
The Girl Next Door

Belcalis POV

"When I take drugs I go to them moon." I rapped listening to cocoon by Migos as I wrote in my journal

Enjoying the peace and tranquility that was until my sixteen year old sister Hennessy came bargining in flagging her hand in my face signaling me to take off my headphones

"What Hennessy?" I ask already beginning to sense some bullshit

"Mama said you gotta get dress and go help the neighbors who just moved in next door." Hennessy said and I was getting real irritated

"Don't you gotta help?" I asks and she smiles cheekily

"I don't have to mama says I gotta help her bake a cake." Hennessy and I roll my eyes before getting off my bed

I kicked Hennessy out and unplugged my headphones from my ipod and connected my ipod to my ihome vanity speaker pressing shuffle Fortunate by Maxwell came on

I walk over to my window opening the curtains as I felt the sun warm me up and I look down seeing a U-Haul truck

"Got damn." I muttered to myself seeing a short curvy girl with her hair in a bun wearing a tank top and some shorts that look like panties on her

I back away from the window not wanting her to see me amd I got take a shower

Onika POV

"Ugh!" I said as I bring in another heavy box into the house wiping the sweat that had build up on my forehead

"How many more boxes out there?" Mama asks and I sigh

"At least twelve more, but I'll have them all in before the day is over so we don't go over renting time on the U-Haul." I say and mama smiles at me

"Thank you baby." She says and kisses my cheek and with that I went back outside to grab another box

As I look I see a girl in the window next door

"Ahh!!" I gasps seeing that she was naked I caught site of her perky round breasts I was stuck as I imagine myself sucking on them

I quickly went back to what I was doing bringing the box in the house

I think I'm gonna like this neighborhood