back at school...
"Congratulations!" Jiha and Hosook said to Taekyung, handing him a gift.
Taekyung grabbed the gift confused, "Oh! Thanks guys... but what are you congratulating me on?"
Hosook clapped cheerfully, "It's your coming out present!"
Taekyung smiled at the adorable gesture from his bestfriends. "Aww. How'd you guys find out?"
"Oh, Jaehyuk told us. He said that we should get you a gift because it took lots of guts." Jiha said patting Taekyung's back.
Taekyung made and "aw" face at his friends, "Oh my god. Guys that's so sweet of you, but you didn't need to-"
"Open it, dammit!" Jiha said impatiently. "I know right? We paid so much money for it." Hosook said.
Taekyung instantly shut up, laughed and began opening the pretty decorated gift box. He pulled out two tickets from the box. He smiled, "And what are these for?"
Hosook did a happy dance, "It's for you and Jaehyuk to go to a rage room!"
Taekyung's jaw dropped, "OHHHHHH! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!" He hugged both of his friends gratefully.
"Wait where is Jaehyuk right now?" Hosook said looking around.
Taekyung laughed nervously, "Oh, he's actually at the principal's office. They're talking about his grades."
Jiha and Hosook nodded normally because this was normal.
Taekyung suddenly remembered about Seonho and looked around confused, "Uhm... Hey guys, have you seen that new kid at all today? Seonho?"
Both Jiha and Hosook froze for a second but then brushed it off. "Nah, haven't seen that guy anywhere." Hosook said acting natural.
Taekyung nodded his head. He thought that maybe after him and Seonho saw each other, that Seonho realized it'd be best to move schools.
"Taekyung go find Jaehyuk. He's probably looking for you anyways." Jiha said.
Taekyung nodded, "Okay, I'll go look for him. Thank you guys for the gift, bye!" Taekyung walked off into the hallway.
Jiha and Hosook both looked at eachother concerned. Jaehyuk had told them both what he did to Suho and why.
to be continued...