Finding Shelter


It's been days since I am looking, peeping out of the NYPD precinct. My son was taken here days ago and he wasn't going out ever since. I am standing behind a tree, with my head full of uncertainties about what my son is doing. Is he sleeping enough? Is he eating enough? I hope he's fine and still sane inside his cell.

I can't help but blame myself for all of this. I want to come out and claim it. I want to say that I did it; that I killed Stefano. But this is not the right time yet. There are still plans that I need to accomplish first, before confessing. I need to reestablish myself and fix everything - my reputation to my son and the dignity that I lost.

Looking from here, there were cops everywhere. Though I cannot see things clearly due to my poor vision, I can pick an image of them. A lot of uniformed men outside the precinct. Some are eating donuts, some are just talking.

I am here just to see my son and nothing more. I want to see him and I want to check on him even just a glimpse. I know this is crazy, risking my identity to have a sight of what's going on with him but.. I can't help it. He's everything I got.


My diction was interrupted when I heard a voice in a distance. A sudden, short calling that had me awaken. I tilted my head to where it is coming from and I saw a uniformed man, probably a cop, coming towards me. "Hey you, in a shoal, don't move!" he uttered as he ran facing my direction.

My senses felt adrenaline coming in. The sudden intervention became a warning for me to run for my life, or else, it's over.

There, I ran heading east. This is the only thing I could do to save myself. I know what I did is risky, as though I visited my own grave, but I was just too agitated to see John Bryan. I don't know what I was doing either. I just.. want to touch him and be with him. I wanted to feel my son and I want him to feel that his mother.. Me.. I am alive.


The police continued chasing after. He's everywhere I go.

I was running through different sea of people coming along my way; until I heard sirens wailing in distance. It made me paranoid like I was in a horror movie. It's a living nightmare for me. This chasing and running situation is taking me away from my son.

I'm tired of playing games with the law. But I cannot quit this. I need to finish what I started.


I looked around and see cop cars. Three of them, chasing my tail. Oh no, this is getting worse.

As I went running through a random street, I took a left turn and hide beneath a shrub near a closed shop. I am feeling frightened, that maybe, this could be my last day as a free woman. That if they find me here, John and I will never meet again.

This situation is a dilemma that I know I cannot handle myself. I need to call Brandon. He can help me.

God, this man. Brandon. He's a lifesaver.

You know, ever since I met Brandon and he knew about what I've been through, he insisted helping me seek revenge. A long story to tell but to cut it short, he's the one who can help me from here.

I'm on a dead end and this shouldn't be the end for everything that I've planned. Things are just starting to get raveled.

I grabbed my phone in my pockets and started dialing Brandon's number.

(Phone ringing)

I took the phone in my right ear. After a ring, he answered.

"Hello? Brandon? I need your help." that was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I paused for seconds but he did not respond. It made me feel strange since Brandon has never been so quiet and unresponsive as this whenever I call him.

"Brandon? Please answer.. I - I'm afraid here. Cop cars are wailing in distance and I couldn't keep myself easy, please help me."

The other line never responded. I'm feeling uneasy.

"Brandon please hel-"

I immediately disconnected the call when I heard sirens coming closer to my direction. My mind froze for a minute. I remained as quiet as I could, seeing silhouette of cops heading towards this shrub.

"Did you see anything."

"Negative, sir."

"Then we need to go another way. I'll go right, you go left."

The cops then started to disperse after that small talk. I remained tight as they departed. Tension is crawling in me, but I remained cool. When they're totally gone as I confirmed it, I ran again, with nowhere else to go.


I'm now walking in crescendo. Cops did not catch me. Phew, I'm feeling relieved. I cannot feel my legs from miles of running. My nerves are numb and I couldn't move. Barely. I'm feeling tired. Everything just.. hurts and I'm sick of all of these. Of running as fast as I can.

"Ouch!" I uttered as I stumbled. I did not see someone coming along my way. We bumped into each other and the man immediately held onto me as I fell into the ground.

"I'm so sorry! Let me help you." He offered. I carried onto his arms and got up, now facing him.


I felt shivers down my spine. Is this real? I am facing my son, and everything is nearer; I am near him. I am holding him and he's holding me.

Oh God, my son. I've been waiting to feel him this close!

"Are you okay ma'am? I'm really sorry."

I am feeling astonished as I heard him speak. I involuntarily lifted my right hand up and touched his face. Everything came to me in an instant; everything that I've been through to get this near. The way I was bruised for my own son's sake. I am floating with longing.. I've been waiting for this my whole life.



"Are you - are you hurt, son?" I asked out of nowhere.

I suddenly felt a pinch in my heart. My son; he's all grown and mature; handsome and broad. He's so tall, and I can see it nearer. Everything, in detail. His eyes -- his.. his scent. My son -

"Uh.. sure, sure. I am, ma'am. I am okay." he replied.

I felt a tear coming down of my face. This is.. this is priceless.

"Is this real? You - you're close to me. Uh, Can I hug you?" I asked him.

"Su - sure ma'am why not?"

As he said those, I hugged him. Tight. So much like it was my last. I never felt anything this surreal even before. I cried and cried to him. I cannot control my emotions. But instead of pushing me away, he patted my head and sang me a lullaby:

Rock-a-bye baby

On the tree tops,

When the wind blows

The cradle will rock.

When the bough breaks

The cradle will fall,

And down will come baby

Cradle and all.


That made me feel vulnerable. I feel relieved; safer than anywhere but his arms. My hands are quivering in surprise. I -- I cannot explain this genuine happiness in me. "Thank you, son." That was the last thing I told him.

"You're fine, ma'am. Most welcome."

I'm feeling great that he grew up kind unlike his dad. I am so much amazed. Oh God, my son is a nice boy.

"I hope I can see you soon, can we? Like, coffee or.. or anything you want?"

"Yeah. We can do that sometime." he uttered

"Oh God - thank you. Just, Take care. Okay?"

"You too, ma'am. Please be healthy."

What he said made me feel a long lost love. My heart is full. I wiped my eyes with this shoal and started waving him goodbye. I know I have to go, or else the cops will find me.

He waved back to me and then, I walked away heading south. I sighed heavily as I saw him leave. This departure, almost like a sad ending.

I'm going to meet you again, my boy. I'm coming back to you.

I promise.



Jacqueline had been calling me through phone a lot lately, and things are starting to get puzzled.

Gina - Her daughter. My ex-girlfriend. Though, we never had a proper break up.

To be honest, I miss her so much I could not handle it. I left her and it turned out, her own mother left her, too. I thought about the things she kept on telling me when we were together about her parents and it's starting to make more sense to me. Jacqueline is her mother, who had been a drug addict. She is a part of the family that Gina never chose after the divorce. I always saw her mom as an irresponsible parent to her, but then, it turned out, I'm a clown. Because.. see this.. I'm running illegal stuff with that specific woman I used to hate.

This is kind of hurting my ego to be honest.

What the fuck, right?


After days of recollection, I decided to go to Jacqueline and help her feel whole again. I know it will be risky for me because I never left Miami for years. This will be the first time in a while that I would go out of my shell to actually find her daughter and also, the woman that I love.

I want to take her back.

Okay, I'm messing things up. But right, I'm coming to her. I promised Jac I will help her have Gina again, but we both know it will never be easy for either of us.