Chapter One, Rose

I squirmed in my seat anxiously awaiting class. I always get to class early so that I don't have to talk to anyone or make any type of interactions.

I glanced at the clock behind the teachers desk and let out a small sigh. I have about fifteen minutes before class officially starts so maybe I should take a little nap to calm down my anxiety.

I took off my glasses and put my head in my arms ready to relax. I felt the darkness start to take over my body and fell into a comfortable sleep.

I was laying down on the couch watching some Doctor Who when my Dad started poking my forehead from behind the couch to get my attention and spoke,

"Hey muggrat, Mom says we need to head to the store for some ingredients for dinner tonight. You wanna come for the ride? Your brother said he'll meet us there since he's driving down from college today."

I sat up and looked over at him suspiciously,

"You aren't going to make me find everything again are you? You know you have a bad habit of getting lost in stores when it comes to getting stuff for Mom."

He only looked back at me sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. I groaned and got up off the couch heading to the door to grab my shoes.

"I'll go but you so owe me some icecream this weekend. This is the third time this week Dad, you gotta make Mom make you a detailed list or something." He let out a whole hearted laugh and nodded as we exited the house to the car.

I woke up to tears in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away as the class bell rang. I didn't remember what I was dreaming about but I felt a pain in my heart. As the class went on I looked out the window to watch the snow fall down from the sky. It was getting closer to winter break which meant New Years was closing in.

I hate that day with all of my being. Snow only reminded me of the day I lost them, of the accident that killed my brother and father on New Years Eve. I let out a soft sigh as I was brought back to attention when I heard the dismissal bell ring for the end of the day. I pushed back the strands of my long auburn hair that kept falling out of my messy bun and stood up once every one left the classroom.

I walked out and expected to see my best friend Parker waiting for me like he usually does but he wasn't at the door. I frowned for a moment and decided to leave school on my own today and then I thought to myself that I realized he must've got caught up in another one of his sports meetings or something. I could never understand how he could be around so many people at once. I guess being the most loved guy in school will make you busy. I wonder if he will be so popular once we reach high scho-

My thoughts were interrupted as I accidentally bumped into someone, knocking their books out of their grip. I immediately panicked and dropped down to pick them up apologizing profusely trying not to make eye contact. I really hate confrontation so I tried to quickly pick everything up when a foot slammed down on my hand that reached for one of the books that had fallen on the floor. I let out a small cry and looked up to the eyes of the school bully. The color left my color as I started to shake. Tyler. I just had to upset the bully, just my luck.

"Well well look who we have here, if it isn't little miss orphan",

I flinched at his words,

"Now who do you think you are knocking my things over huh? My books cost more than your life. How are you going to pay for the damages hmm?" He spoke down to me with a cruel twisted amused grin on his face.

"I- I'm sorry that I bumped i-into you Ty-Tyler. I swear I di-didn't mean to-"

"Shut up. No one wants to hear your excuses. You didn't answer my question girly. How are you going to pay me back."

"I..." I froze I didn't have any money and a crowd was starting to form around us. I began to have an anxiety attack. All I could see was blurs of faces laughing and whispering around me.

"Look at how pathetic you are. You think crying will get you out of this?!" He shouted, spit coming out of his mouth hitting my face.

I winced and closed my eyes now realizing that tears had already started pouring down my cheeks.

"Apparently you need to learn some real life lessons", he grabbed me from off the floor by my collar and looked me in the eyes with a psychotic piercing glare.

He went to swing at me and I closed my eyes waiting for impact.