
I slumped against the counter and took a deep breath. Why can't people accept the way I am ? I just want a normal life, is it that much to ask for ? What did I ever do to deserve this ? My assassin family tried to kill me twice. I made my twin sister die. Now I almost killed my only brother. Everything is my fault... I...I am a monster... My breathe sped up and my chest heaved up and down. I...I can't breath... I pressed my hands on the cold tile floor and clutched my chest, gasping for air. "Help..." I murmured weakly. No. Suck it up. Don't call for help. You are a strong girl. No one accept who you are. Why call for help ? Your brother called you a monster. Who would want to help a psychopath ? Everyone hates you. A tear escaped my eyes, and I didn't bother to wipe it away. I pulled myself up and reached for the cupboard. Inside was dozen kinds of medicine I had to take. I swallowed a tranquilizer and stared at the label outside the bottle. "What are you taking ?" I whipped my head around in surprise and the bottle dropped onto the floor. Xan stood in front of me and picked the medicine up. "No don't-" I tried to snatch it away but he had already grabbed the bottle away. "Tranquilizer ? Akïla what the hell ?" I sat on the counter and leaned my head on the cupboard slowly, "Go on. Lecture me. I don't care anymore. Call me a freak and a bitch like everyone else does." He put the bottle of pills beside me and gently tuck a strand of ears behind my ears, "Chica, no. Is that what you think of me ?" "My brother called me a monster. My uncle called me pathetic and weak. My father tried to shot me. My mother said I killed her child. Nothing can surprise me anymore." I muttered. "Akïla, I love you. I'll never say these things about you." Xan said gently. I closed my eyes and sighed, "So did Asher..." He took my hands in his and looked at me, "I love you not because of your body. I love you because you are the most amazing girl I've ever laid my eyes on. You are beautiful even with those scars and bruises..." He gently caressed my marks and I blushed. "I love you because of your personality. You are fierce, strong and confident. You fight for what you believe in. You never give up. Yes, you sometimes lose control on yourself, but so what? Doesn't everyone does ? It's just a matter of frequency. I accept your flaws and your weaknesses. I love them. I love your whole person, not just your looks and physical things. I will never betray or leave you again, Akïla." I cleared my throat and murmured, "Thankyou..." He squeezed my cheeks, "Smile one for me, chica. Don't always scowl. See ? You have wrinkles on your forehead. It makes you look old." I smacked his hand away and glared at him, "Who are you calling old, moron ? And, no, I am not smiling..." He cocked one eyebrow up, "Oh ? Is that a challenge I see ?" I shrugged my shoulders, "Maybe," He smirked, "Challenge accepted." He tickled me with one hand while holding my body firmly with another hand. "HEY ! It''s not fair...ahahaha...stop..." I giggled and tried to push Xan away from me, while choking out those words. "Finally the beautiful smile I've been waiting for." he commented. He let go of me and I put my hands up in defence, eying him warily. "Come now, we need to go to the hospital." he motioned me forward. I rolled my eyes, "Oh yes. I need to find out who the dead child is." I swung my legs round his waist, throwing my arms around Xan's neck. He automatically grabbed my thighs tightly. "Give me a piggyback ride." I poked his cheeks with my index finger. "Sure thing chica." He slapped my butt and teased. "MAYHEM ! WATCH WHERE YOU ARE TOUCHING..."