What Are We If Not Reckless

It didn't seem like it at first, but Atelier soon realises that the encounter with the Three Witches have rattled Kreiss more than he let show.

He doesn't speak, doesn't say a single word as they make their way down the mountains. She wishes she knows what she can say to ease his worries; if only she knew what exactly is plaguing his mind.

Is he thinking about what Hal said about her, like she is? The witch's words haunt her. Hellraiser, she called Atelier.

She shudders, remembering yet again the vision she had. She thinks now, that it is a warning of the future. A warning of what she may eventually become.

/There is not enough light in the world to keep the evil within you at bay…/

Atelier shuts her eyes. No – that's ridiculous – she isn't evil! The damn witch must be tricking her, rousing her fear and self-doubt on purpose. Well, Atelier won't grant her the satisfaction. She won't let Hal's words get to her head and stand in the way of her duty.