Very Angry, and Rightfully So

If Sephyrus weren't so weak when he wakes up and finds himself surrounded by the guardians, he would have strangled each and every one of them.

How /dare/ they? How dare they show up now, after all that has happened? How dare they take so long to find him? How dare they let them take Atelier?

"You bastards," he coughs.

"He's awake," Lay says, alerting the others. They come closer to him, looking at him with concern as if he is a child who has woken up from a nightmare. And he hates that.

"Why don't you wait until I /can't/ wake up?"

"Yeah, he's fine alright," Kyungrig smirks.

"The venom had almost spread throughout your entire body when we found you," Lay tells him. The gentleness in his voice calms him down. "I purged it. You'll still feel rather weak for a while, but at least you're not dying."

"What happened, Sephyrus?"