Who Gets Second Chances

The three guardians were just about to head back when they heard the scream.

Kai immediately conjures a portal, and they hop into it. It takes them only a second to arrive at the camp, right as a horned beast charges towards the defenceless Sorceress. Kyungrig is nowhere to be seen.

The creature goes down in a matter of seconds. Xiumin's precision with his ice spear is terrifying, but this feels too easy.

While Lay tends to the Sorceress and calms her down, Kai moves towards the dead beast. It's a Rockhorn, but there's something peculiar about it that he can't put a finger on. Nevertheless, it doesn't look very menacing, and he isn't sure why it would even attack in the first place. Rockhorns are rather tame creatures that those from Archylte Steppe, his home, kept as pets. He looks to Xiumin, who has the same expression as he does. They don't feel good about this.