now, it declares Balkan as the strongest kingdom. He brought out the chain from his dress, with the crystal placed firmly in the center of the chain, he smiled and placed it back.
