
Her Thug

Belcalis POV

"Wait please I got a wife and kids Cardi-"


I shot him in the and his brain splatters as his dead body hits the ground with a thud and I sit back in my chair looking at my men who look quite fearful

"Let that be a lesson to the rest of y'all motherfuckers you fuck with my money you fuck with me." I said putting my 38 caliber pistol back in the drawer of my desk

"Go get my money now!!" I yell and they scramble trying to get out of my office closing my door

I sigh looking at the picture of my rider, my right hand, my partna... My wife

Onika Tanya Almanzar my wife of three years

"I gotta quit this life man I got too much to lose." I thought to myself already having that plan in action or resigning and letting someone else take my place

I become so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear my phone ring the first time

I look and seen it was Onika and quickly answer it

"Hey baby." I said propping my feet up on the desk leaning back

"Hey daddy I miss you." Onika says in her angelic voice

"I miss you too baby I'm almost about through here after that we can do whatever you like baby." I tell her and I hear her smile

"Baby we don't have to go out I rather us stay home and spend some quality time together... Cartman and Oniyah are at my mom's for the weekend." Onika says and I smirk standing up from my desk packing up everything

"Say no more baby I'm on the way." I say hanging up I pack up making sure not to leave anything important behind before I cut off the lights and lock my office door and make my way out the secret location and get into my dodge charger wasting no time locking the doors I get myself together putting on my seat belt and start the car backing out and onto the roads leading into the city

Just excited to get home to my woman when suddenly the phone rings and I see it's Onika I answer it with a quickness

"Baby come home now!!! Someone is trying to get in!!" Onika screams and I hear glass break

"Baby go into the closet and get my Glock!!" I yell and I hear her quickly moving around and I heard the closet door click and her shuffling through clothes

"I got it!!" Onika says being quiet

"Just wait baby hold on tight till I get there!!" I said running on the red lights to get to our simple yet luxurious house in the hills

I park my car not too far from the house and get out with my loaded 9 mm pistol and run towards the house seeing the door was kicked in I see a guy walking in and I fired a shot aiming straight for his head and his body fell with a quickness

Two more guys come running out the house and open fire I jump ducking behind some bushes and fire quick shots aiming for their legs until I see them both fall unto their knees and land on their face

There was Onika standing in the door way with my Glock dress in pink and black slutty lingerie

Part 2 on the way you guys🤗